This code is a Windows MME driver for the M-Audio Capture and Playback Adapter. The support for the IBM M-ACPA consists of nine files. FILE NAME FILE SIZE ACPA.DRV 34832 AUDIO.DLL 97294 README. 7010 ACPADD.SYS 44513 IBMAUDS.DSP 14957 IBMPCMP.DSP 7277 IBMPCMR.DSP 7277 OEMSETUP.INF 2005 MIDIMAP.CFG 29249 Copy all nine of the files to the root of a new diskette. Use the new diskette to install the driver using the Windows Installation Applet. To install the driver using the Windows control panel driver installation applet follow the instructions below. To install a new driver 1. Edit the "SYSTEM.INI" windows file. Under the driver section, remove any "" entry. 2. If the ACPA.DRV or AUDIO.DLL exist in your \system sub-directory or Windows path, delete them. 3. Start Windows and place your diskette in A:. 4. Select the Control Panel icon from the Main Group. 5. Choose the Drivers icon from the Control Panel. The "Installed Drivers dialog box" will appear, displaying a list of the installed drivers. 6. Click on the Add button. The "Add Driver dialog box" will appear, listing the drivers available on your hard disk. 7. Click on the Add Unknown button. The Add Unknown Driver dialog box appears, prompting you to choose the drive and filename for the driver you want to install. Enter "A:\". Then click on OK. IBM M-Audio Sound Driver will be added to the Add Drivers dialog box. 8. Select IBM M-Audio sound driver. Click on OK. 9. Wave, MIDI, and Aux entries for IBM M-Audio sound driver will be added to the Installed Drivers Dialog Box. 10. Click on the Setup button. 11. Select the appropriate input and output source from the dialog box. 12. Choose OK. 13. Choose restart Windows for the new settings to take effect. Note: There is a potential problem that exist with multiple applications trying to use the M-AUDIO hardware at the same time from different operating system enviroments. An example of this would be executing a Windows Multi-Media application using audio and switching to the DOS box and running a DOS application that uses the M-AUDIO hardware. The file ACPADD.SYS is used by the driver to serialize the use of the hardware. This will prevent contention for the hardware with any other application that uses the ACPADD.SYS or a derrivative of it. In order for this scheme to work a modification must be made to the SYSTEM.INI. In the SYSTEM.INI under the [drivers] section there should be three entries associated with acpa. The three entries should appear as follows: wave=acpa.drv midi=acpa.drv aux=acpa.drv The above three lines must be modified to the following: wave=acpa.drv wave midi=acpa.drv midi aux=acpa.drv aux MIDI Configuration: MME uses the MIDI Mapper to support MIDI. In order for the M-AUDIO driver to support MIDI it must be configured to work with the Mapper. All modifications are saved in the file midimap.cfg Because MME does not provide a means of merging data into this file the setup must be performed manually. A midimap.cfg file is provided along with the driver. This file can be copied over your existing file. There is no gaurentee that everything else will be the same in the two files. It is suggested that the manual steps be followed to insure no data loss. If however, you do not want to spend the time it is suggested that you save your old midimap.cfg file and copy the one provided with the driver. To configure the Mapper follow the instructions below: 1. Start Windows. 2. Perform the driver installation instructions above. 3. Select the Control Panel icon from the Main Group. 4. Choose the MIDI Mapper icon from the Control Panel. Depending on the hardware configuration of your system, You might get a dialog box displayed at this point warning that the current MIDI setup references a MIDI device which is not installed in your system. The warning will ask if you want to continue. Click YES. 5. Under Show, select Setups and Click on New. 6. In the New MIDI Setup dialog box type a name your want to call this MIDI mapping (M-AUDIO) in the name field followed by a description if desired (IBM M-AUDIO mapping). Click OK. 7. A new dialog box labeled MIDI Setup: followed by the name you selected in the previous step will be displayed. Under the column labled 'Port Name' place the mouse cursor on row thirteen. Press the right mouse button. This action will select that row and display an down arrow. Click on the down arrow to display the options that can be selected for the chosen port. Select the options 'IBM ACPA MIDI SYNTH', repeat this process for ports fourteen through sixteen. Click OK when finished. 8. From the Show section of the dialog box select Patchmaps and Click on New. 9. In the New MIDI Patchmap dialog box type a name your want to call this MIDI patchmap in the name field (M-AUDIO) followed by a description if desired (IBM M-AUDIO mapping). Click OK. 10. The voicing for the M-AUDIO synthesizer has been mapped to correspond with that of General Midi mapping. All of the voices should have a one to one mapping ie voice 16 of the mapper should map to voice 16 of the synthesizer. This is the default mapping so nothing else has to be done. 11. These are the only modifications that are needed for the Synth module. Make sure that the name you selected is displayed in the name field. If it is not Click on the down arrow in the name field and select your name. Click on OK to switch to your new Synth module. PERFORMANCE The ability to use all of the M-Audio modes will depend on several factors relating to your host machine and environment. These items include host system speed, channel speed, host processor disk performance(speed and fragmentation) and memory availability. Performance problems can be identified by the following behavior: 1) Sections of good audio intermixed with noise. 2) Sections of good audio intermixed with silence. If you are experiencing problems attempt to alleviate the problem using the following suggestions: Record 1) Make sure that verify is off on disk writes. 2) Use a Ramdrive as the file destination of a recording. 3) Defragment the hard disk before recording. 4) Record as a foreground activity. Playback 1) Move the audio file to a Ramdrive and play it from that location. If the above suggestions do not solve the problem a higher performance system will be required to use the faster data rate modes. In slower performance systems lower data rate modes must be used for proper operation.