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    PPD InEXE File Format

     (Data) |    Data    | Data Size | PPD Flags | PPD ID | (Data)

    ^ Start Of File                                   End Of File ^

    The area marked  (Data)  may  be  any  length.   This  is usually EXE

    The area marked Data  is  the  data  which  belongs  to the database.
    This can be any amount of data ranging from 0 bytes to 64 kb.

    The area  marked  Data  Size  is  a  2  byte  area.   This contains a
    word (number from 0 to 64k) specifying  how much data is found before

    Following this are the PPD InEXE Flags.

    The PPD ID is the upper case string PPDATABASEEXE.


    The first byte of the database data is byte 0, not byte 1.

    Data Size may be 0 (no data), but this would be pointless.

    More than one  database  may  appear  in  any  one  .EXE file but the
    databases  will  not  be  related.    They  will  run  as  individual

    InEXE databases can be  accessed  using  OpenDatabase  by  specifying
    the FileEnd to  be  the  end  of  the  string  PPDATABASE,  i.e.  the
    position in the file  of  the  first  E  in  EXE.  The FileStart must
    be set to the first byte of database data.

See Also: PPD InEXE Flags
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