═══ 1. General Help for CMD-Line ═══ More specific help for the various menu selections can be found by clicking on one of the following keywords below. The selections are grouped by menu. Help can also be obtained by selecting one of the menu choices and tapping the F1 Key. Help will be displayed for the menu choice currently selected. Files Menu Open... Save As... Exit... Options Menu General Options CMD-Line Session QuickPick Menu User Choices 1 - 5 Edit SubMenu Edit User Choices 1 - 5 Help Menu General Help About ═══ 2. Help for Open... ═══ The Open dialog box presents a list of QuickPick configuration files that are available for use. By default, the dialog will display all .QP files. To choose a QuickPick configuration file, simply double click on the desired filename or type the name of a QuickPick file in the Open Filename: entry field and click the OK button. Once this has been completed, new QuickPick User Choices will be created. Refer to General Help for more information on other choices. ═══ 3. Help for Save As... ═══ The Save As... dialog box lets the user save changes that were made to the QuickPick user entries. To save a new QuickPick configuration file, simply type the name of the new file in the Save as Filename entry field and click OK. It is suggested that the modifications are saved to DEFAULT.QP. CMD-Line searches for this file at startup and if found, will automatically load and fill the QuickPick User Choices. Refer to General Help for more information on other choices. ═══ 4. Help for Exit... ═══ The Exit... menu item lets the user quit CMD-Line. Be sure to save whatever changes were made to the QuickPick User Choices by selecting the Save As... menu item. Refer to General Help for more information on other choices. ═══ 5. Help for General Options ═══ The General Options dialog box lets the user specify the time delay, if any, before floating CMD-Line to the surface. For example, if CMD-Line is hidden by another window and the specified time limit expires, CMD-Line will move itself to the front of the other application. To enable this feature, simply click the Enabled checkbox. A small checkmark will then appear. The default time limit before CMD-Line will float to the surface is 30 seconds. To change the time limit, use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons next to the entry field. Refer to General Help for more information on other choices. ═══ 6. Help for CMD-Line Session ═══ The CMD-Line Options dialog box lets the user specify the type of session CMD-Line will start. This option only affects the entry field under the main menu. All QuickPick entries are unaffected. NOTE If an OS/2 session is selected, the user must also specify the extension, such as .EXE, to the file being executed. Refer to General Help for more information on other choices. ═══ 7. Help for User Choices 1-5 ═══ Under the QuickPick menu are a series of 5 user defined choices. These can be modified by the Edit... menu selection following the last user choice. This lets the user launch any frequently used programs quickly and easily. Refer to General Help for more information on other choices. ═══ 8. Help for Edit User Choices 1-5 ═══ The QuickPick|Edit submenu allows the user to select a QuickPick menu selection and modify its properties. The individual items are discussed in detail below. Menu Caption - This is the text that will be displayed on the QuickPick menu and on the title bar of either a windowed DOS session or a windowed default session. Path and Filename - This is the fully qualified path and filename of the program to be executed. Arguments - All command line arguments should be placed here. Do not place these arguments within the Path and Filename field. Application Type - Define the type of application by selecting one of the push buttons listed. For DOS programs, the acceptable buttons would be either Fullscreen VDM for a fullscreen application or Windowed VDM if a windowed session is desired. For OS/2 text based programs, select the Default Session button. For applications that use the Presentation Manager, such as CMD-Line, select the PM Application button. Refer to General Help for more information on other choices. ═══ 9. Help for General Help ═══ Refer to General Help Main for more information on other choices. ═══ 10. Help for About ═══ The About dialog box lists some general information about CMD-Line such as how to contact the author and program version numbers. Refer to General Help for more information on other choices. ═══ 11. QuickPick Help ═══ The QuickPick menu gives the user fast and simple access to the most commonly used applications. Refer to General Help for more information on other choices.