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    This unit controls a list  of  items.   There  is  a maximum of 64 kb
    of data (using DosMem will not solve this limitation).

    Each item in the list  is  allocated  a  position  number.  All items
    in the list must be of the same type.

    As the list uses an array type  base  (array  on the heap), it is not
    ideal for lots of deletions  or  insertions  because  all  the memory
    has to be shifted up or down.   It  is however fast on lists which do
    not change size often.

    A list has a size, the  total  number  of  items in the list (not the
    maximum size).   Once  the  list  has  been  initialized,  there  are
    0 items in the list.

    The type ListData  determines  the  type  of  item found in the list.
    This  may  be  any  standard  type  (Word,  Byte,  etc.)  or  a  user
    defined type.


    No range checking is performed on any of the methods.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson