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 Select a text file workarea


      FT_FSELECT( [ <nArea> ] ) -> nArea


     <nArea> is the text file workarea to select.


     The current selected text file area.


     This function selects a text file "workarea" from 1 to 10.  A
     file may or may not be open in the selected area.

     Passing 0 for <nArea> selects the next available workarea, similar
     to Clipper's SELECT 0 command.

     Each file is opened in its own "workarea", similar to the concept
     used by dbf files.  As provided, a maximum of 10 files (in 10
     workareas) can be opened (assuming there are sufficient file
     handles available).  That number may be increased by modifying
     the #define TEXT_WORKAREAS in the C source code and recompiling.

     All the FT_F*() file functions operate on the file in the currently
     selected text file workarea.

     Text file workareas are separate from and independent of Clipper's
     database workareas.


     nFile1 := FT_FUSE( "temp.c" )
     ? FT_FLASTRE()                 // no. of lines in temp.c
     nFile2 := FT_FUSE( "temp.h" )
     ? FT_FLASTRE()                 // no. of lines in temp.h

 Source: FTTEXT.C

 Author: Brice de Ganahl and Steve Larsen

See Also: FT_FUSE()
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