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ASFCheck is an .asf file verification utility. ASFCheck can be used to detect and fix some problems that are commonly found in ASF version 1.0 files. Not all problems can be fixed or detected by this utility. This utility supports batch mode, so you can verify all .asf files in a directory by typing "*.asf" in place of the filename at the command line.

ASFCheck has three command-line options.

Option Description
/f Instructs ASFCheck to repair the file, if possible. If this option is chosen, the file repair occurs in place, and the repaired file replaces the damaged file. If you want to keep the earlier version, make a backup copy of the file in another directory.
/v Instructs ASFCheck to provide verbose output.
/s Instructs ASFCheck to recurse through subdirectories starting from the current directory.

Default messages created by ASFCheck are displayed in the console window. To have them saved to a file, use the syntax from the following example:

asfcheck /f /v /s c:\*.asf > work.log 2> error.log

This command creates two files: work.log and error.log. Work.log will contain messages that relate to fixing the file; error.log will contain messages that relate to errors encountered in the .asf file.

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