10 #1:General This is the first help section in this sample system. This text fits within one window, and does not require splitting into separate pages. #2:Strings The STRINGS unit in the library provides enhanced string-handling features that are not found in Turbo Pascal itself. These include the ability to pad, truncate, and justify strings, and to allow on-screen display of strings, real numbers, integer numbers, dates, and times. (Press PgDn for more text.) Notice how this help section has been split into two pages. If the help window were to be made larger, the unit would automatically adjust the pages to suit. The file EXSTR demonstrates some of the features. #3:Math unit The MATH and MATH87 units provide facilities for programs that must convert between various units of measurement. Typical functions change degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Centigrade, or yards to inches. #4:Time This unit provide facilities for handling dates and times. You can input, manipulate, and display dates and times in a variety of ways, making this unit a help in many application programs. #5:ENHCON The Enhanced-Console unit will be found invaluable for any application program which uses on-screen editing. In addition to routines for handling low-level activities, such as detecting which keyboard locks are active and changing the size of the cursor, there are routines for editing integers, real numbers, strings, dates, and times. These all allow you to build user interfaces which can be used by the novice computer operator or professional alike. #6:Using windows The ENHCON unit also provides all the routines necessary for a program to effectively use display windows. The windows can be "tiled" (i.e. not overlapping) or "layered" (i.e. overlapping). A window can be opened, closed, or selected any time, and there is also provision for a window to be removed from the screen but have its contents preserved for later restoration. Windows can have borders with headers and footers, and each program can have up to 255 windows defined at any one time. #7:Help system The help system built into the ENHCON unit can be used to provide your user applications with an on-line, "pop-up" help system. A help index is automatically built and formatted, thus allowing the programmer to concentrate on actually writing the help text rather than having to spend considerable time on layout details. General and context-sensitive help is available at the touch of a key, and the unit's operation is transparent to the calling program. The on-line help system has very few limitations. First, there can be a maximum of 1,000 lines in each section. Second, each help system can have a maximum of 255 sections. The second limitation can be overcome for very large application programs by having multiple help files. The TPLIB reference manual explains how to accomplish this without too much difficulty. Many large commercial programs have an on-line help system, and with the complexity of much modern software it is hardly surprising. This unit gives you the opportunity to give your own programs the same touch. Indeed, you may find that programs that previously required a printed manual now require only the help text provided with the software. #8:Standard error access A simple unit which allows access to the standard error device. The sample program EXSTDERR demonstrates this. #9:Critical errors Another simple unit which allows the operating system's critical-error handler to be restored for a particular program. It is also possible for a program to have its own error handler, although such a task should only be attempted by experienced programmers. #10:Comments Please remember that your comments and suggestions for future version of Turbo Pascal Library are always welcome. It is my aim to provide programmers like myself with the development tools they require. Send your comments to: Paul Coxwell 30 Alford Road Sutton-on-Sea LN12 2HH England #