Scan areas in a scheduled scan (Advanced)

pav6_uk00000003.gif Note: certain options are only available depending on the product purchased and the operating system configuration. For more information, see Differences between versions.

In the advanced mode you can define a scheduled scan capable of scanning any part of the computer in search of virus. To select the areas to be scanned, use the Selection tree, where you will find displayed all the areas which can be scanned. These areas are the memory, all the drives assigned in the computer and, optionally, the e-mail folders associated with the Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express programs.

To determine which areas from the Selection tree will become Items to be scanned, there are three buttons with the following functions:

If you try to add an area to Items to be scanned which is already there, the antivirus will notify you of this fact and will cancel the operation. If you try to add an area to the Items to be scanned list which is included within another area that is already on the list, the antivirus will let you know but will not cancel the operation.

It is also important to bear in mind that the different items to be scanned can be added with and without subdirectories. If you attempt to add an item with subdirectories and this item is already stripped of them, the antivirus program will ask if you want to remove the version without subdirectories and add the new one which includes them.

Finally, if an area is already in Items to be scanned and you attempt to add a higher area which includes it, you will be given the option of removing the redundancies automatically.

Panda Antivirus 6.0 Platinum is capable of scanning Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express folders. Any of the folders of these mail systems can be scanned in the same way the antivirus would scan any other area of the computer. It is also important to point out that Panda Antivirus 6.0 Platinum will scan for viruses in any message database belonging to any of these systems which it may find during the scan, even when the message database in question is not defined as a folder.