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 Count number of available DOS (not network) file handles


    FT_HANDCNT() -> nHandles




   numeric, long integer


   FT_HANDCNT() finds the internal DOS Device Control Blocks used for
   storing file information and counts the number of DCB entries.  The
   DCB is set up by reading the FILES= line in CONFIG.SYS, and there
   is one DCB entry for each file handle.

   NOTE: For Novell networks, the number of network file handles is
         controlled by SHELL.CFG.  To date, I know where this information
         is stored after SHELL.CFG has been read, but have not come up
         with a reliable way to retrieve the information.  There is no
         public variable associated with the storage location, and the
         location can change from version to version of NETx.EXE.
         Novell Tech Support's response, though friendly, was "Nope, we
         don't know of a way for you to do it, either.  Good luck."


   nHandles := FT_HANDCNT()
   ? "This PC has " + LTRIM( STR( nHandles ) ) + " set by CONFIG.SYS."


 Author: Bob Clarke

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