Copywright 1993 (c) by Dave Byter, proliferate freely. Today I said "Hello" to The Woodpussy. The barncats around this place are bad enuf. But as bad as a barncat is to a citycat, that much worse than a barncat is this polecat. I thought that it was some sort of Yahoo ethnic joke when they told me about The Woodpussy. If it is, then it is the worst Polack joke ever smelled. Woodpussy is kinda like a upside-down Sylvester [black-and-white] cat. Black on the bottom and white on the top. Long hair like a Persian. But that's not what makes a polecat a Pole cat. It's the smell. You couldn't believe the smell. It was worse than the worst veterinary hospital. Worse than the time that my yahoo sprayed me with Country Blue spray paint. This polecat sprayed me with this awful stuff that his yahoo must have made in sophomore chemistry lab. I was minding my own business of guarding the food bowls from the barncats when The Woodpussy waddles up to the cookhouse door and starts to check out my garbage can. I just kinda walked behind her and said "HELLO!, little pussy." And she said, "PISS on you." That's the meanest cat I ever smelled. Worse than the time that I tried to fetch the firecracker. I'll never try to sneak up on The Woodpussy again. I thought that I was permanently disabled. It was two days until I could smell my food bowl again.