ACTUA SOCCER 3 Playable Demo


This demo supports either one or two players, using keyboard and/or joysticks.
At the beginning of the game, push your chosen controller left or right to
choose your team and control method, then up or down to select your skill level.
Press one of the action buttons to start the game.

Action		Joystick/pad	Keyboard 1	Keyboard 2

Shoot		Button 1	Numpad 1	C
Pass		Button 2	Numpad 2	V
Speed burst	Button 3	Numpad 0	Space
Long / Slide	Button 4	Numpad 4	D
Cancel / Barge	Button 5	Numpad 6	G
Player select	Button 6	Numpad 5	F
Left modifier	Button 7	Numpad 3	B
Right modifier	Button 8	Numpad Enter	N
Forward		Up		Cursor up	A
Backward	Down		Cursor down	Z
Turn left	Left		Cursor left	Backslash
Turn right	Right		Cursor right	X

Hardware 3D acceleration

In addition to software rendering, Actua Soccer 3 supports Direct3D-
compatible 3D accelerators with at least 4Mb RAM, and also includes native
support for 3Dfx and PowerVR-based hardware.

In the full game, rendering modes are fully user-selectable, but the demo
automatically selects the rendering mode best suited to your system.
If you experience any problems, you can override the automatic settings by
running the game from a command prompt, with one of the following parameters:

SOCCER3 -D3D1			Select the first available Direct3D device
SOCCER3 -D3D2			Select the second Direct3D device
SOCCER3 -3Dfx			Select 3Dfx Glide rendering
SOCCER3 -PowerVR		Select PowerVR native rendering
SOCCER3 -Software		Select software rendering

If you select a mode which is not supported by your system, the game will
revert to automatic selection.

DirectX and Drivers

If you experience any problems with the game, then first ensure you are using
the most up to date driver software for your Hardware. If you are unsure
about whether your driver software requires updating then follow these steps:

1: Double click on the 'My Computer' icon on your Windows Desktop
2: Double click on the icon with 'C:' underneath it.
3: Double click on the Folder icon marked 'Program Files'
4: Double click on the Folder icon marked 'DirectX'
5: Double click on the Folder icon marked 'SETUP'
6: Double click on the icon marked DXINFO.

You will now get a window which is split into two parts. Down the right hand
side is a list of your hardware, and the installed driver software. For
Soccer 3 (and other DirectX 6 games) to run correctly, all the drivers must
be of at least version 4.05.xx.xxxx and most probably higher
(for ex 4.38.xx.xxxx).

If you find some of your drivers are not above this version, then you need
to update the driver software installed on your PC. New drivers are available
from the manufacturers of your PC's hardware, and can also usually be
downloaded free from the Internet.

Product code: S3W2PA02

Copyright (c) 1998 Gremlin Interactive Ltd.
The Greenhouse
33 Bowden Street
S1 4HA

Catch us on the web at