====================================================================== Title : "Thank God Its Friday!" (TGIF.map) Author : skipv E-mail : skipv@concentric.net Web Page : Not up Description : TGIF takes place in an after hours city scape. It's Friday night, and everybody's gone home, except for you-know-who...DukeNukem. It consists of a center complex, complete with courtyard, water fountains, executive office, conference room, secret passages and other junk. On this dark night, you'll find the outdoors spooked with death. Menacing towers hover over the street, providing strategic locations to blow the balls off anyone who dares to cross your path! Tunnels to hide in when you get scared... cotton candy for everyone! Check it out! Additional Credits to : My lovely wife Jenny, for putting up with me; Klaus Breuer for his FAQ; Scott Qualls for his artistic input; Allen H. Blum, III; Richard "Level Lord" Gray; and all my buddies on TEN. I love you man! ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : TGIF 1.0 Single Player : Not Yet DukeMatch Level : YES Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : none * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: www.filefactory.com, or just POWWOW me! ===========================================================================