Scrolling Calculator """""""""""""""""""" I created the Scrolling Calculator because I got tired of having to start over each time I made an error keying in a long list of standard calculator entries. The Scrolling Calculator allows the user to edit his or her entries along the way. You can even insert-copy an existing number by using Ins Line and then double clicking another entry, and finally, entering an operator. There is a rudimentary online help screen providing the basics. Experiment with the calculator to learn more. Please note that entries are made in a "postfix" manner. In other words, the number is entered first, then the operator. For example, if the result (shown under the list of entries) is 15.25 and you want to add 3.75, you would enter 3.75+. The new result would become 19. The next entry you make would act upon this new result. So if you entered -2.25*, the result would become -42.75. Remember, on the computer keyboard that * is for multiplication (x) and / is for division (wait... I can't seem to find the division key on my keyboard). Limitations ----------- A mouse IS required. You can make entries without a mouse, but it is not possible to edit the list of entries without one in this version of the program. You may also use the tab key to go from command button to command button but the order in which each command button becomes focused will follow no logical sequence. It is possible to enter some REALLY BIG numbers when Decimals is set to Freeform. However, conversions back to a fixed number of decimals may give inaccurate results. Decimal conversions from more decimals to less may not retain precision accuracy. This program is NOT guaranteed against error. I may NOT be held responsible for any mental or bodily injuries caused by using this program. This program is freeware and may be distributed freely, but never sold. Please keep this Readme text along with any distributions. If you have any suggestions or questions concerning the Scrolling Calculator program (or if things just generally don't seem to add up), please send GEnie MAIL to J.DREW8 or CompuServe MAIL to 73557,3232. Thanks. J. Mike Drew