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 Return info about the cursor on a specified video page


      FT_GETVCUR( [ <nPage> ] ) -> <aCurInfo>


    <nPage> is the video page to get the cursor information for.
    Defaults to the current page, as returned by FT_GETVPG().


     A four-element array (<aCurInfo>), set up as follows:

     aCurInfo[1] = Top line of cursor
     aCurInfo[2] = Bottom line of cursor
     aCurInfo[3] = Character row
     aCurInfo[4] = Character column


    FT_GETVCUR() uses FT_INT86() to invoke interrupt 10h, function
    3, to return the character cursor location for the specified
    video page.

    The top line and bottom line of cursor are set depending on
    the current cursor mode, and are only meaningful in alphanumeric
    video modes.

    For more information on graphics programming, cursors, and
    cursor modes, refer to Richard Wilton's _Programmer's Guide to
    PC and PS/2 Video Systems_ (Microsoft Press).


     aCurInfo := getVCur( 1 )    // Get info on cursor pos in page 1
     QOut("Row: " + str( aCurInfo[3] ) + "  Col: " + str( aCurInfo[4] ) )


 Author: Glenn Scott

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