3 No audio input devices detected, therefore live capture options have been disabled. 4 Windows Media Encoder 5 No Video Input 6 To record output to a file you need to specify a file name. 7 Since the maximum file size field is zero, is it ok to disable this restriction? 8 You must have audio codecs installed in order to use this application. 9 No video codecs are installed that work with this product, therefore video input options have been disabled. 10 No video capture devices detected, therefore video input options have been disabled.. 11 Software\Microsoft\NetShow\REX 12 Could not locate Windows Media Services error resource dll. 13 Audio compressor failed with error code [%1]. 14 Windows Media Services error occurred. Code [%1]. 15 Video compressor failed with error code [%1]. 16 Failure occurred. Code [%1]. 17 A stream alias must be specified. 18 Advanced configuration data contains invalid settings. 19 Video Input: 20 Unable to auto-generate a free IP port.\nRestarting the computer may correct the problem. 21 The specified IP port is currently in use by another program.\nSelect another port or use the query button to obtain a free port from the system. 22 Unable to ping the Station Manager. Either the net connection is invalid, the Station Manager does not exist or the Station Manager is offline. 23 Local ASF File 24 ASF Files (*.asf)|*.asf|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 25 Media Files (*.avi;*.wav;*.mp3)|*.avi; *.wav; *.mp3|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 26 Open 27 You cannot specify a bitrate under 19 kbps and have video. Specify a higher value or go back to the Input Source page and remove video. 28 The specified bitrate is not supported at this time. 29 Selecting custom bitrate requires you to fill in a value for it in bits per second. 30 0 Seconds / IFrame is not allowed with the currently selected codec. 31 Since the maximum duration field is zero, is it ok to disable this restriction? 32 The specified input file does not contain video and is not valid with the current configuration.\n\nSelect a different input file, or if you want to encode audio only, go to the Properties page,\nselect Input tab and check the "Audio only" check box. 33 The specified file on the Input tab is not a video file. Select a new video file.\n\nIf you want to encode audio only, check the "Audio only" check box. 50 &Start 51 &Stop 100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 101 102 minutes 103 hours 104 days 105 http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?Prd=WMT&Sbp=WMSTUDIO&Plcid=0x0409&Pver=3&os=WIN&Over=4&Olcid=0x0409&Clcid=0x0409&Ar=SP&Sba=&O1=02 107 Could not start application to display the following URL (%d):\n\n%s 128 Windows Media Encoder\n\nASD\nASD Files (*.asd)\n.asd\nAsf.RealTimeEncoder\nASF Stream Description File 129 Enumerating video input devices. Please Wait.... 130 Enumerating audio input devices. Please Wait.... 131 Enumerating installed video encoders. Please Wait.... 132 Enumerating installed audio encoders. Please Wait.... 133 No Audio 134 No Video 135 %u kbps 136 %u bytes 137 Not Running 138 %u frames 139 (%u commands) 140 (%u%%) 141 %u bytes 142 %u kilobytes 143 %u megabytes 144 %u.%0.02u kbps 145 %u.%u fps 146 Software\Microsoft\Netshow\REX\Codecs 147 Windows Media Encoder Statistics 148 Are you certain you want to stop encoding and close any connected streams? 149 The output ASF file already exists. Would you like to overwrite the existing file? 150 Please enter a valid ASF filename. 151 %u gigabytes 1027 Start encoding\nStart 1029 Send script command \nSend 1100 Stop encoding\nStop 4100 No video capture device are installed. 4101 Video capture source requested was not installed. 4102 No video codecs are installed. 4103 The video compression codec requested was not installed. 4104 No audio codecs are installed. 4105 The audio compression codec requested was not installed. 4106 Unable to create video capture window. 4107 Unable to attach video capture device to capture window. 4108 There already is a running stream active on this video input device. 4109 The video capture window is not connected to a capture driver. 4110 Could not set the video capture format. 4111 Invalid video capture parameters specified. 4112 Invalid audio capture parameters specified. 4113 Could not open requested video compressor. 4114 Unable to obtain output information from video compressor. 4115 Video compressor failed start request. 4116 Failure occurred during video compression. 4117 Failure setting video compression options. 4118 According to your current selections, you need to specify a file name. 4119 Specified file does not exist. 4120 Cannot access this file because you do not have read access. 32771 Configure video input source settings\nVideo Capture Settings 32772 Modify the audio input volume. 32775 View statistics for the current session\nStatistics 32776 Play the audio as it is being recorded\nAudio Preview 32777 Capture\view the current settings.\nProperties 32779 Select a multimedia file to convert to ASF\nInput Source 32780 Launch the standard audio mixer control.\nVolume Control 32795 Preview Postencoded Images\nPreview 32796 Preview PreEncoded Images 32797 Destroy the Preview Window 32800 Enter text for script command\nScript 32801 Send the script command\nSend 32802 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 32805 Advanced information about encoding and ASDs\nOn-Line Information 32806 Publish streaming media to the World Wide Web\nPublish to Web 57344 Windows Media Encoder 57345 Ready 57600 Create a new ASD configuration\nNew 57601 Open an existing ASD configuration\nOpen 57602 Close the active document\nClose 57603 Save the active configuration\nSave 57604 Save the active configuration with a new name\nSave As 57616 Open this configuration 57617 Open this configuration 57618 Open this configuration 57619 Open this configuration 57620 Open this configuration 57621 Open this configuration 57622 Open this configuration 57623 Open this configuration 57624 Open this configuration 57625 Open this configuration 57626 Open this configuration 57627 Open this configuration 57628 Open this configuration 57629 Open this configuration 57630 Open this configuration 57631 Open this configuration 57632 Erase the selection\nErase 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text\nFind 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save configuration\nExit 57666 How to use Help\nHelp 57667 Display the table of contents for the online documentation.\nTable of Contents 57668 Displays help on how to use help\nUsing help 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61204 Connecting to Station Manager. Please Wait.... 61205 Creating Station Manager stream. Please Wait.... 61206 You have indicated you wish to connect to an Station Manager on the same machine that rex is running on. This is not recommended for performence reasons. Do you want to continue? 61207 You must specify a valid Windows Media Server machine name. 61208 Cannot connect to Station Manager. Please specify another Station Manager or a port. 61209 Cannot allocate port. 61210 Allows remote machines to connect over the network and receive media data. 61211 {No selection} 61212 00:00:00 61213 %0.02u:%0.02u:%0.02u 61214 Alias1 61215 Video Capture 61216 Standard 61217 Failed to load string from resource. 61218 You need to select a System Stream Format from the list box. 61219 Your selected System Stream Format has problem. 61220 The quickest way to configure streaming to a Windows Media Server. You choose the bandwidth and type of ASF stream you want to create, all other configuration settings are automatically chosen for you. 61221 You specify the input source and the output options. The template sets the other configuration options based on the bandwidth and ASF stream type you select. 61222 You specify options for input, transcoding, and output. For advanced users. 61223 Open an existing ASF Stream Description (.ASD) configuration file. 61224 Script Command: 61225 Send 61226 Script 61227 Toggles Script toolbar 61228 Toggles Standard toolbar 61229 Enter text for script command \nScript 61230 Send script command \nSend 61231 Script Command 61232 Video Codec: %s \n 61234 Audio Codec: %s \n 61235 Audio Format: %s \n 61236 Frames/Second: %u fps \n 61237 Seconds/IFrame: %u \n 61238 Capture Image Dimension: %ux%u \n 61239 Video Quality: %u%% \n 61240 msbd://%s:%s 61241 or \nhttp://%s:%s 61242 Stream Alias: %s \nStation Manager: %s 61243 %u FPS 61244 Encoding 61245 http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia 61246 &Default ( %s ) 61247 Default Video Codec 61248 Software\Microsoft\Netshow\REX\Default Codec 61249 Default Audio Codec ( 28.8 kps ) 61250 Default Audio Codec 61251 Compression: %s 61252 Do you want to revert to the saved "%s"? 61253 Video stream #%d 61254 %u day(s), %0.02u:%0.02u:%0.02u 61255 Untitled 61256 You are loading an ASD from an earlier version of the Encoder. If you make any changes and save them, the file will be upgraded to the current version and you will need to regenerate the NSC file. 61257 D&efault ( %s ) 61258 unused 61259 unused 61260 unused 61261 Default Audio Only Format 61262 Default 56 Format 61263 Default 110 Format 61264 On Air 61265 Off Air 61266 Custom 61267 Custom - Multiple Bit Rate 61268 Encoding Speed 61269 Faster 61270 Quality 61271 %d%% 61272 .wav 61273 Default 28 Format 61274 unused 61275 No video data available. 61276 Waiting for video data... 61277 Advanced Video Settings 61278 Please specify an integer between 0 and %d. 61279 Please specify an integer between 32 and %d. 61280 Your clipping width plus clipping left position exceeds the image width. 61281 Your clipping height plus clipping top position exceeds the image height. 61282 Image's clipping width and height have to be multiple of 4. 61283 .mp3 61284 Clipped Image Position: ( %u, %u ) \n 61285 Clipped Image Dimension: %ux%u \n