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 Set the keyboard delay and repeat rate on PC/AT & PS/2


     FT_SETRATE( [ <nDelayTime> ] [, <nRepeatRate> ] ) -> NIL


    <nDelayTime> is the keyboard delay time.

    <nRepeatRate> is the keyboard repeat rate.

         +-----------------------+  +------------------------+
         | nDelayTime      DELAY |  | RepeatRate      SPEED  |
         |-----------------------|  |------------------------|
         |     0           250ms |  |    0           30.0cps |
         |     1 (default) 500ms |  |    1           26.7cps |
         |     2           750ms |  |    2           24.0cps |
         |     3          1000ms |  |    3           21.8cps |
         +-----------------------+  |    4           20.0cps |
                                    |    5           18.5cps |
                                    |    6           17.1cps |
                                    |    7           16.0cps |
                                    |    8           15.0cps |
                                    |    9           13.3cps |
                                    |   10           12.0cps |
                                    |   11           10.9cps |
                                    |   12 (default) 10.0cps |
                                    |   13            9.2cps |
                                    |   14            8.6cps |
                                    |   15            8.0cps |
                                    |   16            7.5cps |
                                    |   17            6.7cps |
                                    |   18            6.0cps |
                                    |   19            5.5cps |
                                    |   20            5.0cps |
                                    |   21            4.6cps |
                                    |   22            4.3cps |
                                    |   23            4.0cps |
                                    |   24            3.7cps |
                                    |   25            3.3cps |
                                    |   26            3.0cps |
                                    |   27            2.7cps |
                                    |   28            2.5cps |
                                    |   29            2.3cps |
                                    |   30            2.1cps |
                                    |   31            2.0cps |




   This routine is used to adjust the IBM PC/AT and PS/2 "typematic"
   repeat and delay feature.  This is used to allow the users of your
   application to adjust these speeds to the most comfortable level.

   This source code is written for Microsoft Assembler v5.1.


   FT_SETRATE(0,0)    // Set keyboard to fastest possible settings
   FT_SETRATE()       // Set keyboard to AT defaults (10.9cps,500ms delay)
   FT_SETRATE(11,1)   // Set keyboard to PS/2 defaults (10cps,500ms delay)


 Author: James R. Zack

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