*1>IntroductionLWelcome to Fuzzy's World! You are about to embark upon a wild and wonderfulBminiature golf adventure! However, before you begin, it is highlyNrecommended that you take the time to learn about some of the unique features5and rules of the game. Please continue to read on...*2>The Interface: ButtonsMButtons are shown as signs with flashing lights encircling them. If you moveMyour mouse over a button, you will see a label that describes the button. If=a button has a red X mark over it, the button is not active.*3>The Interface: MouseNThe mouse is the only input device. It will change colors as you move it intoNdifferent regions. When the mouse is green, it is over an active button. WhenNit is red, it is over an inactive button. A gray mouse means you are not in abutton region.*4>The Menus: MainLThe main menu of Fuzzy's World has only four options. They are displayed asLbuttons and are always active. These buttons are: Instructions, Play, SetupLand Exit. These buttons provide access to the entire game and are described"in detail on the following pages.*5>The Menus: InstructionsNYou are now in the instructions and this text should provide you with all youMneed to know to play this game. To the right you will see three buttons. TheLtop is used to turn to the next page and the middle to turn to the previous2page. The last button will exit to the main menu.*6>The Menus: PlayNTo play, click the button with a small golf course on the main menu. You willLthen have the option to choose from one to four players. Once you have madeLyour decision, get your anti-gravity golf shoes on because you are ready toenter Fuzzy's World!*7>The Menus: SetupNThe Setup menu has three buttons. The first button with a mouse allows you toOset the mouse sensitivity. The second, with the music notes, allows you to setOthe volume of the sound. The third button is the exit button. It allows you toreturn to the main menu.*8>The Menus: ExitNThis is the button with an alien hand in front of a red circle. From the mainImenu, use this button to quit the game. Other exit buttons with the sameNgraphic do not quit the program, but usually return you to the previous menu.*9>Playing the GameJFor each hole there is a unique introduction screen. There are always twoKbuttons on this screen. The first is the title button and it allows you toLbegin playing the hole. The second is the exit button which completely endsyour current game.*10>Playing the Game (cont)KIn the play screen there are two buttons. The first one is the exit buttonMthat will take you back to the main menu. The second button is the objectiveIbutton. If you are uncertain about the goal for each hole, click on thisBbutton and you will be able to review the objective for the hole.*11>Playing the Game (cont)LOn the bottom of the play screen you will see status information. A ball onMleft shows the current hole number. A second ball on the right shows the parOfor that hole. In the center you will see the current player and the number of#strokes that player has remaining.*12>Playing the Game (cont)JTo hit the ball, click and hold your mouse button over the ball. With theJbutton pressed, you can move the arrow around to choose the direction andLstrength to hit the ball. There will be a dotted line from the arrow to the.ball. A longer the line is a stronger stroke.*13>Playing the Game (cont)OIf you place the mouse right over the ball, your arrow will change into a tinyNred X. Releasing the mouse button at this point cancels your swing and allowsNyou more time to think about your strategy. Doing this does not make you lose a stroke.*14>Playing the Game (cont)MThe game is played until you run out of strokes or you finish the course. IfNthere is more than one player, each player goes until he or she has completedOthe current hole (or run out of strokes). If a player runs out of strokes, thegame is over for that player.*15 >ScoringOThere is no traditional scoring system for Fuzzy's World. Instead, it has beenNdesigned to provide you with a healthy dose of challenge. You must be able toMcomplete a hole with the strokes you have before you are allowed to progressto the next hole.*16>Scoring (cont)OStrokes are cumulative in this game. If you run out of them, you lose and mustKstart again from the beginning. If you sink the ball and have strokes leftMover, these are carried through to the next hole. Each hole has a par, which,is added to your current number of strokes.*17>Hints and CheatsOHints and cheats are only provided for the registered version. Please registerNtoday to receive a spectacular full 18 hole course. Complete with more songs,Imore animations, more challenges, and... don't forget, hints and cheats!*1000