Scan areas in a scheduled scan (Basic)

The mission of the scheduled scan is to scan one or several parts of the computer in search of viruses at a series of times which the user indicates beforehand.

To enable a scheduled scan in the basic mode, simply check one of the predetermined scans which are offered. You can check several predetermined scans to be executed simultaneously. You may also decide to carry out an immediate scan starting from a certain scheduled scan. To do this, just press the Scan button in the standard program button bar after selecting a predetermined scan.

There is an area called Items to be scanned in the scheduled scan window which enables you to display which areas are going to be scanned in search of viruses each time the scheduled scan is executed. Each one of the predetermined scans which come with the program scans different areas of the computer at different times. When you choose a predetermined scan, you can see the associated scan areas in the Items to be scanned area. It is important to bear in mind that you will not be able to modify these areas when you are working in the basic mode.

Panda Antivirus 6.0 is capable of scanning Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express folders. Any of the folders of these mail systems can be scanned in the same way the antivirus would scan any other area of the computer. It is also important to point out that Panda Antivirus 6.0 will scan for viruses in any message database belonging to any of these systems which it may find during the scan, even when the message database in question is not defined as a folder.