WNOS4 Command Reference Mike Chace (G6DHU) WNOS Version 4 (29th May 1992) 1. Command Syntax This section details each command (and its sub commands) available in WNOS4. The following syntax is used... command [] - Denotes that is optional command - Either the alt1 or the alt2 parameter must be supplied to command. command [...] - Parameter is optional and there can be more than one specified. For example, The "icmp trace" command syntax is icmp trace [yes|no] so valid commands would be icmp trace icmp trace yes icmp trace no The word argument is often used as a synonym for a above. Note that some of the commands below may not be available in your version of WNOS4. For example, the NNTP system is not part of the general release program and so the "nntp ..." commands will not be available. Note that to include spaces in most text string arguments, you should use double quotes to surround the string eg motd "Welcome to the G6DHU TCP/IP Mailbox and node in Bath!" 1.1. WNOS Program Command Line Arguments 1.1.1. wnos -b [-s ] [-d ] [] -b Use BIOS calls to perform output to the console. Us this option if you use WNOS with a windowing package and have trouble with output "bleeding" on top of other windows. -s Specifies the number sockets available in the program. The default is 40. -d Allows WNOS to run with a "root" directory other than the default which is the root of the system (C:, D: etc). NOTE that a drive letter *MUST NOT* be given! (see example below) Defaults to "autoexec.nos" if not given. Example wnos startup line wnos -b -s 50 -d/tcpip autoexec.wno Would start WNOS with BIOS output, a socket array of 50, starting in the sub-directory /tcpip (either forward or back slashes are acceptable) with a startup file called "autoexec.wno". 1.2. WNOS4 Mailbox Commands The bbs commands are not directly accessible from the WNOS4 command window, instead a connection to the local mailbox must be made first using the "bbs" command. The same commands are accessible to any user connecting to your mailbox, either by telnet to TCP port 23 or by an AX.25 connection followed by a Carriage Return to wake the mailbox up. The extent to which commands are useable by each user depends upon their Permissions set in the "ftpusers" file. Mailbox commands are as follows 1.2.1. ? List commands 1.2.2. @ Start sysop mode (see WNOS3 manual for details). 1.2.3. (Return) Read current mail message in current area 1.2.4. CTRL-X Escape back to mailbox command level 1.2.5. a[rea] [|] Without argument, show list of available mail areas, otherwise make the given area the default area. The list of areas accessible to all users is defined by the area names specified in the "spool/areas" file. 1.2.6. b[ye] Logoff and disconnect. If any mail was sent within this session, it will now be delivered. 1.2.7. c[hat] Chat to sysop (if "mbox attended" on). 1.2.8. conv[ers] [] Connect to the local convers node. An optional channel on which to join the server may also be given. From the mailbox, login to the convers node is automatic and the user name is taken from their AX.25 callsign. 1.2.9. co[nnect] | [] [..] With no interface given, autoconnect to the given destination. Otherwise make a connection to the given destination using the optional digipeater list over the given interface. The outgoing connect is made using the inverted SSID of the connected user. For example, G7XXX's outgoing connects will be made with the callsign G7XXX-15. A connection either in the link setup state or if it is in progress, can be killed sending the Escape character (CTRL-X by default). If no is specified and the destination callsign is not in the autorouter list, then a connect to the destination on the default interface is attempted. (See "ax25 route add default" command). 1.2.10. d[ownload] Download the given ASCII file. (Use the "what" command to find out which files are available for downloading). 1.2.11. du[uencode] UUencode the given binary file and download it. 1.2.12. e[scape] [] Without argument, show the default escape character, otherwise set a new one. The default is Control-X. Sending this character whilst a connect is in setup or in progress, will kill it and return to the mailbox prompt. Note that Control-X can also be used to kill connections other than AX.25, especially to kill a 'chat to sysop' session, when the sysop is not present. 1.2.13. f[inger] |@ [@ ...] Query the local (or remote if @ is given) finger server for information on users of that system. 1.2.14. h[elp] [command] Without argument, display a message about the usage of the Help command otherwise, send detailed help on the specified command. The help files are help in the "spool/help" directory and are named .hlp. For example, the help file for the "mheard" command is called MHEARD.HLP. 1.2.15. i[nfo] Show information about the local system. The information is listed in the "INFO.HLP" file in the "spool/help" directory. If this file is not present, a short error message will be given. 1.2.16. k[ill] [...] Delete the given mail message numbers (in a Private mail area). Only the given messages are killed. In other words, "kill 4 8" kills messages 4 and 8, and not messages 4 to 8. 1.2.17. l[ist] [ [...]] Display mail headers of the specified messages (all if none given) in the default message area. Information shown for each message includes, the sender address, message title, size and message status (N = New, Y = Read, D = Deleted (killed)). The current message is shown with a ">", as well as being shown in the mailbox prompt (in the WNOS UK version). 1.2.18. ll[ast] [ [...]] Show the last (specified) message headers in the current message area. 1.2.19. m[heard] [] Without argument, display the monitor heard list for all interfaces. Otherwise just list those stations heard on the given interface. 1.2.20. n[odes] [tcp|] Without argument, show all locally known NET/ROM nodes. Adding the argument "tcp" displays only those NET/ROM nodes which are likely to be IP nodes (aliases containing either TCP, IP or NOS). Specifying a node callsign or alias as argument lists all known routing information to that node. 1.2.21. nc[onnect] | Make a NET/ROM (Level 4) connection to the given node. The escape character can be used to kill a pending connection. 1.2.22. p[ath] [] [ ...] Without argument, displays all known AX.25 auto-router destinations. Specifying a callsign shows the path information for that destination. Stations listed as the paths can be connected to using the short form of the connect command that does not require an interface (eg "c gb7imb- 2"). 1.2.23. os Outputs the same as the internal "status" command. Useful for remote sysops. 1.2.24. q[uit] Logoff and disconnect. If any mail was sent during this session, it is now delivered. 1.2.25. r[ead] [...] Read the given message(s) from the current area. 1.2.26. s[end][r|b|f] [@] Send mail to the given user. If "@" is not specified, the mail will be delivered locally. send [@] Send mail to given user. Addresses supplied have any address rewrites (see the "spool/rewrite" file) applied and if a match results, this is shown in the To: line rather than the address typed in. sr Send a reply to the given message number. To: is automatically filled in before the user is prompted for the Subject. 1.2.27. t[elnet] [] Connect to another TCP/IP node using telnet. The default port to connect to is port 23. This usually results in having to login to the remote machine. The connection can be killed at any time using the "escape" character. 1.2.28. up[load] Upload the given ASCII! text file to the public file area. Binary files cannot be uploaded using this command. The end of the file can be signalled with any of, Control-Z, "/EX", "*** END" or ".". The upload can be aborted at any time by sending a Control-A. The filename of the file to be uploaded must not already exist. 1.2.29. u[ser] Display information about all currently connected users. 1.2.30. [w]hat Gives a directory listing of the public file area or of the directory given. 1.3. Special Mailbox Commands These commands are not shown in the listing given by a "?" or "help" command. They are mainly for mailbox-mailbox communication (Store & Forward) and SysOp use. 1.3.1. [ Recognises that the connected station is a forwarding mailbox. The characters following the [ are evaluated since they denote the various features of the remote mailbox. For example, receipt of [YFB-3.42-HMR$] lets WNOS know that remote mailbox supports Hierarchical Addressing (H), Message-IDs (M), Reverse Forwarding (R) and Bulletin-IDs ($). When WNOS recognises a mailbox, it changes its operation to BBSFWD (BBS Forwarding) mode, indicated by the prompt changing to a single ">". 1.3.2. F> On receipt of this command (whilst in BBSFWD mode), tells WNOS that the remote mailbox is offering a "reverse forward". WNOS can then send any mail waiting for forwarding to that BBS. 1.3.3. v[erbose] Like the "read" command, except show all the mail headers as-is. The "read" command cuts the non-essential headers when the mail is read whereas this command shows them verbatim. 1.3.4. xr This is the remote chat command. If you nominate a remote sysop (ie that user has the "64" permission bit set in the /ftpusers file), they may issue this command to redirect the destination for a "chat" command. For example, I nominate g4wrw as my remote sysop. When I am away from my system for a long period, he may connect to my mailbox and issue the command; (Msg #12: G4WRW) G4WRW de G6DHU> xr g4wrw1 Now, whenever a user connects to my mailbox and types "c" or "chat", they will be directed to the chat port at g4wrw1.ampr.org instead. This is also a useful command for a remotely sited WNOS node. 1.3.5. *** Denotes that the remote mailbox sent a forwarding error. 1.4. Command Keys 1.4.1. Return (Enter) Switches from current mode (Trace or Command) to curent session. 1.4.2. ESCape & F10 Switches from current session to Command Mode. 1.4.3. F1....F8 Switch to session (eg F2 switches to session 2 (if active)). 1.4.4. F9 Selects the Trace output screen. If there are active sessions it will toggle between Trace and the current session, otherwise it toggles between Trace and Command screens. 2. WNOS Program Commands 2.1. ? A synonym for the "help" command. Shows a list of top-level commands. 2.2. ! [ [] | /c A synonym for the "shell" command. Starts a DOS session (use the DOS "exit" command to return to WNOS). (See also the "swap" command). A "!" as the sole command loads a plain DOS shell. Optionally, the name of the DOS program to be run, and any command parameters to be supplied to it can also be specified. ! /c Run a DOS command. Most of the useful ones (cd, delete, dir, mkdir, rmdir) are implemented. 2.3. # Denotes that this line is a comment. Useful in the autoexec.nos and other startup files. 2.4. . [ Gives a hexadecimal listing of the memory contents of the specified address. If a "." is given istead of a segment address, the last specified address is used as the start address for the listing. (See also "dump"). 2.5. abort [] Aborts file transfer in the given FTP session. If no session_number is given, the current FTP-DATA session is aborted. 2.6. arp Display the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) table which defines the mapping of Internet addresses to link layer addresses (AX.25 or NET/ROM callsigns or EtherNet addresses). 2.6.1. arp add ax25|ether|netrom Add an ARP table entry for host and define its link layer mapping. 2.6.2. arp drop ax25|ether|netrom Remove the entry for host from the ARP table. 2.6.3. arp flush Flush the ARP table of all dynamic ARP entries. 2.6.4. arp publish ax25|ether|netrom Like "arp add" except the system will respond to *any* ARP request that seeks the specified address. !Use with care!. 2.7. asystat Show statistics from the attached asynchronous (RS-232/V24) ports. 2.8. attach Attach a communications driver of the given type. Note that comms drivers a compiled into WNOS according to desired configurations. WNOS supports the following drivers; PC100 = PacComm PC100 TNC Card HAPN = Hamilton Area Packet Network driver card ARCNET = ArcNet driver SLIP = Serial Line IP HS = High Speed (56k bps) modem card EAGLE = Eagle Card Driver Packet = FTP Software Inc driver/G8BPQ Node Appletalk = Mac Appletalk Network Interface NRS = NET/ROM Back End interface DRSI = DRSI card driver SLFP = Serial Line Framing Protocol driver VANESSA = HB9RWM/ETH Zurich PC TNC card The following terminology is used in the sections below; Address - Hexadecimal (hardware) address of the port. Aoff - Address Offset from the chip base address to the Channel-A control registers. asy_label - The name of the interface declared asy "parent" interface. Boff - Address offset from the chip base address to the Channel-B control registers. bufsize - Size in bytes of the ring-buffer for temporary holding of data received from the port. Its value should be at least 1/4 of the port speed, perhaps 1/2 on slower machines. If the value is made too small, data in the buffers can get overwritten whilst the program is unable to read them. This is most likely to happen during long reads/writes of the floppy/Hard disk. call - AX.25 Callsign (perhaps with SSID too). channel - Channel on a Z8530 SCC chip. clock - Clock frequency of SCC card (Hz) Dataoff - Address offset between Control and Data registers. devices - Number of Z8530 devices present. int# - Address (in Hexadecimal) of software interrupt vector. intack - Address of INTACK/Read vector on Port 0. ip_addr - IP address of interface. If this is not specified, the default is that set by the "ip address" command. ip_addr_A - IP address of channel A interface. ip_addr_B - IP address of channel B interface. label - Interface name. Usual names for asy interfaces are "ax0", "ax1" etc. I prefer names that indicate frequencies, eg "144", "432" etc. The name should not be longer than 6 characters and can contain mixed case and digits. mtu - Interface Maximum Transmission Unit. The largest size of information frames that can be sent over the interface in one go. persistance - Value of "aggresiveness" (0..255) in determining when to use channel. port - "Virtual" port number in a multi-port KISS interface. port# - Port number on VANESSA PC TNC card. remote_host - For AXIP links. spacing - Spacing between chip base addresses. speed - Asynchronous (asy) interfaces - data rate. speed - Other interfaces - data rate to modem. speed_A - Data rate on Channel A interface. speed_B - Data rate on Channel B interface. txdelay - Time (milliseconds) between keying transmitter PTT and start of sending data to TNC. vector - Address (in Hexadecimal) of Hardware interrupt vector. 2.8.1. attach asy