Why not all antiviruses are the same

When all is said and done, all antiviruses are frequently considered to be the same. Perhaps the most generalized idea is that the only difference between one antivirus and another is the number of viruses that each is capable of detecting.

However, this is not the case. The real difference between antiviruses is the protection that each one is able to provide. An antivirus must be able to provide the following:

Protection of all entry points

On this point, Panda Antivirus 6.0 offers the following:

Constant update

On this point, Panda Antivirus 6.0 offers the following:

Technical support

One of the fundamental services offered by Panda Software is the technical support. It features the following characteristics:

Note: the 12h S.O.S. Virus and Home-delivered Updates services are available depending on the type of license purchased.