NOTE The idea here is to present in one package all the elements to take a complete inventory of one's system before and after software changes. REQUIREMENTS Windows NDW Batchrun (or adapt the *.WBT files to other windows batch languages). HISTORY I can across a reference to a batch file written by Kurt S that made use of two files from the IBMSYS forum to take a "snapshot" of one's windows and system subdirectories, as well as its system.ini and win.ini files. Once a new app has been loaded, running the "compare" provided an itimized list of file additions within the two directories, as well as itemized lists of changes in both the system.ini and win.ini files. This proved invaluable in maintaining a database record of what a given app had done to a system. I then used Norton Desktop's Batch language to run Kurt S's two batch files seemlessly from windows itself so as to make the whole process as painless as possible. INVENTORY I'm including the following: 1. The original HDIFF.ZIP and DIFF.ZIP files so the real credit can go where it is due. 2. The wonderful batch files written by Kurt S, SNAPSHOT.BAT and COMPARE.BAT as well as his original text notes. 3. My own Windows adaption of those, SNAPSHOT.WBT and COMPARE.WBT. I've also included a clean up utility called CLEAN.WBT an another which automatically calls up the relevant changed files called SFILES.WBT. 4. Some temporary *.pif files. SETUP 1. Copy the *.pif files to the windows subdirectory and the rest to one of choice. 2. Change the paths in all the *.WBT files to those where you set up the files. Change the *.PIF files to show this path. Also change the default editor. 3. Run the *.WBT files, first SNAPSHOT.WBT, then load an app or make any changes you want and run COMPARE.WBT. Then call up a record of those changes by looking at the new *.D01 files with any text editor or running SFILES.WBT.