0 Solid 1 BW Patterns 2 Color Patterns 3 BW Hatched 4 Hatched 5 Series #%d 6 Value #%d 7 &Area Lines 8 None 9 Rectangle 10 Circle 11 Triangle 12 Marble 13 Cube 14 Variable 15 Original Color 16 17 Fill 18 Border 19 &None 21 Chart FX 98 files|*.CHD|Chart FX 98 templates (no data)|*.CHD|Text files (data only)|*.TXT|Metafile pictures|*.EMF|Bitmap pictures|*.BMP| 22 Chart FX 98 files and templates|*.CHD|Text files (data only)|*.TXT|All files|*.*| 23 Styles 24 %s\n%l\nX: %x, Y: %v 25 %s\n%l\n%v 26 %s\n%l - %l\n%v - %v 27 %s\n%l\n%v out of %t\n(%p%%) 28 %s\n%l\nFrom %i to\n%v 29 %l\nHigh: %v3 - Low: %v1\nClose %v2 31 %l\nOpen: %v2\nHigh: %v4 - Low: %v1\nClose: %v3 32 None 33 Horiz. 34 Vertical 35 Both 36 Syde by side 37 Stacked 38 Stacked 100% 39 3D Line's Shape 40 3D Bar's shape 41 No. of s&ides: 42 3D Line &thick: 43 Page %d of %d 44 No Data Available 45 Auto 46 None (unlit) 47 Fixed angle 48 Realistic 49 Chart area 50 Plot area 51 Data series 52 Y Axis 53 Secondary Y axis 54 X Axis 55 Secondary X Axis 56 &From: 57 &Value 58 << New >> 59 << All series >> 60 &To 61 &Label 62 Chart FX 98. 63 ChartFX_98_API.chm 64 ChartFX_98_GUI.hlp 65 Cfx4032 66 General 67 Chart FX. General Properties. 68 Series 69 Chart FX. Series properties. 70 Axes 71 Chart FX. Axes Properties. 72 3D 73 Chart FX. 3D Properties. 74 Scale 75 Chart FX. Axis scale Properties. 76 Labels 77 Chart FX. Axis labels Properties. 78 Grid lines 79 Chart FX. Grid lines properties. 80 Stripes 81 Chart FX. Constant lines and color stripes Properties. 82 Legend 83 Transparent 84 Next 85 Previous 86 Series Legend 87 Palette 88 None 89 Number 90 Currency 91 Scientific notation 92 Percentage 93 Date 94 Long Date 95 Time 96 Date/Time 97 Custom 98 None 99 3D Frame 100 Math 101 Flat Frame 102 Markers 103 Marker fill 104 Lines 105 &Same color as markers 106 Invalid file format or version 300 &X-Axis labels 301 &Y-Axis labels 302 &Constant lines 303 Legend &box 304 &Point labels 305 &Point markers 306 &Open Chart 307 &Save Chart 308 Open Template 309 Print 310 Print preview 311 Save Template 312 &Gallery 313 StatusBar 314 Color 315 Menu 316 3D/2D 317 Rotate 318 Z-Clustered. 319 &Search 320 Zoom 321 &Values legend 322 &Series legend 323 Vertical grid 324 Horizontal grid 325 &About ChartFX 326 Fonts 327 Properties ... 328 As a &Bitmap 329 As a &Metafile 330 As &Text (data only) 331 Copy to clipboard 332 &Toolbar 333 &PaletteBar 334 P&atternBar 335 &Tools 336 &Left title 337 &Right title 338 &Top title 339 &Bottom title 340 E&xit 341 &File 342 &Edit 343 &View 344 &Help 345 &Contents 346 Separator 347 As &OLE Object 348 &2 Levels 349 &Rotated 350 &Edit title 351 Series 352 Background 353 Axis 354 Title 355 &Font ... 356 &Point labels 357 AutoSize 358 Fixed 359 Floating 360 Left 361 Top 362 Right 363 Bottom 364 Bar 365 &Hide 366 Toolbars 367 &Data Editor 368 Line 369 Area 370 Curve 371 Area-Curve 372 Step 373 Bubble 374 Scatter 375 Bar 376 Gantt 377 Cube 378 Candlestick 379 Open-High-Low-Close 380 High-Low-Close 381 Pareto 382 Pie 383 Doughnut 384 Pyramid 385 Radar 386 Contour/Spectral 387 Surface 400 Print ... 401 &Paste data