Detection of a virus: what to do

Any of the various scans that are possible in Panda Antivirus 6.0 are capable of detecting viruses and act accordingly. Disinfection is one of the possible actions. There is no specific section for disinfection in the program as this is considered as just another action that can be taken upon the detection of a virus.

Panda Antivirus 6.0 respects and maintains the information in files and in e-mails as it allows for disinfection in both cases. Other antiviruses limit themselves to deleting any infected e-mail messages that are detected. In the same way that this is not considered acceptable in the case of files, it should not be done with e-mail messages. By disinfecting infected files attached to an e-mail message, Panda Antivirus 6.0 respects the information it contains and saves the effort of requesting that the message be sent again, this time free of infection. This total protection of information is possible thanks to the fact that Panda Antivirus 6.0 is also capable of detecting and disinfecting viruses in e-mail messages that are sent, not just in those that are received.

In addition, it is important to note that the disinfection of an infected file attached to an e-mail message is carried out in memory, since such disinfection should not be carried out on the hard drive because of possible interference from other antiviruses or even from another program. Not all antiviruses carry out disinfection with the guarantee of non-interference from other programs.

Through the Windows Explorer you can select any file you wish. By right-clicking on the file(s) you can call up a contextual menu, in which the Panda Antivirus option is displayed? This option enables you to scan the file(s) in question in search of viruses.