
The DirectShow SDK includes a redistributable package under the Redist directory. The DirectX Media redistributable package is called Dxmedia.exe. An application must register itself as a client of the redist package by running Dxmedia.exe with the -id switch and a unique identifier for the application, as shown in the following syntax:

dxmedia.exe -id:identifier

The identifier should uniquely identify your application. It can be the GUID of your registered application, or a unique string. You should probably not use a string such as "game," but a more distinctive string. For example:

dxmedia.exe -id:myrocketgame

- or -

dxmedia.exe -id:my_GUID

The identifier is required. If you simply type "Dxmedia.exe" or simply double-click on the Dxmedia.exe icon, nothing will be installed.

The same syntax is used for all platforms, Windows 95, Windows NT x86, and Windows NT Alpha. Note that each processor has its own executable (either an Alpha or an x86 version).

If successful, the installation can return one of the following success codes:

If unsuccessful, the installation returns an HRESULT describing the error; for example, E_FAIL or E_INVALIDARG.

The installation is totally quiet, and no dialog boxes appear.

The install/uninstall identifier does not need to be a GUID, but it must be unique. GUIDs are essentially guaranteed to be unique.

The install package automatically handles different versions during install. Files are only overwritten (after backup) if they use the same platform and are older than the files about to be installed.

An application can uninstall the DirectX Media package it installed during its own installation by calling the uninstall executable Purgedxm.exe, included with the redist package. You can uninstall by running Purgedxm.exe with the application identifier that was used during install, as shown in the following syntax:

purgedxm.exe identifier

Note: Do not use the -id switch when uninstalling.

The redistributable DirectX Media run-time setup installs the DirectX Media run-time components. It also installs a minimum version of DirectX Foundation on x86 and Alpha platforms, as appropriate. The application can install DirectX Foundation separately if the full installation is needed, after the redistributable package has been installed.

The source to the Filter Graph Editor (Graphedt.exe) tool is not available, and Graphedt.exe is not redistributable.

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