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    Function CreateDatabase(FName:PathStr;NameOpt:Boolean):Word;

    This creates a new database.   It  will  delete  the file FName if it
    already  exists.   NameOpt  should   be  True  or  False,  indicating
    whether you would like the database to have names or not.

    InEXE databases are  not  created.   They  lie  within your EXE code.
    See the example files provided.


    No database may be open when  this  is  called.  (Obviously databases
    running under different objects  may  be open.)  The current object's
    fields are reinitialized once this procedure is called.

    This function does not however  open  the database, it simply creates
    it, using the object fields.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson