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 Find position of the nth occurrence of a substring


      FT_AT2( <cSearch>, <cTarget> [, <nOccurs> [, <lCaseSens> ] ] ) -> nPos


     <cSearch> is the character substring to search for.

     <cTarget> is the character string to search.

     <nOccurs> is the occurrence of cSearch to look for,
                defaults to 1.

     <lCaseSens> is a logical value denoting case sensitivity.
                If .F., then search is NOT sensitive to case,
                defaults to .T.


     The position of the nth occurrence of a substring


     This function will find the nth occurrence of a substring
     within a string.


     cSearch := "t"
     cTarget := "This is the day that the Lord has made."

     FT_AT2( cSearch, cTarget )            // Returns ( 9 )

     FT_AT2( cSearch, cTarget, 2 )         // Returns ( 17 )

     FT_AT2( cSearch, cTarget, 2, .F. )    // Returns ( 9 )

 Source: AT2.PRG

 Author: Ralph Oliver,  TRANSCOM SYSTEMS

See Also: FT_FINDITH()
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