The Chinese Pokemon (part 1) One summer day, Ash and his family decided to go on a trip to Hong-Kong, "This is going to be fun! "Ash yelled with full excitement, "Pika, pika?" "Don't worry Pikachu, of course we will take you and the others with us." After 5 hours of flying, they have finally arrived at the Hong-Kong international airport." Wow! I can't wait to see the Chinese culture! Hu?" Suddenly, Ash saw someone like James who is sitting in the back of a black Benz," What? Have James returned to his family? No, that can't be, he said he want to be free, maybe it was someone else." " Honey! What are you doing? The taxi had arrived." "Coming, mom." "Pika, pika." The taxi took them to a very huge and beautiful hotel," Oh.....Is here we will be staying? It's gigantic!" " It's 6 p.m. already? Ash, are feeling hungry?" his dad asked, "Yeah, kind of, how about you mom?" "Me too." "Alright then, let's put our stuffs in our room and go to find a nice restaurant in Downtown and have a walk." "Agree, dad!" Walking on the street of Downtown, Ash and his mom and dad saw a lot of restaurant and were unable to decide which one to go in, "Mmm, this one look good, that one too, and that...." Suddenly, Ash ran into someone, "Ouch, that hurts!" "Sorry, I didn't....What!" "Ash?!" "Misty?! I've never dream to be able to see you here, I thought you were back at your gym." " I was, but my sister won a lottery of a huge amount, so we decided to have a trip. Say...What ARE YOU doing here?" "My family decided to have a trip for my summer vacation, and they choose here. Mom, dad, this is Misty, a gym leader, she traveled with me on my way." " Nice to meet you and hello there Pikachu, longtime no see." " Pika pikachu." " Nice to meet you too Misty." at this time, they heard a familiar voice," Miss, do you like to know about how to make the pokemonfood for your Vulpix? I own a Vulpix too and...." "Brock!!!!"Ash and Misty yelled at same time, "Hu? Ash and Misty?! What are you guys doing here? Oh, I see, you two are taking a trip for ONLY two person?", Misty punched Brock, " I WILL NEVER DO THAT!!!" " Sorry, I was only kidding." " Ash, who might he be?" Ash's mother asked," Oh, his name is Brock, he's also a gym leader who was with us and he want to become the world's best pokemon breeder." "Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum." Ash's father suddenly says:" Say, Misty and Brock, how about having dinner with us, me and my wife are interesting in our son's adventure and you can bring your family too." " That's a good idea, and now you will know how good I was." "Maybe you mean how many trouble we were in..."Misty said. To be continue...... The Chinese Pokemon(part2) Ash, Misty, Brock and their family go into a restaurant called" The golden Dragon", it's a buffet which also provide food for Pokemons. Ash and friend sit at a table for 20 person and Pikachu, Togepi, Vulpix and the others pokemon sit on a rounded chair with a round table at the center. They talk, laugh just like a big family reunion. At the manager's office, there's three people, two standing, one sitting and a Pokemon, "Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double." "To protect the world from devastation!" "To unite all people within our nation." "To denounce the evil of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the star above." "Jessie!" "James." "Team Rocket blast at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight." "Meow, that's right!" The man in the center spoke: " That's enough of you stupid motto, can't you think about something else?" James: "Sorry, Mr.Yen. These lines are our hobbies and you can't ask us to change." Mr.Yen:" Whatever. Now, when will you make my Pokemon egg hatch? I gave you money and everything you want, just when are you going to let me see what kind of Pokemon is hidden inside?" Jessie:" Oh, don't be so inpatient, we will make it hatches in no time, but we need to wait for the time to come. You know, we can only do the right thing at the right time, aren't everybody like this?" Mr.Yen: "Yeah, but..." Meowth:" There's no "but..", we will make it hatch when it's the right time, you just sit here, count your money and wait." James: "Oh, I'm a little hungry now, why don't we go out and get something to eat?" Team Rocket got out of the office and went to the cafeteria. While walking, James asked Jessie:" Jessie, are you sure that you will make that pokemon egg hatch and give him the pokemon?" "Idiot! Of course not, we will make it hatch and give that pokemon to the boss, and then, we will become the top Team Rocket champion of the World!" " And I'll be the top cat of the boss!" At the cafeteria, Brock:" Hey guys, have you heard a rumor of a 4000 year old Chinese mysterious pokemon egg?" "A Pokemon egg?" "Yeah, it's a egg which the pokemon it content is still a mystery, but the scientists are sure that the egg is still alive!" Ash:" Still alive after 4000 year?! I wonder what kind of pokemon is inside. Maybe an Aerodactyl?" Misty:" I wish it could be a very cute pokemon just like Togepi." Brock:" And do you know where that egg is now? Guess what, it's the owner of this restaurant who own it!" Ash:" The owner of this restaurant?! I wish I can meet him." " Ha! meet him? Who do you think you are?" a voice come out behind Ash, Ash: "Gary?! And professor Oak?! What are you guys doing here?" "Eating of course." "Oh, Ash, are you here to see that pokemon egg too?", professor Oak asked, "Well, I wasn't, but now I am. Can you let me see that egg?" " Of course! I'm an old friend of the owner of this restaurant, his name is Yen. And he phoned me yesterday to tell me to come and see that the egg is about to hatch! I will sure add it to my pokedex!" "Wow! Isn't this cool? We can finally see that pokemon inside of the egg.", said Misty. After the meal, Ash, Misty, Brock, Gary, Pikachu, Togepi and professor Oak walk to the manager's door, "My name is Oak, I'm friend of Mr.Yen and I like to see him please." Professor said to the guard, " As you wish, sir." To be continue................. The Chinese Pokemon(part3) Entered in the office, Yen was sitting in the center of the room. " Longtime no see Oak, how's your research? Anything new?" " Of course! I just saw some amazing pokemon: Mewtwo, Mew, Houhou, Articuno, Moltre, Zapdos and Dragonite! Are these enough for you?" " Wow! Did you catch them?" "No, I didn't, but my friend here saw those and gave me the datas. Here's Ash, the new pokemon master of Japan." " Nice to meet you Mr.Yen." "Nice to meet you too Ash. It's amazing that you saw all those mysterious pokemons, why don't you catch them? Those pokemons are very strong, you can win pokemon battle very easily with them." " Well, I think pokemon are not born to battle and it's better to let them live freely.", Gary say lightly:" You didn't catch those pokemon only because your pokemon are too weak against them, isn't that right Ash?" Ash answered lightly:" You're right only in one thing..." Professor Oak:" Say, Yen. Have your egg hatch yet?" " Not now, I think it will still take some times, but don't worry, I have 'expert' who are helping me. It should hatch soon." Brock:" Experts?" " Yes, experts." Suddenly, the door opened, it was James, Jessie and Meowth who just finished eating, " Ah, there they are, let me introduce you...." "Team Rocket!!!!" "What are you kids doing here?! You were following us around?!" Ash yelled: "Mr.Yen, they are not pokemon scientist, they're criminal! Team Rocket always trick people, They will steal your egg!" " Wha...What! I was tricked?!" "Ha! Old fool, now we can take away everything we want, include your egg." " That's right, meow." "Not so fast. Pikachu, Bulbusaure, Hitmoncham, Pidgeotto, ATTACKKKKK!!!" " Go Geodude, Vulpix!" " Go! Starmie!" All their pokemon surrounded Team Rocket, " Fool, you think you can catch us like that? I'll show you what are the REAL pokemon. Go Arbok, Nidoqueen!" " Weezing, Nidoking, go." " Guess what, me Meowth has pokemon too! Go Ryhorn!" " We got these pokemon from our boss, they're very strong, do you think you can beat them?" " Weezing, smoke screen now." " Weezing, weezing." The whole place was fill with gas, " Pidgeotto, gust attack!" Pigeotto's gust attack pulls the smoke away, but Team Rocket already disappeared. " Pidgeotto, follow them!" " Dgeot,Dgeot." "Let's go guys, let's find them!" " Right." On the Balloon, Jessie, James and Meowth were happy about their victory," Ha, that was too easy, it's like taking a candy from a baby." "Yeah, but Jessie, do you know what kind of pokemon is inside of this egg?" "No, but who care, it must bee a very rare pokemon which an live up to 4000 year old. Anyway, just make sure that you don't break it or I'll kill you." " Meowth that's right, so, to be absolutely sure, let me take care of the egg, I'll take care of it just like I did with Togepi." " Not a chance, Meowth, have you forgot Togepi ended up with whom?" "....Misty...." "That's it, so, I will not let the same thing happen this time." "Hey, there's a cave, maybe we can hide in it." "Good idea, let's land." "Meow roger!" Pidgeotto saw them land, and return to Ash. "Pidgeotto! Where are they now?" "Dgeot,dgeot." "Alright, guys, let's follow Pidgeotto!" With Pidgeotto's help, they soon arrived at the cave where hide Team Rocket. "Wow, it sure is a huge cave." said Ash while looking around, Misty yelled:" There they are!" "Ok, go Pikachu! Pikachu, Thunder attack!" "Pikachuuuuuuuuu!" It was a direct hit, but Team Rocket didn't seen to be damaged much," Stupid fool, we thought you might do that, so we put on our special made Electric, Fire evade suite. Now go, Arbok and Nidoqueen!" " Rage attack plus Tackle now Nidoking!" "Onix, block his attack!" " Staryu, spinning tackle plus harden attack!" Staryu hit Arbok and Weezing, they both pass out. " Good work Staryu." "Himonchamp! Give them your Elemental Rocket punch now!" "Hitmonnnnn....Champppppppppppppppppppp!" Jessie said amazingly:" What kind of attack is that?! It looks like a stream of rainbow!" " Vulpix, the enemies are weak now, FireSpin attack!!!" Nidoking, Nidoqueen and Ryhorn seen to be damaged a lot," Pidgeotto, finish them with Whirlwind!" A giant twister took team rocket away, "Noooooo.....Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off againnnnnnn...................." "Nice team work guys!" Misty:" Hey, where's the egg?" Ash: "There it is!" When Ash touched the egg, the egg hatched, a stream of golden light fill the whole place, and a Golden dragon appeared, it has a very long body, and it's very beautiful, it look at Ash for a moment, and it licked Ash. Professor Oak:" I've never seen one pokemon like that, but I read about it on a book, I think it's called "Kim-Long of five claws"." Yen:" This is actually the dragon?! It's so beautiful! But it looks like it likes Ash a lot." Brock: "Hey Ash, I think that pokemon likes you." Misty: "Oh, you're so lucky! I wish I was the one who touched the egg." Ash: "Well, but this pokemon belong to Mr.Yen, I can't keep it. Kim-Long, your master is Mr.Yen, go to him." But the dragon didn't want to obey Ash, it's still sticking after Ash. "Can that be?" "What, Yen, what do you mean?" " According to the legend, only a person who has a good heart can make a dragon egg hatch, Ash might be the one." "Who, me?" "Yes Ash, the dragon decided to hatch for you and now it want to follow you. Ash, I don't know what to say, but, take care of Kim-Long." "But I don't think I'm good enough, and beside, it's your egg." "No, you can have it, Kim-Long chooses you and you can't refuse." "But.." "Don't worry, he will be a good pokemon." "Thank you, Mr.Yen, I'll take good care of it. Now Kim-Long, get into the pokeball." "No no no! You can't keep Kim-Long in a Pokeball, It will refuse to go in, even a Masterball can't keep it." "You mean I'll have him walk with us like Pikachu? Ok, That won't change anything." Brock: "But, it's so huge..." Yen: "Don't worry, it can minimize itself like a Mr.Mime. It will appear like a small reptile but a gold one." So, Ash got a new pokemon that there's not another one all over the world. And, they all had a great vacation. "I'll continue my pokemon journey when we return to Japan, I will collect all 32 badges and catch all kind of pokemon!" " Bring me too, I want to catch a Pikablu." Misty said, "I want to travel around and learn different technique of breeding a pokemon." said Brock. And then, The three friends join together again on a journey around the world. "I will beat you this time Ash, you'll see. I will make it before you and I won't let you win from me again!" said Gary.