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    I  wrote  this  unit  thinking  it  would  be  a  small  project.  It
    actually has turned out to  be  quite  a  large,  comprehensive unit.
    I hope it helps you to  organize  your  data  and  data files quickly
    and neatly.

    If you like it, please let me know.

    I suppose there could  be  even  more  features  for  me to add but I
    don't know if anyone is going to  use  this.   If there is sufficient
    response for any of my products I'll improve that product.

    How did I get all the text so nicely aligned?

    Ahhh, that would be another little program of mine. . .

    This software is free and thus I take  no responsibility for any loss
    or damages.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson