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 Add or subtract months to/from a date


      FT_MADD( [ <dGivenDate> ], [ <nAddMonths> ], [ <lMakeEOM> ] )
          -> dDate


     <dGivenDate> is any valid date in any date format. Defaults to
     current system date if not supplied.

     <nAddMonths> is the number of months to be added or subtracted.
     Defaults to 0 if not supplied.

     <lMakeEOM> is a logical variable indicating whether or not to
     force the returned date to the last date of the month.  It only
     affects the returned date if <dGivenDate> is an end-of-month date.


     A date.


     FT_MADD() adds or subtracts months to/from a given date.

     If MakeEOM is passed and dGivenDate is the last day of a month,
     it will return the EOM of calculated month.  Otherwise it will
     return the same day as the day of the passed date.


     dDate := CTOD( "09/15/90" )
     ? FT_MADD( dDate, 1 )        // 10/15/90
     ? FT_MADD( dDate, -2 )       // 07/15/90

     // force EOM
     dDate := CTOD( "04/30/91" )
     ? FT_MADD( dDate, 1 )        // 05/30/91
     ? FT_MADD( dDate, 1, .T. )   // 05/31/91  <- forced EOM
     ? FT_MADD( dDate, 2 )        // 06/30/91
     ? FT_MADD( dDate, 2, .T. )   // 06/30/91  <- June only has 30 days
     ? FT_MADD( dDate, 3 )        // 07/30/91
     ? FT_MADD( dDate, 3, .T. )   // 07/31/91  <- forced EOM

 Source: MADD.PRG

 Author: Jo W. French dba Practical Computing

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