

Panda Web in Internet

Panda Antivirus 6.0 incorporates multiple scanning possibilities to meet the needs and preferences of each person. This enables us to offer an unparalleled level of protection and makes it possible to scan computers at the time that best suits different users.


IMMEDIATE SCANS. Scan for viruses at the touch of a button. Thanks to our new system based on most frequently performed operations, carrying out a scan is as simple as a single mouse click.

SCHEDULED SCANS. In-depth scans will be performed when and how you decide. Free of complications, with utmost simplicity, and without interfering with your daily work.

SYSTEM STARTUP SCAN. Your computer will be protected from the very moment it is booted.

PERMANENT SCAN. Your system will be automatically protected at all times. Real-time scanning guarantees you a virus-free system without having to worry about its functioning.

INTERNET SCAN. Maximum protection from any virus that comes in through Internet. It works independently of the browser and e-mail program used.