====================================================================== Title : Mine1.map Author : colors E-mail : rpagejr@teclink.net [or] rpagejr@olemiss.edu Web Page : http://www.olemiss.edu/~rpagejr Description : This started out to be an abandoned mining complex, but it quickly turned "Temple of Doomish" (human sacrifices and all). I made it a little darker and more medieval than the regular game. I stayed away from to many gimmicks, hopefully to speed up gameplay. I think it worked. Hope you do, too! :P Additional Credits to : J-rock for the inspriration, concept, and "beta testing." Chris G for helpful hints and suggestions. Annie for having patience with me. And lastly, Tempest for the art file--there are many cool textures in there. Thanks guys! What you need : You must have the art file included in Tempest's medieval.zip. I can't thank him enough for putting it together! To use it, just copy it into your Duke3d directory. If you can't find Medieval.zip, try going to http://www.olemiss.edu/~rpagejr -- I should have a link to it there. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : n/a Single Player : Nah DukeMatch Level : Yep (anywhere from 2-8 players) Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build (the midnight editor what edits at midnight) Known Bugs : There is one spot where pipe bombs go through the wall in the section that branches off of the main shaft. I have no idea why (could be a slipgate? heheh...nah!). This shouldn't be a problem as the P.B. must be thrown at an angle. If you find any others, let me know! [rpagejr@teclink.net] Advice : If you are running a 486 system, you may want to dryboot before playing. It has been my experience that this speeds up frame rates to a playable level in "the big room." Otherwise, bad things can happen. With a Pentium, there are no problems of this sort. * Copyright/Permissions * You MAY NOT use Mine1a.map as a base for other levels. You MAY distribute Mine1a.map in any electronic form provided that you include this text file intact AND it is distributed freely. You may include Mine1a.map in any compilation as long as no change is made to the file. * Where to get this MAP file * WWW sites: www.avault.com www.stud.uni-hannover.de/~ntessin/duke.html www.thend.com/dah/duke3d/ www.webbuild.com/~chemp/duke3d/duke_nukem3d.htm www.algonet.se/htbin/cgiwrap/habl/duke3d.html members.aol.com/brnystomp/index.html Other: I tried damn hard to make this a good looking level that's fun to play. Some things in "the big room" that I originally planned to include couldn't be implemented because of frame rates and other annoying little problems. Sorry, I'll try to get them into my next map. =========================================================================== Happy hunting!!!!!!!