Finiware's Intercent 99 Release 3.20, May 1999 Windows 95/98 Intercent is FREEWARE This program can be distributed on the net or BBS freely under the condtion that Intercent will not be sold or changed. Distribute this program using the original ZIP-name only. You are not allowed to distribute Intercent on CD-rom or on any other medium, without permission of Finiware. You will get permission to do so only if the CD-rom or other medium is free or sold for the costprice of distribution and manufacturing. Finiware is not responsible for any damage of any kind, including hardware and software that for one reason or another might be caused by using this program. Intercent 99 is year 2000-compliant, however Finiware is not responsible for any kind of damage or problems that have anything to do with year 2000-problems. Unless something else is mentioned the text above apply to all versions of Intercent. The text above also apply for all employers of Finiware, including translators of Intercent If you do not agree with these conditions then do not download or use the program. * Install * You can install this program for Windows 95/98 by starting the SETUP-program. You can always uninstall later. * Release * The latest release of this program can be found on our website at: