C-Worthy (R) Form File Version 2.0 FORMASPI FORMBEXIT FORMCDEXT FORMDRIVECOUNT FORMDRIVES FORMINST_DIR FORMMODIFY FORMOVERVIEW FORMSAMPLEAUTO FORMSAMPLECNF ALTF10_HLP CACHE_FIELD CDDRIVES_FORM DEST_DIR DRIVE_FIELD DRVCOUNT_FORM EMS_FIELD EXIT_FORM INTR_ASPI MAUTO_FIELD MCONFIG_FIELD OVER_FORM SAMPLE_FORM VERBOSE_FIELD System Configuration Warning: ASPI ManagerINTR_ASPIOVFORM_ENT_PROC ASPI_TEXTVTEXT The Install Utility has detected that Adaptec's ASPI Manager program has not been installed yet. The ASW-410 CD-ROM device driver requires an ASPI Manager to be installed before it can load properly. It is suggested that you quit this installation and install the ASPI Manager first, or you may continue installing the CD-ROM driver and install the ASPI Manager at a later time. ASPI_1BUTTON =Continue Installation ASPI_3BUTTON =Exit to DOS ASPI_2BUTTON =Help ASW-410 Installation Complete!EXIT_FORMOVFORM_ENT_PROC EXIT_TEXTVTEXTOVFORM_ENT_PROCX The ASW-410 ASPI CD-ROM driver for DOS has now been successfully installed. To make these changes effective, you must reboot the computer by pressing after exiting this installation. If you chose to modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, the old files were saved as AUTOEXEC.SAV and CONFIG.SAV respectively. If you have not modified these files, you will need to modify them and reboot before running any CD-ROM applications. BEXIT_1BUTTON Press to return to DOS BEXIT_2BUTTON =Help Command Line Options: Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX) DRIVE_LETTERCHARACTERFirst Drive Letter Reserved for CD-ROM : ('D' to 'Z')DRIVE_FIELD d..z/D..ZH CACHE_BUFFERBYTENumber of Reserved Cache Sector Buffers: ( 8 to 15 )CACHE_FIELD 8..15 VERBOSEBOOLEANDisplay Verbose Messages during Booting: ('Y' or 'N')VERBOSE_FIELD NoYes EMS_USEDBOOLEANInstall MSCDEX.EXE in Expanded Memory : ('Y' or 'N')EMS_FIELD NoYes CDEXT_6BUTTON =Continue CDEXT_5BUTTON =Edit CDX_ESCBUTTON =Return to Previous Screen CDEXT_0BUTTON =Exit to DOS CDEXT_7BUTTON =Help Total System CD-ROM Drive CountDRVCOUNT_FORM DRVCNT_TEXTVTEXT, The Install Utility requires you to tell it how many CD-ROM drives are installed in your system. This count is needed in order to correctly specify the LASTDRIVE statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. Below, you must enter the total number of CD-ROM drives in your system. DRIVE_COUNTBYTETotal number of CD-ROM drives in your system: ( 1 to 7 ) SAMA_ENTERBUTTON =Continue SAMA_INSBUTTON =Edit SAMA_HELPBUTTON =Help SAMA_ESCBUTTON =Return to Previous Screen SAMA_CANCELBUTTON =Exit to DOS CD-ROM Drive-Type Selection List: Select All Drives to be InstalledCDDRIVES_FORM CHINONBOOLEANChinon: ('Y' or 'N') NoYes DECBOOLEANDEC: ('Y' or 'N') NoYes DENONBOOLEANDenon: ('Y' or 'N') NoYes HITACHIBOOLEANHitachi: ('Y' or 'N') NoYes LMSIBOOLEANLMSI: ('Y' or 'N') NoYes NECBOOLEANNEC: ('Y' or 'N') NoYes PANBOOLEANPanasonic: ('Y' or 'N') NoYes SONYBOOLEANSony: ('Y' or 'N') NoYes TOSHIBABOOLEANToshiba: ('Y' or 'N') NoYes GENERICBOOLEANGeneric Data: ('Y' or 'N') NoYes B_ENTERBUTTON =Continue B_INSBUTTON =Edit B_HELPBUTTON =Help DRV_ESCBUTTON =Return to Previous Screen DRV_CANCELBUTTON =Exit to DOS ASW-410 Installation Directory Selection DST_DIRSTRINGDestination Directory to Install Files:DEST_DIR C:\ASW410 INST_DIR_3BUTTON =Continue INST_DIR_2BUTTON =Edit INST_DIR_4BUTTON =Help DIR_ESCBUTTON =Return to Previous Screen INST_ABORTBUTTON =Exit to DOS Should the Install Utility modify the following files? MCONFIGBOOLEANModify your current CONFIG.SYS? ('Y' or 'N')MCONFIG_FIELD NoYes MAUTOEXECBOOLEANModify your current AUTOEXEC.BAT? ('Y' or 'N')MAUTO_FIELD NoYes MODIFY_3BUTTON =Continue MODIFY_2BUTTON =Edit MODIFY_4BUTTON =Help MOD_ESCBUTTON =Return to Previous Screen MOD_ABORTBUTTON =Exit to DOS Welcome to the Adaptec ASW-410 Installation Utility!OVER_FORMOVFORM_ENT_PROC OVER_TEXTVTEXTOVER_FORMOVFORM_ENT_PROCq The ASW-410 Install Utility provides an easy way for you to copy and install the ASW-410 ASPI CD-ROM driver for DOS onto your system. During this installation, you must specify your system's destination directory in which to copy the selected CD-ROM drivers and the provided Microsoft CD-ROM DOS Extensions (MSCDEX). You also must select which CD-ROM drive types your system uses from a list of drivers supported by the ASW-410. The MSCDEX command line options must also be specified. Finally, it will optionally modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to install the ASW-410 on your system. OVERVIEW_1BUTTON =Continue OVERVIEW_0BUTTON =Exit to DOS OVERVIEW_2BUTTON =Help Sample AUTOEXEC.BAT Option SelectionSAMPLE_FORMOVFORM_ENT_PROC SAMPLEAUTO_5VTEXT Since you instructed the Install Utility not to modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, it could create a sample file named AUTOEXEC.ADP as an example of what those modifications might look like. AUTOADPBOOLEANCreate AUTOEXEC.ADP? ('Y' or 'N') NoYes SAMA_ENTERBUTTON =Continue SAMA_INSBUTTON =Edit SAMA_HELPBUTTON =Help SAMA_ESCBUTTON =Return to Previous Screen SAMA_CANCELBUTTON =Exit to DOS Sample CONFIG.SYS Option SelectionSAMPLE_FORMOVFORM_ENT_PROC ADP_TEXTVTEXT Since you instructed the Install Utility not to modify your CONFIG.SYS file, it could create a sample file named CONFIG.ADP as an example of what those modifications might look like. CNFADPBOOLEANCreate CONFIG.ADP? ('Y' or 'N') NoYes SAMPLECNF_2BUTTON =Continue SAMPLECNF_3BUTTON =Edit SAMPLECNF_4BUTTON =Help SAMPLECNF_5BUTTON =Return to Previous Screen SAMPLECNF_6BUTTON =Exit to DOS ABANDON_CHANGES Abandon Changes ALIGNCHANGEDLIST_EL_NOT_FOUND AlignChangedList was called with the element "%s", but that element was not found in the currently selected list. ALIGNLISTDISPLAY_EL_NOT_FOUND AlignListDisplay was called with the element "%s", but that element was not found in the currently selected list. ALREADY_IN_HELP No More Help Available. ANTE_MERIDIAN BAD_FILE_HANDLE_TABLE_SIZE An attempt to allocate %d file handles failed, must be in the range of 5 to 260. BAD_HELP_FILE_HEADERY The help file "%s" is the wrong version. BAD_PARAMETERS Invalid parameters encountered. CANCEL_CHANGESP Cancel All Changes CHECKHEADER_READ_ERROR A read error occurred while reading the data file. CHECKHEADER_WRONG_TYPE The data file was not of the correct type. CHECKHEADER_WRONG_VERSION The data file format is the wrong version. CLOSE_FAILURE An attempt to close the file "%s" failed. CLOSE_FILE_FAILED An attempt to close a file in the extended table failed. CLOSE_INVALID_HANDLEN An attempt to close the file "%s" failed because the specified file handle is invalid. COUNTRY_FAILURE_ An attempt to get the DOS country information failed. COUNTRY_FILE_NOT_FOUNDD An attempt to get the DOS country information failed because the alternate keyboard handler file was not found. CREATE_DIR_ACCESS_DENIED\ An attempt to create the directory "%s" failed because access was denied. CREATE_DIR_PATH_NOT_FOUND[ An attempt to create the directory "%s" failed because the specified path was not found. CREATE_FILE_ACCESS_DENIEDS An attempt to create the file "%s" failed because access was denied. CREATE_FILE_FAILUREF An attempt to create the file "%s" failed. CREATE_FILE_PATH_NOT_FOUNDQ An attempt to create the file "%s" failed because the specified directory was not found. CREATE_FILE_TO_MANY_OPEN_FILESR An attempt to create the file "%s" failed because there are too many open files. CUT_TOO_BIGU The Marked Block Is Too Big For Available Memory. DAY_FRIDAY? Friday DAY_MONDAY; Monday DAY_SATURDAY@ Saturday DAY_SUNDAY: Sunday DAY_THURSDAY> Thursday DAY_TUESDAY< Tuesday DAY_WEDNESDAY= Wednesday DELETEDIRECTORY_ERROR_IN_USE An attempt was made to delete directory "%s", but the directory is currently being used by another station. DIRECTORY_ALREADY_EXISTS The directory "%s" already exists. DISK_ERROR_HEADER Disk Error Drive: DISPLAYHEADER_FAILURE The attempt to display the utility header, with the current date and time, failed. DISPLAYTEXTINPORTAL_DOESNT_FIT_ The text to be displayed in the current portal was too long to fit in the portal. DISPLAYTEXTINPORTAL_NO_PORTAL` There is not a currently selected portal in which to display the text. DUP_HANDLE_FAILURE` An attempt to duplicate a file handle failed. DUP_HANDLE_INVALID_HANDLEJ An attempt to duplicate a file handle failed because the specified file handle was invalid. DUP_HANDLE_TO_MANY_OPEN_FILESI An attempt to duplicate a file handle failed because there are too many open files. EDITPORTALSTRING_BAD_STRINGH The string that was passed to EditPortalString was longer than the maximum length allowed. Possibly the string was not properly initialized. ERROR_CANT_CREATE_ERROR_PORTAL The error portal could not be created during program initialization. ERROR_DESCRIPTION_HEADER DESCRIPTION ERROR_DESCRIPTION_NOT_AVAILABLE The description for this error is not available. ERROR_ERROR_HEADER ERROR ERROR_PORTAL_HEADER Error Report ERROR_REPORT_HEADER *** ERROR REPORT *** ERROR_RETURNED_CODE_OF %s returned an error code of %d. ERROR_SEVERITY_FATAL Further program execution is not possible. ERROR_SEVERITY_HEADER SEVERITY ERROR_SEVERITY_INFORM Program execution should continue normally. ERROR_SEVERITY_WARNING The current operation cannot be completed. ERROR_SYSTEM_FILE_MISSING The system error library file "%s" is missing. ETC_TEXTI EXITG F_ANSWERED Answered F_CANCEL_ALL_CHANGES Cancel All Changes And Exit F_CANCEL_EDIT Cancel Edit F_CONTINUE_EDIT Continue Edit F_EDIT_FIRST_UNANSWERED Edit First Unanswered Field F_EDIT_UNANSWERED Edit Unanswered Field F_INVALID Invalid F_LEAVE_INVALID Leave Invalid F_LEAVE_UNANSWERED Leave Unanswered F_MANY_REQUIRED_FIELDS There are %d required fields that have not been answered. F_MARK_FIELD Mark Field F_ONE_REQUIRED_FIELD There is 1 required field that has not been answered. F_TENTATIVE Tentative F_THROUGH through F_UNANSWERED Unanswered F_VALUE_NOT_VALID %s is not valid. The value must be in the range FAILED_APPEND_TO_LIST An attempt to allocate additional memory to add element "%s" to the current list was unsuccessful. FREE_FAILURE% An attempt to free a section of memory that was previously allocated failed. FUNCTIONAL_HELP_HEADER The function key assignments on your machine are: GETERROR_DELETED_ERRORr GetError was called, but the specified procedure has been deleted. GETLISTHEAD_FAILURE! An attempt was made to get the first element in a list and the list was empty. GETLISTINDEX_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND GetListIndex was called with the element "%s", but that element was not found in the currently selected list. GETLISTTAIL_FAILURE" An attempt was made to get the last element in a list and the list was empty. GETMESSAGE_DELETED_MESSAGEp GetMessage was called, but the requested system message has been deleted. GETMESSAGE_NO_MESSAGEo GetMessage was called, but no message was specified. GETPORTALINFO_NO_PORTALE An attempt was made to get the current portals information, and there was not a currently selected portal. HEADER_MESSAGE_TOO_WIDEb The combined width of the program header and the version number is greater than 34. This means that the header will be overwritten by the date and time for certain days in certain months (ie. Wednesdays in September). Please shorten the header message. HELP_CONTEXT_STACK_EMPTY An attempt was made to return to the previous help context, but there is no previous help context on the help context stack. HELP_CONTEXT_STACK_FULL PushHelpContext was called to push the help context number %d, but the help context stack is already full. HELP_DEFAULT_TEXT^ No application specific help is available at this point. Pressing the HELP key again will display a list of the function key assignments on your machine. HELP_ESCAPE_DESCRIPTIONk Exits help. HELP_HELP_DESCRIPTIONi Displays a list of the function key assignments on your machine. HELP_HELP_HEADERc The following keys are available while viewing help: HELP_PDOWN_DESCRIPTIONg Moves to the next help screen. HELP_PUP_DESCRIPTIONe Backs up to the previous help screen. INITHELP_READ_ERROR\ The Help Librarian Data File "%s" could not be read. The help system will not be able to provide some contextual help for this utility. INITHELP_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE[ The Help Librarian Data File "%s" could not be found. The help system will not be able to provide some contextual help for this utility. INITHELP_WRONG_VERSION] The Help Librarian Data File "%s" is the wrong version. The help system will not be able to provide some contextual help for this utility. INVALID_DRIVE An invalid drive was used. INVALID_DYNAMIC_MESSAGE_NUMBERX An attempt was made to set Dynamic Message Number %d. There is no such dynamic message pointer. INVALID_HELP_CONTEXT An attempt was made to set the help context to number %d, but there are only %d help contexts defined (help context numbers are zero based). KEY_BACK_DESCRIPTIONy Delete the character to the left of the cursor. KEY_BACK_NAMEx BACKSPACE KEY_CANCEL_DESCRIPTIONw Cancel markings or edit changes. KEY_CANCEL_NAMEv CANCEL KEY_CYCLE_DESCRIPTION Cycle through menus or screens. KEY_CYCLE_NAME CYCLE KEY_DELETE_DESCRIPTION| Delete an item. KEY_DELETE_NAME} DELETE KEY_DOWN_DESCRIPTION Move down one line. KEY_DOWN_NAME KEY_ESCAPE_DESCRIPTIONs Back up to the previous level. KEY_ESCAPE_NAMEj ESCAPE KEY_EXIT_DESCRIPTIONu Exit the program. KEY_EXIT_NAMEt KEY_FLEFT_DESCRIPTION Move left one field or word. KEY_FLEFT_NAME FIELD LEFT KEY_FRIGHT_DESCRIPTION Move right one field or word. KEY_FRIGHT_NAME FIELD RIGHT KEY_HELP_DESCRIPTION Provide on-line help. KEY_HELP_NAMEh KEY_INSERT_DESCRIPTION{ Insert a new item. KEY_INSERT_NAMEz INSERT KEY_LEFT_DESCRIPTION Move left one position. KEY_LEFT_NAME KEY_MARK_DESCRIPTION Toggle marking for current item. KEY_MARK_NAME KEY_MODE_DESCRIPTION Change Modes. KEY_MODE_NAME KEY_MODIFY_DESCRIPTION Rename/modify/edit the item. KEY_MODIFY_NAME~ MODIFY KEY_PDOWN_DESCRIPTION Move down one page. KEY_PDOWN_NAMEf PAGE DOWN KEY_PUP_DESCRIPTION Move up one page. KEY_PUP_NAMEd PAGE UP KEY_RIGHT_DESCRIPTION Move right one position KEY_RIGHT_NAME RIGHT KEY_SDOWN_DESCRIPTION Move to the very end. KEY_SDOWN_NAME SPECIAL DOWN KEY_SELECT_DESCRIPTION Accept information entered or select the item. KEY_SELECT_NAME SELECT KEY_SLEFT_DESCRIPTION Move to the left-most position on the line. KEY_SLEFT_NAME SPECIAL LEFT KEY_SRIGHT_DESCRIPTION Move to the right-most position on the line. KEY_SRIGHT_NAME SPECIAL RIGHT KEY_SUP_DESCRIPTION Move to the very beginning. KEY_SUP_NAME SPECIAL UP KEY_UP_DESCRIPTION Move up one line. KEY_UP_NAME LIST_STACK_EMPTY An attempt was made to pop a list from the list stack, and the list stack was empty. LIST_STACK_FULL An attempt was made to push a list on the list stack, and the list stack is already full. LSEEK_FAILURE An attempt to seek to a specific position in the file "%s" failed. LSEEK_INVALID_HANDLEP An attempt to seek to a specific position in the file "%s" failed because the handle is invalid. LSEEK_INVALID_MODEO An attempt to seek to a specific position in the file "%s" failed because the mode is invalid. MALLOC_FAILURE An attempt to allocate %u bytes of additional memory failed. MARK_IS_ONT No Insertions Allowed While Mark is On. MENU_TOO_LARGE The number of items in the current menu will not fit on the screen. MONTH_APRIL1 April MONTH_AUGUST5 August MONTH_DECEMBER9 December MONTH_FEBRUARY/ February MONTH_JANUARY. January MONTH_JULY4 MONTH_JUNE3 MONTH_MARCH0 March MONTH_MAY2 MONTH_NOVEMBER8 November MONTH_OCTOBER7 October MONTH_SEPTEMBER6 September NO_CHARS_MARKEDV There are No Characters in the Marked Block. NO_ERROR_RETURNED No error is returned from this function call. NO_RIGHT_CREATE_DIRECTORY You have no rights to create the directory "%s". NOT_FOUND_DIRECTORY The specified directory cannot be found. ON_FIRST_HELP_SCREENa There is no preceding help screen. ON_LAST_HELP_SCREENb This is the last help screen. OPEN_ACCESS_DENIEDW An attempt to open the file "%s" failed because access was denied. OPEN_FAILURE An attempt to open the file "%s" failed. OPEN_FILE_NOT_FOUNDT An attempt to open the file "%s" failed because the specified file was not found. OPEN_INVALID_ACCESS_CODEX An attempt to open the file "%s" failed because the specified access code is invalid. OPEN_PATH_NOT_FOUNDU An attempt to open the file "%s" failed because the specified directory was not found. OPEN_TO_MANY_OPEN_FILESV An attempt to open the file "%s" failed because there are too many open files. OVERLAY_NOT_FOUND Unable to load overlay file "%s$RUN.OVL". OVERLAY_READ_ERRORm A read error occurred while reading the overlay file "%s$RUN.OVL". OVERLAY_WRONG_VERSIONn The overlay file "%s$RUN.OVL" is the wrong version for this utility. PALEDIT_DEFAULT_PALETTE+ Default PALEDIT_DELETE_CONFIRM Delete Palette(s)? PALEDIT_ERROR_PALETTE, Error PALEDIT_ESCAPE_MESSAGE Press Escape to Exit PALEDIT_GRAY& Gray PALEDIT_HEADER- Select Attribute PALEDIT_HELP_PALETTEA PALEDIT_INITIAL_PALETTEB Initial PALEDIT_INTENSE' Intense PALEDIT_MUST_KEEP_ZEROC Palette 0 may not be deleted. PALEDIT_NO_MORE_SPACED No more space available PALEDIT_NORMAL) Normal PALEDIT_PALETTE_HEADERJ Palette List PALEDIT_REVERSE Reverse PALEDIT_SAMPLE_GRAYK Gray Text PALEDIT_SAMPLE_HEADERL Text Style Samples PALEDIT_SAMPLE_INTENSE Intense Text PALEDIT_SAMPLE_NORMALM Normal Text PALEDIT_SAMPLE_REVERSEN Reverse Text PALEDIT_SAMPLE_SHADOWW Shadow Text PALEDIT_SAVE_HEADERZ Save Palette? PALEDIT_SHADOW* Shadow PALEDIT_UNTITLED_PALETTEl PALEDIT_WARNING_PALETTE Warning PALETTE_STACK_EMPTY The Palette Stack is Empty. PALETTE_STACK_FULL The Palette Stack is Full. PASTE_BUF_EMPTYR The Paste Buffer is Empty. PORTAL_PCB_TABLE_FULL The portal control block table is full, and an attempt was made to create another portal. PORTAL_TOO_LARGE An attempt was made to create a portal of height %d and width %d. POST_MERIDIAN PRESS_ESCAPE_TO_CONTINUE --Press to continue-- READ_ACCESS_DENIEDY An attempt to read from the file "%s" failed because access was denied. The read request was for %u bytes. READ_END_OF_FILE An attempt to read from the file "%s" returned an end of file error. The read request was for %d bytes. READ_FAILURE An attempt to read from the file "%s" failed. The read request was for %u bytes. READ_INVALID_HANDLEZ An attempt to read from the file "%s" failed because the specified file handle was invalid. The read request was for %u bytes. READ_WRONG_NUMBER File "%s" should have had %u bytes read from it. REMOVE_DIR_ACCESS_DENIEDL An attempt to remove the directory "%s" failed because access was denied. REMOVE_DIR_FAILUREa An attempt to remove the directory "%s" failed. REMOVE_DIR_INVALID_DRIVEM An attempt to remove the directory "%s" failed because the specified drive is invalid. REMOVE_DIR_PATH_NOT_FOUNDK An attempt to remove the directory "%s" failed because the specified directory was not found. REMOVE_FAILURE An attempt to remove the file "%s" failed. RENAME_ACCESS_DENIEDG An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because access was denied. RENAME_FAILURE An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed. RENAME_FILE_NOT_FOUNDE An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because the specified file was not found. RENAME_NOT_SAME_DEVICEH An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because the destination device was not the same. RENAME_PATH_NOT_FOUNDF An attempt to rename the file "%s" to "%s" failed because the specified path was not found. RESTORELIST_FAILURE# An attempt was made to restore the current list from an invalid list buffer number %d. SAVE_CHANGESQ Save Changes SAVELIST_FAILURE$ An attempt was made to save the current list to an invalid list save buffer number %d. SECURE_FIELD This field is secure and cannot be edited. SHORT_MONTH_APRIL SHORT_MONTH_AUGUST SHORT_MONTH_DECEMBER SHORT_MONTH_FEBRUARY SHORT_MONTH_JANUARY SHORT_MONTH_JULY SHORT_MONTH_JUNE SHORT_MONTH_MARCH SHORT_MONTH_MAY SHORT_MONTH_NOVEMBER SHORT_MONTH_OCTOBER SHORT_MONTH_SEPTEMBER Sept. SORTFILE_READ; An attempt to Read a record from the Source file failed. SORTFILE_SEEK: An attempt to Seek within the Source file failed. SORTFILE_VERSION9 Version 3.0 Compiler Required SORTFILE_WRITE< An attempt to Write to the temporary file failed. TEXT_BUF_FULLS The Text Buffer Is Full. TEXTEDIT_INPUT_TOO_LONGO The procedure "EditText" failed because the default text was longer than the specified maximum length. TRACE_EXIT_MESSAGE Trace forced to exit because it could not create a portal. TRACE_PORTAL_HEADER Program Trace Portal TYPE_UNDEFINED( The current field type is not defined. UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_MEMORY An attempt to allocate additional memory was unsuccessful. UNKNOWN_PROCEDUREq An unknown procedure UNLINK_ACCESS_DENIEDC An attempt to unlink the file "%s" failed because access was denied. UNLINK_FILE_NOT_FOUNDA An attempt to unlink the file "%s" failed because the file was not found. UNLINK_PATH_NOT_FOUNDB An attempt to unlink the file "%s" failed because the specified path was not found. WAIT_MESSAGE Please Wait WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED] An attempt to write to the file "%s" failed because access was denied. The write request was for %u bytes. WRITE_FAILURE An attempt to write to file "%s" failed. The write request was for %u bytes. WRITE_INVALID_HANDLE^ An attempt to write to the file "%s" failed because the specified file handle was invalid. The write request was for %u bytes. WRITE_WRONG_NUMBER File "%s" should have had %d bytes written to it. ASW_COPY_TEXT ASW-410 Install Utility: Reading source files .... ASW_MOD_TEXT ASW-410 Install Utility: COPY_TEXT Copying .... CT_CHINON ASWCDCHI.SYS CT_DAT ASWCDDAT.SYS CT_DEC ASWCDDEC.SYS CT_DENON ASWCDDEN.SYS CT_HITACHI ASWCDHIT.SYS CT_LMSI ASWCDLMS.SYS CT_NEC ASWCDNEC.SYS CT_PAN ASWCDPAN.SYS CT_SONY ASWCDSNY.SYS CT_TOSH ASWCDTSH.SYS DIRECTORY_NOT_CHANGED Cannot change to the source directory specified. DIRECTORY_NOT_CREATED The installation directory cannot be created because its parent directory does not exist. DISP_COPY_MESSAGE Copying file %s to %s .... DRIVE_IN_USE$ The drive letter you selected for the CD-ROM is already in use. To change your selection, press to clear this message, then press again to re-display the Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions screen. DRIVE_NOT_VALID The specified drive letter is not valid. DRIVE_VENDOR_HEADER CD-ROM DRIVE VENDOR DRIVER_NOT_FOUND The Install Utility either could not find the driver you specified, or no selection was made. Please make your choice again. EXIT_MSG Goodbye!! FILE_NOT_CLOSE File cannot be closed! FILE_NOT_OPEN File cannot be opened! FILE_NOT_READ# File cannot be read! FILE_NOT_RENAME File annot be renamed! MODADPAUT_TEXT& Writing .....AUTOEXEC.ADP MODADPCNF_TEXT% Writing .....CONFIG.ADP MODAUT_TEXT Modifying ....AUTOEXEC.BAT MODCNF_TEXT Modifying ....CONFIG.SYS MSCDEX_NOT_FOUND The Install Utility could not find the MSCDEX.EXE file. Please check that it is located in the same directory as the Install Utility. MSCOPY_TEXT Copying ....MSCDEX.EXE NO_ASPI_MGR The Install Utility has determined that Adaptec's ASPI Manager has not been installed yet. The CD-ROM driver requires this manager. Press to return to the command line. Please install the ASPI Manager before proceeding. NO_DRIVE_LETTER No drive letter is specified in your directory. NO_DRV_SELECTED No drive type was selected. Please make a selection to continue. PATH_TOO_LONG Cannot get the current working directory because its pathname is too long. PROGRAM_COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) Adaptec, 1991. PROGRAM_SHORT_NAME INSTALL? PROGRAM_TITLE! ASW-410 Install Utility PROGRAM_VERSION" CHK_MAUTO CHK_MAUTO2 CHK_MCNF CHK_MCNF2 compare_null compare_text default_entry_proc lotus_entry_proc OVFORM_ENT_PROC