
Customizing your campaign
Direct Mail:: Tips

Direct mail is the number one form of marketing investment made by most Microsoft channel companies. It is relatively easy to administer and can be effective if done correctly. It is a tangible advertising medium available that can give you a variety of options for success. This guide will offer some general rules for effective direct mail marketing.

Guidelines for Writing Copy
General principles applied to other forms of marketing are applicable for direct mail.
  • Getting the Best Response:
    • Personal mail receives a better response than standard form letters. Your customer will know you invested more in them and the content is relevant to what you know about their interest(s).
    • Always mail to an individual as opposed to a title or a company.

  • Creative:
    • Use imagery only when it is directly correlated to the message you are attempting to convey.
    • Match the "style" of the publications you advertise in when possible.
    • Let the picture tell a story. You have less than 3 seconds to attract and communicate to customers.

  • Writing:
    • Direct Mail should be treated like any other sales pitch, eye-catching and compelling, defining a customer need.
    • A company background should be included but concise. Your customers are more interested in the solutions you offer than your entire company history.
    • Use "active" words as opposed to "passive" words. For example, "Contact us today!" as opposed to "Our content information is as followsà"
    • Provide valuable information, facts, research or tips to keep customers' attention.
    • Differentiate between campaigns aimed at existing customers and new customers.
    • It is easy to damage customer loyalty by sending a prospect mailing to companies you are already engaged in business with.
    • New customer mailings should highlight your skill set.
    • Existing customer mailings should remind customers of your skill set, new information and the quality of work already delivered.


If you choose to mail collateral to people on "outside" lists - individuals not on your current customer database - a list broker can help you obtain the best lists for your mailing. Many advertising agencies will act as liaison to your list broker. If you are working with a list broker, these questions will help you determine if the broker is providing quality lists:
  • How often is the list cleaned? Cleaned lists have been checked for people who have moved, changed titles, etc.
  • Is this a "compiled" or a "response" list?
  • Is this a four-line address list? Four lines mean the list contains business addresses, not home addresses.
  • Are titles available for your target audience? For instance, can you select "MIS Managers" from the list?


Your ad should have a clear call to action which will allow for easier measurement of the ad. Here are some examples:

  • Contact us at (888) XXX-XXXX for more information!
    (Note: If you do this you must ensure that anyone answering the telephone at your location asks the customers where they heard about your company and takes note of their response.)

  • Visit us at ______@_______.com for more information!
    (Note: This should be a hidden URL so that you can track how many visitors you receive as a result of the ad. You can redirect traffic from this site to other areas, but make sure you can distinguish where your visitors came to your site.)

  • Purchase our product at any reseller and give them this code _______ to receive your 10% discount!
    (Note: The reason for this is in order to track the number of customers who follow up on a promotion.)

Customer Follow-Up

Any campaign is futile without a commitment from your company to follow-up with your customers. If you ask customers to contact you or take part in an action, it is imperative that you proactively follow up with each customer regardless of how much potential you deem the lead to have. Often the least likely opportunity becomes a significant source of revenue to your company.

For more information on successful customer follow-up and relationship management, read about a solution from Jim Cecil located in the Tools section of this Kit.
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