OPERATION FLASHPOINT: COLD WAR CRISIS DEMO README (c) Codemasters 2001 Welcome to the Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis demo. In this demo there is one level available, in which you play as a part of an infantry squad. Your squad's mission is to neutralise the hostile forces in a small area of one of the islands in the game. In the full game you can look forward to a full campaign, featuring over 30 missions. You shall be able to play as an infantry soldier, a tank commander, a pilot and a special forces operative. Eventually, you shall also be able to command other troops in combat to test your tactical skills as well as your combat awareness. CONTROLS ---------------------------------- Infantry Keyboard [W] Forward [E] or [SHIFT]+[W] Sprint [A] Strafe Left [D] Strafe Right [S] Backwards [SHIFT]+ Direction Key Move Fast [Q] or [Z] Lie Down / Stand Up [R] Reload Weapon [RETURN] Open Action Menu (see Action Menu) [0]-[9] Call Command Menu and select menu items (see Squad Command) [Backspace] Call Command Menu and go back a level in the command structure [Numpad.] Switch Command View On/Off [V] or [Numpad 0] Switch Weapon View On/Off [Numpad+]/[Numpad-] Zoom In / Out (1st, 3rd Person View only) [M] Map Mouse Mouse Left / Right Turn Left / Right Mouse Up / Down Look Up / Down Left Mouse Button Fire Gun / Throw Weapon / Use Item in hand Mouse Wheel Call Action Menu and highlight menu items Middle Mouse Button / Click Mouse Wheel Select Action Menu Item Right Mouse Button Zoom In Land / Sea Vehicle Movement Keyboard [Q] Slow Forward [W] Forward [E] Fast Forward [A] Turn Left [D] Turn Right [S] Decelerate / Brake [SHIFT]+ Direction Key Move Fast Mouse Switch Between Mouse Look and Mouse Steer with numpad [*] key Mouse Look Mouse Move Mouse Left / Right Look Left / Right Steer Left / Right Mouse Up / Down Look Up / Down Right Mouse Button Select Target / Lock On (see Targeting and Firing Vehicle Weapons) Left Mouse Button (Target Selected) Fire Weapon Left Mouse Button (NO Target Selected) Move to point (providing you have assumed the role of Commander and you have a driver on your crew) NB. You may only have access to your vehicle's Targeting and Firing Systems if you are so authorized (e.g. sole occupant of vehicle, gunner or Tank Commander (see Tank Command and Targeting and Firing Vehicle Weapons). Air Vehicle Movement Keyboard [W] or [Cursor Up] Forward [E] or [RShift and Up] Fast Forward [A] or [Cursor Left] Strafe Left [D] or [Cursor Right] Strafe Right [X]/[C] or [Del]/[End] RotateLeft / Right [S] or [Cursor Down] Decelerate [Q] or [Page Up] Ascend [Z] or [Page Down] Descend Mouse Switch Between Mouse Look and Mouse Steer with numpad [*] key Mouse Look Mouse Move Mouse Left / Right Look Left / Right Steer Left / Right Mouse Up / Down Look Up / Down Nose Up / Down Right Mouse Button Select Target / Lock On (see Targeting and Firing Vehicle Weapons) Left Mouse Button (Target Selected) Fire Weapon NB. You may only have access to your aircraft's Targeting and Firing Systems if you are so authorized (e.g. pilot of aircraft or gunner - see Targeting and Firing Vehicle Weapons). Universal Controls [SPACEBAR] Select weapon Middle Mouse Button Call Action Menu / Confirm Action Mouse Wheel Select Action Menu item [/] numpad Show Compass [*] numpad Toggle Mouse Look / Mouse Steer + / - Increase / Decrease game speed Action Menu [RETURN] / Middle Mouse Button - open Action Menu [Square Brackets] / Mouse Wheel - highlight Action [RETURN] / Middle Mouse Button - activate Action and close Menu [close sidebar] The context-sensitive Action Menu is used for such tasks as selecting and drawing your weapon/s or for selecting special weapons or ammo. It is also used to enter, change seats (1st Person view only) or disembark vehicles. Encountering a specific point in a mission will sometimes cause new options to become available in the Action Menu. When this occurs, the Action Menu will automatically appear to allow you to activate the new options. The Action Menu also allows you to access functions not available via the standard control keys. Press [RETURN] or Middle Mouse Button to call up the Action Menu and use [ & ] or the Mouse Wheel to underline the action you want to perform. Once selected, press [RETURN] or Middle Mouse Button again to activate the action. Attacking Targeting & Firing Personal Firearms Personal firearms can be targeted in several ways depending on the view you are using at the time. For some missions where fast paced no-time-to-think action is required, the point-and-shoot method used in 1st and 3rd Person views may be the best option. Alternatively, where stealth, cunning and intelligence are required, the more considered approach of Weapons View may be more appropriate, especially if you are equipped with a specialist sniper sight. In 1st/3rd Person View In 1st / 3rd Person view, the crosshair in the center of the screen shows the approximate aiming of your weapon. The floating dot shows the actual point that your bullet would land at, not taking into account cross-wind or range. A perfect shot can be achieved when the dot is in the center of the crosshair. Note how, when you are running, the floating dot moves about much more quickly and is more difficult to locate in the crosshair. To aim more accurately in this view, slow down or stop. Better still, lie down as this braces your arms against the ground and gives you greater stability and less reaction from recoil. In Weapon View For even greater accuracy, switch to Weapon View by pressing [INS] on the numpad. This view shows your gun sights and allows you to draw a much more accurate bead on your enemy. If you have a weapon that is equipped with specialist sights, you will be able to aim even more accurately still. To re-map control keys for the various actions available, simply click in the field that you want to amend and delete its contents. Enter the new key and click OK. If at any time you want to return the control keys to their original settings, simply click the Default button. --------------------------------------- Minimum specification --------------------------------------- PII 400 64Mb RAM 16Mb graphics card (DirectX or Glide) DirectX compatible sound card 200MB free hard disk space (after install) --------------------------------------- Recommended specification --------------------------------------- PIII 700 128Mb RAM 32Mb graphics card (3DFX recommended) DirectX compatible sound card --------------------------------------- Flashpoint demo optimisation. --------------------------------------- If you are having problems with frame rates, these are the steps to take to improve performance. 1. In the advanced section in the preferences (before the game is entered), in the effects Tab turn off Object shadows turn the max lights setting to 1 turn off Explosions, Missiles, Static. 2 In the Textures Tab, turn the Cockpits to 64x64 turn the Objects to 64x64 turn the Landscape to 64x64 turn the Special Effects to 32x32 turn the auto drop down to none. 3 In the Details Tab, turn the shadows to 200m turn the Max shadows to 5 turn the LOD up (numerically) as far up as the graphics card will allow for the text to be readable. turn the Objects LOD to 1.000 turn the Shadows LOD to 1.000 4 In the performance Tab, turn the Texture heap down to 4mb turn the File heap down to 4mb PLEASE NOTE: in order to keep the text readable it is recommended that the resolution be put to 800x600x16 In-game turn the Visual quality down to 2 turn the Frame rate at 10.20 --------------------------------------- Known Issues --------------------------------------- This demo does not support Win 2000 or Win 95 (any version). This demo does not support any graphics card under 16MB (apart from VooDoo 2). Ati Rage 128 and Radeon cards need to have 8-bit stencils turned on in windows in order to draw shadows properly. This demo does not support the PowerVR series 3 graphics card. No controllers are currently supported. Please note:- This title is currently in development and does not represent the quality of the final game.