July 06, 1998 Technical documentation on the structure of the TreePad file format. This document describes the treePad file format 0.9 for TreePad versions 2.6 and earlier. Future file formats might be incompatible, but ther will always be an option to import older file formats. The basic file format is text/ascii. Inside the ascii file, the start of a TreePad file should be the line: every node looks like: the first line is the node title the second line is a level indicator, 0 meaning at tree level 0, 1 meaning one level up, etc. the following lines are the article text, until you encounter: 5P9i0s8y19Z example for one node: mail from the President 4 Dear sir, I would like to invite you into the Oval Office to help me run the country. Sincerely, B. Clinton, the White House Washington 5P9i0s8y19Z The indicator 5P9i0s8y19Z is simply to make sure that when someone types in the article, the program will not get confused into thinking the node has ended there (in the middle of the article). The chance that someone types 5P9i0s8y19Z into the article area is very much smaller. Not a very beautiful implementation, but it's effective. The order in which the nodes are listed in the TreePad file is determined by the order in which they would appear in a fully expanded tree, beginning at the top, and ending at the bottom. E.g. a sequence of levels (the numbers are indicating the node levels): 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 2 will be corresponding to the tree structure (the numbers are indicating the node levels): 1 ___2 | |___3 | |___3 | |___3 | |____2 Warning: if you store this text in TreePad, do not include any " 5P9i0s8y19Z" as appearing in this text !!!!! Future TreePad file formats Since the current 0.9 file format does not support node marking, node timestamps, encryption, etc., a different file format will become necessary. This file format will also be fully public. TreePad will always support importing of older TreePad file formats. Henk Hagedoorn Freebyte Software Engineering Amsterdam, the Netherlands http://www.freebyte.com software@freebyte.com hjh@usa.net