:Base artgalry.HLP :Title ClipArt Gallery 2.0 Contents :Index Help On ClipArt=artgalry.hlp 1 Adding clip art to your document 2 Adding a picture using the ClipArt Gallery=HowPICTURE2001@artgalry.HLP>PRO 2 Replacing one piece of clip art in your document with another=HowPICTURE2003@artgalry.HLP>PRO 1 Adding clip art to the ClipArt Gallery 2 Adding clip art images to the ClipArt Gallery=HowPICTURE2005@artgalry.HLP>PRO 2 Adding clip art packages to the ClipArt Gallery=HowPICTURE2019@artgalry.HLP>PRO 1 Organizing your clip art images 2 Changing the description or category of a piece of clip art=HowPICTURE2013@artgalry.HLP>PRO 2 Deleting clip art from the ClipArt Gallery=HowPICTURE2011@artgalry.HLP>PRO 2 Finding a specific picture in the ClipArt Gallery=HowPICTURE2007@artgalry.HLP>PRO 2 Updating the pictures in the ClipArt Gallery=HowPICTURE2009@artgalry.HLP>PRO 1 Organizing your clip art categories 2 Adding a new ClipArt category=HowPICTURE2017@artgalry.HLP>PRO 2 Deleting a ClipArt category=HowPICTURE2015@artgalry.HLP>PRO 2 Renaming a ClipArt category=HowPICTURE2018@artgalry.HLP>PRO 2 Renaming, deleting, or adding more than one ClipArt category at a time=HowPICTURE2020@artgalry.HLP>PRO 1 Troubleshooting and general information 2 Troubleshooting and general information about the ClipArt Gallery=HowPICTURE2021@artgalry.HLP>PRO