Pop-Up Menus: in the main window

By main window, we refer to the default window that appears when Panda Antivirus 6.0 Home Edition / Platinum is loaded. There, you will see several sections, for which different pop-up menus may appear.

Toolbar: this is a section that contains certain buttons (Scan, Configure,...etc). The actions you are allowed to perform through their pop-menus can also be accessed in the View û Toolbar menu. This menu will present the following options:

Predetermined scans: this section displays the predetermined scans that correspond to the section you are in. You cannot choose to perform several scans at once. Some options only appear for certain types of scans, and not for all of them.

All folders: this section displays a tree of possible items to scan, allowing you to select one or more items. This only appears in Advanced mode (see Differences between versions). Some options only appear for certain types of scans, and not for all of them.

Selected items: these are the items selected for scanning. You can choose to scan one or more at the same time. The following describes the options that are available: