═══ 1. Las Vegas Craps - Help ═══ Las Vegas Craps is an authentic rendition of a Las Vegas style craps game. While the primary purpose of this game is entertainment, it also provides helpful assistance and recommended strategies. Craps is the most exciting of all casino games. It offers the player the opportunity to win, or lose, large sums of money very quickly. There are over twenty different bets available in the game of craps. The craps table is divided into three distinct sections. The two end sections are where the majority of the bets are made. The middle area, contains bets known as proposition, or center, bets. Craps is played by betting on the outcome of the rolling of two dice. In order to properly understand and participate in the game of craps, it is important to know the possible outcomes when two dice are thrown. There are eleven possible outcomes in a roll of two dice (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12). Certain numbers are more likely to be rolled than others. The chances of rolling a particular number are as follows: ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Number │Chance │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │2 or 12 │1/36 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │3 or 11 │2/36 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │3/36 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │4/36 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │5/36 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │7 │6/36 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Notice that the seven is the most common roll of all the possible rolls. Notice, also, that there is a symmetry of combinations on either side of the seven (ie. the six and eight have the same odds, as do the four and ten). The further a number is from seven, the less likely it will be rolled. Based on these chances of a number being rolled, the following odds can be derived: ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Number │Odds │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │2 or 12 │ 35 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │3 or 11 │ 17 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │ 11 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │ 8 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │6.2 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │7 │ 5 to 1 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ The casinos use these odds to their advantage in the game of craps. When a bet is won, it is typically paid off at an amount that is less than the true odds of winning the bet. All of the bets in the game favor the casino, or house. Some bets favor the house more than others. The key to winning at the game of craps is to play the bets that offer the lowest house advantage. Extensive help is available for every menu item and dialog box in the game. The help information for each bet will contain the rules for that bet as well as some recommended betting strategies. All you need to do is select the particular item that you want help for and press the F1 key. For more information on each of the menus on the action bar, double-click on one of the following hilighted words (or press the Tab Key to select it and press Enter). o File o Bet o Options o Roll o Help ═══ 2. New Dialog - Help ═══ The New dialog is used to start a new game of craps. It contains the following items: How much Enter the amount of money that you wish to borrow in order to begin playing the game. The money that you borrow is called a marker. It will be placed into your bank and you can then use it to bet with. You will be borrowing the money from Guido, the casino's loan officer. You can payoff your marker, or borrow more, at any time, by selecting the Marker dialog, located under the Options menu. OK This button causes the current contents of the dialog to take effect. The dialog will then close and you may begin playing. Cancel This button will close the dialog and ignore any changes that were made. Help This button (or F1) causes this help information to be displayed. ═══ 3. Product Information Dialog - Help ═══ The Product information dialog displays copyright, author, and version information for the Las Vegas Craps game. ═══ 4. Settings Dialog - Help ═══ The Settings dialog allows you to make changes to some of the Las Vegas Craps game variables. Minimum bet Allows you to set the table's minimum bet. If you then attempt to place a bet that is less than the minimum bet, a message will appear telling you why you cannot place the bet. Maximum bet Allows you to set the table's maximum bet. If you then attempt to place a bet that is greater than the maximum bet, a message will appear telling you why you cannot place the bet. Default bet Allows you to set the table's default bet. The default bet amount is used when placing any new bet, or when changing your marker. The amount entered here will appear automatically in the entry fields of the bet or marker dialog. You may choose to accept the amount, or change it. The default bet must be less than the maximum bet and greater than the minimum bet. Odds Allows you to set the table's maximum allowable odds. The value you select here is the multiple which will be used to calculate the maximum allowable odds. All bets ON during come out roll This is used to determine whether or not you wish to have all bets ON during the come out roll. If a bet is ON, it is considered in play. If a bet is OFF, it is out of play. A bet that is in play can be won or lost. A bet that is out of play cannot. Certain bets in the craps game are normally OFF during a come out roll unless you tell the table operators that you wish the bets to be ON. Checking this box turns all bets ON during a come out roll. Automatically calculate maximum odds This is used to determine whether or not you wish to have the game automatically calculate the maximum allowable odds for a given bet. If you allow the game to calculate the maximum odds, the value will be placed into the odds entry field as the default odds. If you do not allow the game to calculate the maximum allowable odds, the default bet will be used in the odds entry field as the default odds. You may choose to accept the amount, or change it. Checking this box turns on the automatic calculation of maximum odds. Guido extracts money for marker payoff This is used to determine whether of not Guido should periodically take money from your bank in order to pay off your marker. Checking this box will allow Guido to extract money for marker payoff. OK This button causes the current contents of the dialog to take effect. The dialog will then close and you may begin playing. Cancel This button will close the dialog and ignore any changes that were made. Defaults This button will set all of the fields in the dialog to their default settings. These default settings will not actually take effect until you also choose the OK button. Help This button (or F1) causes this help information to be displayed. ═══ 5. Marker Dialog - Help ═══ The Marker dialog allows you to make changes to your marker. You can either borrow more money, or pay back some of your current marker. Your marker is held by Guido, the casino's loan officer. Your current marker and bank account are displayed at the top of the dialog. When you pay back part of you marker, the money comes out of your bank and your marker decreases. When you borrow more, the money is added to your bank and your marker increases. Pay back Select this button if you want to pay back money. Borrow more Select this button if you want to borrow more money. How much Enter the amount that you wish to pay back or borrow. The value that is entered in the default bet field of the Settings dialog will be automatically placed in the entry field. You may choose to accept this amount, or change it. If you attempt to borrow more than the maximum allowable marker, or try to pay back more than you have in your bank, a message will appear telling you why you cannot make the change. OK This button causes the current contents of the dialog to take effect. The dialog will then close and you may begin playing. Cancel This button will close the dialog and ignore any changes that were made. Help This button (or F1) causes this help information to be displayed. ═══ 6. Bet Dialog - Help ═══ The Bet dialog is used to place the various bets in the Las Vegas Craps game. Your current bank account is displayed at the top of the dialog. When you place a bet, the money comes out of your bank. Bet This field is used to either enter a new bet, or change an existing bet. If the rules of a bet do not allow it to be changed, the bet field will not be selectable. On a new bet, your entire bank, or the value that is entered in the default bet field of the Settings dialog, (whichever is smaller) will be automatically placed in the entry field. You may choose to accept this amount, or change it. If you attempt to bet more than the maximum bet, less than the minimum bet, or more than you have in your bank, a message will appear telling you why you cannot place the bet. Odds This field is used to either enter new odds, or change existing odds. Odds are only valid on certain bets and at certain points in the game. If Odds are not valid, or they cannot be changed, the odds field will not be selectable. On new odds, your entire bank, or the maximum allowable odds for the bet, (whichever is smaller) will be automatically placed in the entry field. If you have turned off the automatic calculation of maximum odds, from within the Settings dialog, then the smaller of your bank and the value that is entered in the default bet field of the Settings dialog will be automatically placed in the field. You may choose to accept this amount, or change it. If you attempt to bet more than the maximum bet, less than the minimum bet, or more than you have in your bank, a message will appear telling you why you cannot place the odds. OK This button causes the current contents of the dialog to take effect. The dialog will then close and you may begin playing. Cancel This button will close the dialog and ignore any changes that were made. Help This button (or F1) causes this help information to be displayed. Note: The maximum bet and the minimum bet can be set from within the Settings dialog. ═══ 7. File Menu - Help ═══ The following commands are available from the File menu: New Starts a new game. ═══ 8. New - Help ═══ The New command displays the New dialog, and allows you to begin a new game. New must be chosen before the game can be played. ═══ 9. Bet Menu - Help ═══ The following commands are available from the Bet menu: Line Commands for placing line bets. Place Commands for placing Place bets. Proposition Commands for placing Proposition bets. Hardways Commands for placing Hardways bets. Big six Places the Big six bet. Big eight Places the Big eight bet. Field Places the Field bet. ═══ 10. Line - Help ═══ The following commands are available from the Line menu: Pass line Places a Pass Line bet. Don't pass Places a Don't Pass bet. Come line Places a Come Line bet. Don't come Places a Don't Come bet. ═══ 11. Pass line - Help ═══ The Pass line command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Pass Line bet. ═══ 12. Don't Pass - Help ═══ The Don't pass command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Don't Pass bet. ═══ 13. Come line - Help ═══ The Come line command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Come Line bet. ═══ 14. Don't Come - Help ═══ The Don't come command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Don't Come bet. ═══ 15. Place - Help ═══ The following commands are available from the Place menu: Place four Places a Place Four bet. Place five Places a Place Five bet. Place six Places a Place Six bet. Place eight Places a Place Eight bet. Place nine Places a Place Nine bet. Place ten Places a Place Ten bet. ═══ 16. Place four - Help ═══ The Place four command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Place Four bet. ═══ 17. Place five - Help ═══ The Place five command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Place Five bet. ═══ 18. Place six - Help ═══ The Place six command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Place Six bet. ═══ 19. Place eight - Help ═══ The Place eight command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Place Eight bet. ═══ 20. Place nine - Help ═══ The Place nine command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Place Nine bet. ═══ 21. Place ten - Help ═══ The Place ten command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Place Ten bet. ═══ 22. Proposition - Help ═══ The following commands are available from the Proposition menu: Any seven Places an Any Seven bet. Any craps Places an Any Craps bet. Two Places a Two bet. Three Places a Three bet. Eleven Places an Eleven bet. Twelve Places a Twelve bet. ═══ 23. Any seven - Help ═══ The Any seven command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place an Any Seven bet. ═══ 24. Any craps - Help ═══ The Any craps command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place an Any Craps bet. ═══ 25. Two - Help ═══ The Two command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Two bet. ═══ 26. Three - Help ═══ The Three command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Three bet. ═══ 27. Eleven - Help ═══ The Eleven command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place an Eleven bet. ═══ 28. Twelve - Help ═══ The Twelve command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Twelve bet. ═══ 29. Hardways - Help ═══ The following commands are available from the Hardways menu: Hard four Places a Hard Four bet. Hard six Places a Hard Six bet. Hard eight Places a Hard Eight bet. Hard ten Places a Hard Ten bet. ═══ 30. Hard four - Help ═══ The Hard four command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Hard Four bet. ═══ 31. Hard six - Help ═══ The Hard six command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Hard Six bet. ═══ 32. Hard eight - Help ═══ The Hard eight command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Hard Eight bet. ═══ 33. Hard ten - Help ═══ The Hard ten command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Hard Ten bet. ═══ 34. Big six - Help ═══ The Big six command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Big Six bet. ═══ 35. Big eight - Help ═══ The Big eight command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Big Eight bet. ═══ 36. Field - Help ═══ The Field command displays the Bet dialog, and allows you to place a Field bet. ═══ 37. Roll Menu - Help ═══ The following commands are available from the Roll menu: Roll Rolls the dice. ═══ 38. Roll - Help ═══ The Roll command causes the dice to be rolled. After the dice are rolled, each bet you have placed will be checked to see if it is a winner, or loser. When a bet is won or lost, a message will display which states how much was won or lost. The dice can only be rolled if there is at least one bet down. ═══ 39. Options Menu - Help ═══ The following commands are available from the Options menu: Marker For paying off your debt or, borrowing more. Settings For changing various user settings. ═══ 40. Marker - Help ═══ The Marker command displays the Marker dialog, and allows you to change (increase or decrease) your marker. ═══ 41. Settings - Help ═══ The Settings command displays the Settings dialog, and allows you to change the game's settings. ═══ 42. Help Menu - Help ═══ The following commands are available from the Help menu: Help index Displays an index of help topics. General help Displays general help for Las Vegas Craps. Using help Displays help on using the help facility. Product information Displays the product information for Las Vegas Craps. ═══ 43. Help index - Help ═══ The Help index command will display an index of topics for the Las Vegas Craps game. ═══ 44. General help - Help ═══ The General help command will display general help on using the Las Vegas Craps game. ═══ 45. Using help - Help ═══ The Using help command will display information on how to use the help facility provided with the Las Vegas Craps game. ═══ 46. Product information - Help ═══ The Product information command will display the Product information dialog. ═══ 47. Guido - Help ═══ Guido is the casino's loan officer. Guido, will be more than happy to loan you money in order to play the game. However, Guido is a nervous man and will occasionally take some of your winnings to make sure that your marker is eventually paid off. Two conditions must exist before Guido will take any of your money: o You must have won money on the last roll of the dice. o Your bank must be larger than your marker. Guido will never take more money than the amount you won on the last roll of the dice. If you do not want Guido to take any of your money, you can turn the feature off by using the Settings dialog located under the Options menu. ═══ 48. Bet Rules - Help ═══ Select the particular bet that you would like more information on: o Pass Line o Don't Pass o Come o Don't Come o Odds o Place Four o Place Five o Place Six o Place Eight o Place Nine o Place Ten o Any Seven o Any Craps o Two o Three o Eleven o Twelve o Hard Four o Hard Six o Hard Eight o Hard Ten o Big Six o Big Eight o Field ═══ 48.1. Pass Line Rules - Help ═══ The Pass Line bet is one of four bets known as line bets. The object of the Pass Line bet changes after the first roll of the dice. The first roll of the dice, after placing this bet, is referred to as the come out roll. The object of the Pass Line bet, on the come out roll, is to roll a seven or an eleven. If you roll a seven or eleven, you win. If you roll a two, three, or twelve, you lose. If any other number is rolled, that number becomes the point number. A place marker will then be placed, on the table, over the number that corresponds to the point number. Once a point number is established, the object of the Pass Line bet is to roll the point number before rolling a seven. If you roll the point number first, you win. If you roll a seven first, you lose. If any other number is rolled, it has no effect on this bet. Place This bet can only be made before a point number is established. You must have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed anytime before the point number is established. Once the point number has been established, the original bet can no longer be changed or removed. Once the point number has been established, a Pass Line bet can be enhanced with an odds bet. The odds bet is really a separate bet and it can be changed or removed at any time. Odds can only be placed after the point number is established. Odds of winning The Pass Line bet has different odds of winning, depending on what the point number is. The following table gives the odds of winning for each possible point number. ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Point │Odds of │ │Number │Winning │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │2 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │3 to 2 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │6 to 5 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Payoff if won The original Pass Line bet is paid off at even money regardless of the point number. If Odds were taken on the bet, the odds are paid off according to the point number. The following table gives the odds payoff for each possible point number. ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Point │Odds │ │Number │Payoff │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │2 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │3 to 2 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │6 to 5 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Note: The odds of winning and the payoff are identical on the odds bet. Recommendation The house has a 1.4% advantage on a Pass Line bet with no odds. This is one of the lowest house advantages in the game. Because the house has no advantage at all on the odds bet, if you back the Pass Line bet with odds, the house advantage on the total bet drops to 0.8% with single odds and further to 0.6% when playing double odds. As you can see, the house advantage drops significantly when playing odds. Also, the more odds that are taken, the lower the house advantage drops. Therefore, when playing the Pass Line, always bet the maximum allowable odds. When betting a sum of money on the Pass Line, always put as much of that sum as possible on the odds. Line bets backed by odds are the best bets in the game. ═══ 48.2. Don't Pass Rules - Help ═══ The Don't Pass bet is one of four bets known as line bets. The object of the Don't Pass bet changes after the first roll of the dice. The first roll of the dice, after placing this bet, is referred to as the come out roll. The object of the Don't Pass bet, on the come out roll, is to roll a two or a three. If you roll a two or three, you win. If you roll a seven or eleven, you lose. A roll of twelve is considered a standoff, or push. If any other number is rolled, that number becomes the point number. A place marker will then be placed, on the table, over the number that corresponds to the point number. Once a point number is established, the object of the Don't Pass bet is to roll a seven before rolling the point number. If you roll a seven first, you win. If you roll the point number first, you lose. If any other number is rolled, it has no effect on this bet. Place This bet can only be made before a point number is established. You must have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed anytime before the point number is established. Once the point number has been established, the original bet can no longer be changed or removed. Once the point number has been established, a Don't Pass bet can be enhanced with an odds bet. The odds bet is really a separate bet and it can be changed or removed at any time. Odds can only be placed after the point number is established. Odds of winning The Don't Pass bet has different odds of winning, depending on what the point number is. The following table gives the odds of winning for each possible point number. ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Point │Odds of │ │Number │Winning │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │1 to 2 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │2 to 3 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │5 to 6 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Payoff if won The original Don't Pass bet is paid off at even money regardless of the point number. If Odds were taken on the bet, the odds are paid off according to the point number. The following table gives the odds payoff for each possible point number. ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Point │Odds │ │Number │Payoff │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │1 to 2 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │2 to 3 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │5 to 6 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Note: The odds of winning and the payoff are identical on the odds bet. Also, note that you will be paid off less than the actual bet. This is because the odds are actually in your favor on the Don't Pass bet. This serves to even it up for the house. Recommendation The house has a 1.4% advantage on a Don't Pass bet with no odds. This is one of the lowest house advantages in the game. Because the house has no advantage at all on the odds bet, if you back the Don't Pass bet with odds, the house advantage on the total bet drops to 0.8% with single odds and further to 0.6% when playing double odds. As you can see, the house advantage drops significantly when playing odds. Also, the more odds that are taken, the lower the house advantage drops. Therefore, when playing the Don't Pass, always bet the maximum allowable odds. When betting a sum of money on the Don't Pass, always put as much of that sum as possible on the odds. Line bets backed by odds are the best bets in the game. ═══ 48.3. Come Line Rules - Help ═══ The Come Line bet is one of four bets known as line bets. The object of the Come Line bet changes after the first roll of the dice. The object of the Come Line bet, on the first out roll, is to roll a seven or an eleven. If you roll a seven or eleven, you win. If you roll a two, three, or twelve, you lose. If any other number is rolled, that number becomes the come point number. Your bet will then be placed, on the table, over the number that corresponds to the come point number. Once a come point number is established, the object of the Come Line bet is to roll the come point number before rolling a seven. If you roll the come point number first, you win. If you roll a seven first, you lose. If any other number is rolled, it has no effect on this bet. Place This bet can only be made before a come point number is established. In addition, you must have already placed either a Pass Line or a Don't Pass bet and have a point number established. You must have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed anytime before the come point number is established. Once the come point number has been established, the original bet can no longer be changed or removed. Once the come point number has been established, a Come Line bet can be enhanced with an odds bet. The odds bet is really a separate bet and it can be changed or removed at any time. Odds can only be placed after the come point number is established. Odds of winning The Come Line bet has different odds of winning, depending on what the come point number is. The following table gives the odds of winning for each possible come point number. ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Point │Odds of │ │Number │Winning │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │2 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │3 to 2 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │6 to 5 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Payoff if won The original Come Line bet is paid off at even money regardless of the come point number. If Odds were taken on the bet, the odds are paid off according to the come point number. The following table gives the odds payoff for each possible come point number. ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Point │Odds │ │Number │Payoff │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │2 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │3 to 2 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │6 to 5 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Note: The odds of winning and the payoff are identical on the odds bet. Recommendation The house has a 1.4% advantage on a Come Line bet with no odds. This is one of the lowest house advantages in the game. Because the house has no advantage at all on the odds bet, if you back the Come Line bet with odds, the house advantage on the total bet drops to 0.8% with single odds and further to 0.6% when playing double odds. As you can see, the house advantage drops significantly when playing odds. Also, the more odds that are taken, the lower the house advantage drops. Therefore, when playing the Come Line, always bet the maximum allowable odds. When betting a sum of money on the Come Line, always put as much of that sum as possible on the odds. Line bets backed by odds are the best bets in the game. ═══ 48.4. Don't Come Rules - Help ═══ The Don't Come bet is one of four bets known as line bets. The object of the Don't Come bet changes after the first roll of the dice. The object of the Don't Come bet, on the first roll, is to roll a two or a three. If you roll a two or three, you win. If you roll a seven or eleven, you lose. A roll of twelve is considered a standoff, or push. If any other number is rolled, that number becomes the come point number. Your bet will then be placed, on the table, over the number that corresponds to the come point number. Once a come point number is established, the object of the Don't Come bet is to roll a seven before rolling the come point number. If you roll a seven first, you win. If you roll the come point number first, you lose. If any other number is rolled, it has no effect on this bet. Place This bet can only be made before a come point number is established. In addition, you must have already placed either a Pass Line or a Don't Pass bet and have a point number established. You must have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed anytime before the come point number is established. Once the come point number has been established, the original bet can no longer be changed or removed. Once the come point number has been established, a Don't Come bet can be enhanced with an odds bet. The odds bet is really a separate bet and it can be changed or removed at any time. Odds can only be placed after the come point number is established. Odds of winning The Don't Come bet has different odds of winning, depending on what the come point number is. The following table gives the odds of winning for each possible come point number. ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Point │Odds of │ │Number │Winning │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │1 to 2 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │2 to 3 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │5 to 6 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Payoff if won The original Don't Come bet is paid off at even money regardless of the come point number. If Odds were taken on the bet, the odds are paid off according to the come point number. The following table gives the odds payoff for each possible come point number. ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Point │Odds │ │Number │Payoff │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │1 to 2 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │2 to 3 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │5 to 6 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Note: The odds of winning and the payoff are identical on the odds bet. Also, note that you will be paid off less than the actual bet. This is because the odds are actually in your favor on the Don't Come bet. This serves to even it up for the house. Recommendation The house has a 1.4% advantage on a Don't Come bet with no odds. This is one of the lowest house advantages in the game. Because the house has no advantage at all on the odds bet, if you back the Don't Come bet with odds, the house advantage on the total bet drops to 0.8% with single odds and further to 0.6% when playing double odds. As you can see, the house advantage drops significantly when playing odds. Also, the more odds that are taken, the lower the house advantage drops. Therefore, when playing the Don't Come, always bet the maximum allowable odds. When betting a sum of money on the Don't Come, always put as much of that sum as possible on the odds. Line bets backed by odds are the best bets in the game. ═══ 48.5. Place Four Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Place Four bet is to roll a four before rolling a seven. If you roll the four first, you win. If you roll a seven first, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. A place bet is typically not working, or is off on the come out roll. You can request that the place bets be on (working) on the come out roll by checking the box in the settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 2 to 1 Payoff if won 9 to 5 Recommendation The house has a 6.67% advantage on this bet. You can get better odds on other bets. To get the full payoff from the place bet, make your bets in the proper multiples. On a Place Four bet, you should bet in multiples of five. ═══ 48.6. Place Five Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Place Five bet is to roll a five before rolling a seven. If you roll the five first, you win. If you roll a seven first, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. A place bet is typically not working, or is off on the come out roll. You can request that the place bets be on (working) on the come out roll by checking the box in the settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 3 to 2 Payoff if won 7 to 5 Recommendation The house has a 4.00% advantage on this bet. You can get better odds on other bets. To get the full payoff from the place bet, make your bets in the proper multiples. On a Place Five bet, you should bet in multiples of five. ═══ 48.7. Place Six Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Place Six bet is to roll a six before rolling a seven. If you roll the six first, you win. If you roll a seven first, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. A place bet is typically not working, or is off on the come out roll. You can request that the place bets be on (working) on the come out roll by checking the box in the settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 6 to 5 Payoff if won 7 to 6 Recommendation The house has a 1.52% advantage on this bet. This is a relatively low house advantage and can be played. However, the line bets offer an even lower house advantage. To get the full payoff from the place bet, make your bets in the proper multiples. On a Place Six bet, you should bet in multiples of six. ═══ 48.8. Place Eight Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Place Eight bet is to roll an eight before rolling a seven. If you roll the eight first, you win. If you roll a seven first, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. A place bet is typically not working, or is off on the come out roll. You can request that the place bets be on (working) on the come out roll by checking the box in the settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 6 to 5 Payoff if won 7 to 6 Recommendation The house has a 1.52% advantage on this bet. This is a relatively low house advantage and can be played. However, the line bets offer an even lower house advantage. To get the full payoff from the place bet, make your bets in the proper multiples. On a Place Eight bet, you should bet in multiples of six. ═══ 48.9. Place Nine Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Place Nine bet is to roll a nine before rolling a seven. If you roll the nine first, you win. If you roll a seven first, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. A place bet is typically not working, or is off on the come out roll. You can request that the place bets be on (working) on the come out roll by checking the box in the settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 3 to 2 Payoff if won 7 to 5 Recommendation The house has a 4.00% advantage on this bet. You can get better odds on other bets. To get the full payoff from the place bet, make your bets in the proper multiples. On a Place Nine bet, you should bet in multiples of five. ═══ 48.10. Place Ten Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Place Ten bet is to roll a ten before rolling a seven. If you roll the ten first, you win. If you roll a seven first, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. A place bet is typically not working, or is off on the come out roll. You can request that the place bets be on (working) on the come out roll by checking the box in the settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 2 to 1 Payoff if won 9 to 5 Recommendation The house has a 6.67% advantage on this bet. You can get better odds on other bets. To get the full payoff from the place bet, make your bets in the proper multiples. On a Place Ten bet, you should bet in multiples of five. ═══ 48.11. Any Seven Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Any Seven bet is to roll a seven on the next roll of the dice. If the next roll of the dice is a seven, you win. If the next roll of the dice is not a seven, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 5 to 1 Payoff if won 4 to 1 Recommendation The house has a 16.67% advantage on this bet. This is one of the worst bets a player can make. ═══ 48.12. Any Craps Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Any Craps bet is to roll a crap number on the next roll of the dice. If the next roll of the dice is a crap number, you win. If the next roll of the dice is not a crap number, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 8 to 1 Payoff if won 7 to 1 Recommendation The house has an 11.1% advantage on this bet. This is an extremely high house advantage. Don't make this bet. ═══ 48.13. Two Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Two bet is to roll a two on the next roll of the dice. If the next roll of the dice is a two, you win. If the next roll of the dice is not a two, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 35 to 1 Payoff if won 30 to 1 Recommendation The house has a 13.69% advantage on this bet. This is an extremely high house advantage. Don't make this bet. ═══ 48.14. Three Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Three bet is to roll a three on the next roll of the dice. If the next roll of the dice is a three, you win. If the next roll of the dice is not a three, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 17 to 1 Payoff if won 15 to 1 Recommendation The house has an 11.1% advantage on this bet. This is an extremely high house advantage. Don't make this bet. ═══ 48.15. Eleven Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Eleven bet is to roll an eleven on the next roll of the dice. If the next roll of the dice is an eleven, you win. If the next roll of the dice is not an eleven, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 17 to 1 Payoff if won 15 to 1 Recommendation The house has an 11.1% advantage on this bet. This is an extremely high house advantage. Don't make this bet. ═══ 48.16. Twelve Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Twelve bet is to roll a twelve on the next roll of the dice. If the next roll of the dice is a twelve, you win. If the next roll of the dice is not a twelve, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 35 to 1 Payoff if won 30 to 1 Recommendation The house has a 13.69% advantage on this bet. This is an extremely high house advantage. Don't make this bet. ═══ 48.17. Hard Four Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Hard Four bet is to roll a hard four (double twos), before rolling a seven or an easy four (any roll of four besides double twos). If you roll a hard four first, you win. If you roll a seven or an easy four first, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 8 to 1 Payoff if won 7 to 1 Recommendation The house has an 11.1% advantage on this bet. This is an extremely high house advantage. Don't make this bet. ═══ 48.18. Hard Six Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Hard Six bet is to roll a hard six (double threes), before rolling a seven or an easy six (any roll of six besides double threes). If you roll a hard six first, you win. If you roll a seven or an easy six first, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 10 to 1 Payoff if won 9 to 1 Recommendation The house has a 9.09% advantage on this bet. This is an extremely high house advantage. Don't make this bet. ═══ 48.19. Hard Eight Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Hard Eight bet is to roll a hard eight (double fours), before rolling a seven or an easy eight (any roll of eight besides double fours). If you roll a hard eight first, you win. If you roll a seven or an easy eight first, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 10 to 1 Payoff if won 9 to 1 Recommendation The house has a 9.09% advantage on this bet. This is an extremely high house advantage. Don't make this bet. ═══ 48.20. Hard Ten Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Hard Ten bet is to roll a hard ten (double fives), before rolling a seven or an easy ten (any roll of ten besides double fives). If you roll a hard ten first, you win. If you roll a seven or an easy ten first, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 8 to 1 Payoff if won 7 to 1 Recommendation The house has an 11.1% advantage on this bet. This is an extremely high house advantage. Don't make this bet. ═══ 48.21. Big Six Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Big Six is to roll a six before a seven is rolled. If you roll the six first, you win. If the seven comes up, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 6 to 5 Payoff if won Even Money Recommendation The house has a 9.09% advantage on this bet. This is a very high house advantage. A Place Six bet can achieve the same results at a better payoff. ═══ 48.22. Big Eight Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Big Eight is to roll an eight before a seven is rolled. If you roll the eight first, you win. If the seven comes up, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 6 to 5 Payoff if won Even Money Recommendation The house has a 9.09% advantage on this bet. This is a very high house advantage. A Place Eight bet can achieve the same results at a better payoff. ═══ 48.23. Field Rules - Help ═══ The object of the Field bet is to roll one of the field numbers. If the next roll of the dice is a field number, you win. If the next roll of the dice is not a field number, you lose. Place This bet can be placed at anytime, provided you have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning 20 to 19 Payoff if won This bet is paid off at even money unless a two or twelve is rolled. A two is paid at 2 to 1. A twelve is paid a 3 to 1. Recommendation The house has a 2.7% advantage on this bet. While this house advantage is not the highest, there are several bets in the game that offer a much lower house advantage. This bet should be avoided. ═══ 48.24. Free Odds - Help ═══ A Free Odds bet, or just Odds bet, is an extension to the line bets. This bet must always back an existing line bet. An Odds bet can be placed for every existing line bet. While the Free Odds bet looks like a way to simply increase your line bet, it is much more than that. The Free Odds bet is paid of at the true odds. Thus, the house gets no advantage on this bet. The Free Odds bet serves to lower the overall house advantage on the line bets. The amount you are allowed to bet on a Free Odds bet is usually limited to some multiple of the line bet that it backs. The most common multiples are single odds and double odds. In a single odds game, the Free Odds bet can only be as large as the line bet that it backs. When playing double odds, the Free Odds bet can be up to two times the line bet. The odds multiple can be set in the Settings dialog. Place This bet can only be made as a backing bet to one of the line bets. Therefore, you must have already placed one of the line bets, and the corresponding point number must be established. You must have enough money in your bank to place the minimum bet. The minimum bet is set in the Settings dialog. Change/Remove This bet may be changed or removed at anytime. Odds of winning The Free Odds bet has different odds of winning, depending on what the point number is. The following table gives the odds of winning for each possible point number. ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Point │Odds of │ │Number │Winning │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │2 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │3 to 2 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │6 to 5 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Payoff if won The Free Odds bet is paid off according to the point number. The following table gives the odds payoff for each possible point number. ┌──────────┬──────────┐ │Point │Odds │ │Number │Payoff │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │4 or 10 │2 to 1 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │5 or 9 │3 to 2 │ ├──────────┼──────────┤ │6 or 8 │6 to 5 │ └──────────┴──────────┘ Note: The odds of winning and the payoff are identical on the Free Odds bet. Recommendation The house has no advantage at all on a Free Odds bet. This makes the Free Odds bet the best bet in the game. The overall house advantage for line bets decreases as more money is bet on the Free Odds backing the line bet. For this reason, line bets should always be backed with the maximum allowable Free Odds bet. ═══ ═══ A come out roll is the first roll of the dice after placing a Pass Line or a Don't Pass bet. ═══ ═══ A marker is a loan of money which is provided by the casino. ═══ ═══ A crap number is a 2, 3, or 12. ═══ ═══ A field number is a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12. ═══ ═══ The point number is the number that will, along with a roll of seven, decide the outcome of the line bets.