Options: actions (Internet - Advanced)

pav6_uk00000003.gif Note: certain options are only available depending on the product purchased and the operating system configuration. For more information, see Differences between versions

In this section you can specify the action to be taken by the antivirus when a virus is found. Depending on the action chosen, a series of options for configuring the selected option will appear on screen. The different possibilities are as follows:

Ignore and continue scanning

This instructs the antivirus not to take any action when a virus is detected. Scanning will continue as usual.

Disinfect automatically

Through this option you can instruct the antivirus to automatically disinfect all infected files found. This option may be configured, as there will be times when disinfection will not be possible. The configuration options are the following:

Delete the file: when disinfection is not possible and this option is checked, the infected file will be deleted.

Move the file: with this option, a file which cannot be disinfected will be moved to another location. To complete this option, you can specify the destination infected files will be moved to.

Move the file û path: permits you to indicate the directory to which infected files will be copied.

Move the file û E-mail: permits you to indicate the e-mail address to which an infected file is to be sent.

Delete the infected file

By indicating this option, all infected files found will be deleted.

Move the infected file

If this option is checked, all infected files found will be moved.

Move the infected file û path: used to indicate the directory to which infected files will be copied.

Move the infected file û e-mail address: used to indicate the e-mail address to which an infected file is to be sent.

Ask what action to take

This option indicates that the antivirus should ask what action is to be taken each time a virus is detected. This permits you to indicate different actions during a single scan. In order to make the configuration more flexible, the options that will be displayed when a virus is detected may also be chosen.

Move: refers to the Move action described above.

Delete: refers to the Delete action described above.

Disinfect: refers to the Disinfect action described above.

Show information: refers to the Show information action described above.

Rename: refers to the Rename action described above.