C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 2.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. ALTF10_HLP CACHE_FIELD CDDRIVES_FORM DEST_DIR DRIVE_FIELD DRVCOUNT_FORM EMS_FIELD EXIT_FORM INTR_ASPI MAUTO_FIELD MCONFIG_FIELD OVER_FORM SAMPLE_FORM VERBOSE_FIELD HELP: Exit to DOS You have pressed the to continue` HELP: Sizing the Cache Buffer The Cache Buffer option is used by the Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions to determine how much memory is allocated for caching. Choosing a larger number will speed up the data transfer, but will decrease the memory capacity available for other applications. Press to continue HELP: CD-ROM Device Driver Selection The ASW-410 provides a driver for each of the CD-ROM drive-types on the selection list. Each driver supports its specified drive for both data and audio CD's, while the Generic driver supports all CD-ROM drives in data-mode only. You must select at least one drive-type from the list in order to proceed with the installation. If you have only one CD-ROM drive on your system, and that drive-type is not listed, but you are sure it is fully compatible with a type that is listed, then select that listed compatible type. If your exact drive types are listed, then you may select multiple drives to install more than one driver. Press the key to begin the selection. Press the or keys to move the cursor. After making your selections, press or to save your choices. must then be pressed again to advance to the next screen. Press to continuek HELP: Destination Install Directory The destination directory is the directory that you want the files to be copied to. The directory path specification is the same as any DOS directory path. It consists of a drive letter, a root directory, and possible subdirectories. When entering the destination directory, you must enter the entire directory path, including the drive letter, root directory, and subdirectory desired. The Install Utility will create a subdirectory if it does not already exist, but will not do so if the parent directory does not already exist. Press to edit the directory choice. Pressing the or keys will adjust the cursor position. Press to exit the directory line edit. Pressing again will advance you to the next screen. Press to continue HELP: Assigning a Drive Letter to Your CD-ROM The drive letter option is used by the Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions to determine the first DOS logical drive reserved for the CD-ROM drive. If you have multiple CD-ROM drives installed, the drive letters will be assigned contiguously starting from the first drive letter you specify. If you instruct the Install Utility to modify your CONFIG.SYS file, it will modify or insert "LASTDRIVE=?" (where "?" is set by the drive letter you select here added with the total number of CD-ROM drives you install) as the first line in the file. The LASTDRIVE line will not be added if the drive letter chosen results in a LASTDRIVE less than "F". Note that this may affect your system's operation if you have a network installed that assigns itself to the next higher drive letter beyond that specified in the LASTDRIVE line. It is recommended you choose the first unused drive letter in your system, which the Install Utility will determine and display as the default value in this field. Press to continue HELP: Specifying the Total CD-ROM Drive Count The Install Utility may insert a "LASTDRIVE" statement in your CONFIG.SYS file if you choose to have that file modified by the Install Utility. To do so, the Install Utility requires you to input the number of CD-ROM drives to be controlled by all installed ASW-410 drivers. This number must be the number of CD-ROM drives, not the number of CD-ROM device drivers, since it is possible to have more than one drive per driver. This number will be used to calculate the entry in the LASTDRIVE statement. If the total drives results in a LASTDRIVE letter less than F, the LASTDRIVE statement will not be written. Press to continue HELP: Using Expanded Memory The expanded memory option is used by the Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions to determine if it should use the expanded memory or not. You need to have expanded memory installed in your system if you want to use this option. Expanded memory refers to the memory defined in the Lotus-Intel-Microsoft (LIM) specification. Press to continue HELP: Before You Exit The ASW-410 CD-ROM device drivers require Adaptec's SCSI host adapters and ASPI Manager program to be installed. If you have not installed them, or if you are not familiar with them, please contact Adaptec or your local distributor for more information. If you chose not to modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files, you must do so prior to attempting to run any CD-ROM applications. If they were modified and your system does not operate properly, you may need to inspect the new AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files for incompatibilities with other drivers you have installed. Press to continue HELP: Introduction to ASPI ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) is a programming interface to SCSI designed by Adaptec. It provides powerful and flexible commands for SCSI device drivers and utility programs to use. Device drivers utilizing the ASPI interface are transparent to the SCSI host adapter hardware. Also, different drivers can share the SCSI bus without conflict by communicating with the ASPI Manager program. Press to continue HELP: Modifying Your AUTOEXEC.BAT File In order to use the ASW-410 CD-ROM drivers, you must modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to install the Microsoft MS-DOS Extensions at boot time. This is done by adding a line in the file such as: C:\ASW410\MSCDEX /D:ASPICD0 /D:ASPICD1 /l:H /m:12 The Installation Utility will modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file for you if you instruct it to. The old AUTOEXEC.BAT file will be saved as AUTOEXEC.SAV and put in the same directory as the new AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You can restore the original file if you do not like the modifications performed by the Install Utility. Press to continue HELP: Modifying Your CONFIG.SYS File In order to use the ASW-410 CD-ROM drivers, your CONFIG.SYS file must be modified to load the driver at boot time. This is done by adding a line in the CONFIG.SYS file such as: DEVICE=C:\ASW410\ASWCDxxx.SYS /D:ASPICD0 where "xxx" will specify your specific drive type. A similar line is needed for each different CD-ROM drive type you install in your system. Optionally, the Install Utility will modify your CONFIG.SYS file for you. The original CONFIG.SYS file will be saved as CONFIG.SAV and placed in the same directory as the new CONFIG.SYS file. You can restore the original file if you do not like the modifications performed by the Install Utility. Press to continue HELP: ASW-410 Installation Overview The ASW-410 Install Utility will load a driver for each CD-ROM drive type you select from a list of supported drives. The driver and the MSCDEX Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions will be copied from the directory the Install Utility was invoked from, and will be copied to the destination directory you specify. During the installation, you will be prompted to supply input data necessary to perform the installation. In most cases, you can use the default values by pressing the key, or enter values of your choice. Entering the key will usually return you to the previous screen. At any time, you can press the help key to view an on-the-spot help screen. Entering the exit key combination will allow you to immediately abort the installation and exit to DOS. Note that when entering data at a prompt, or must be pressed to enter the data, then pressed again to advance to the next screen. Press to continue HELP: Creating a SAMPLE CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT File If you instructed the Install Utility not to modify your CONFIG.SYS and/or AUTOEXEC.BAT files, you have the option of instructing the utility to create sample files named CONFIG.ADP and/or AUTOEXEC.ADP which will be identical to the modifications which would have made to those files. This allows you to examine those modifications to make sure they are suitable for your system prior to actually implementing them. If you choose to have the Install Utility modify CONFIG.SYS and/or AUTOEXEC.BAT for you, you will not be given this option for that file. Press to continue HELP: Verbose Message Choice The verbose message option is used by the Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions to determine whether it will display additional information about memory usage during initialization. These messages summarize the statistics on memory usage and diagnostic information for those users who may require it. Press to continue