-PACIFIC EDGE- MAGAZINE SHAREWARE SOFTWARE LICENSE ================================================== -Pacific Edge- magazine is NOT public domain or free software, but is being distributed as "shareware" for EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY. Copyright, Proprietary Rights ----------------------------- -Pacific Edge- magazine is published by Pacific Edge Publishing, and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the software for any purpose other than creating an adaptation to the software as an essential step in its utilization for your own use. This software embodies valuable trade secrets proprietary to Pacific Edge Publishing and Azarona Software; you may not disclose any information regarding the internal operations of this software to others. Usage Restrictions ------------------ Pacific Edge Publishing grants a limited license to individuals to use this software for a 30-day evaluation period on a private, non-commercial basis, for the express purpose of determining whether -Pacific Edge- is suitable for their needs. At the end of this 30-day evaluation period, the individual must either purchase a subscription from Pacific Edge Publishing for continued use of the program, or discontinue using the magazine. What does this mean? If you read this magazine on a continuing basis, you must purchase a subscription for its use. -Pacific Edge- is NOT free, and we are not giving away free copies. We are giving you the opportunity to try it before paying for a subscription for continuing use. It is that simple. Try it. Then either pay for it, or quit reading it. Paying for a subscription to continue using the magazine is not only required, but also allows Pacific Edge Publishing to pay writers for their articles as well as defray expenses and thus stay in business. Purchasing a subscription for -Pacific Edge- entitles you to use the program on any and all computers available to you, provided you do not operate -Pacific Edge- on more than one computer or terminal at a time and you do not operate -Pacific Edge- on a network or a multi-user system. If you would like a network or multiple-use (site) license, please contact Pacific Edge Publishing for details. Distribution, Copying Restrictions ---------------------------------- Individuals are granted a limited license to copy -Pacific Edge- magazine only for the trial use of other individuals and subject to the above limitations. This license DOES NOT include distributing or copying this software package: 1. In connection with any other product or service; 2. For general use within a company, institution, or agency; 3. For any consideration or 'disk fee'; or 4. In modified form (i.e., any distribution that does not include ALL FILES supplied by Pacific Edge Publishing with the magazine -Pacific Edge-, WITHOUT ALTERATION. This includes renaming the .ZIP file used by Pacific Edge Publishing to distribute the magazine {which follows the formula, EDGEyymm.ZIP, where yy=year and mm=month, except for CompuServe, where the formula is EDGymm.ZIP}) Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (Sysops) are permitted and encouraged to post -Pacific Edge- for downloading by their users, as long as the above conditions are met. Though a fee may be charged for BBS access, NO FEE may be charged to specifically access or download the -Pacific Edge- magazine files. Non-profit computer-related User Groups may distribute -Pacific Edge- magazine provided the above conditions are met. However, such User Groups MAY charge a NOMINAL fee to cover the cost of diskettes and copying of the software. Any sales taxes that may accrue to such fees are the sole responsibility of the User Group. Disk vendors MUST obtain written permission from Pacific Edge Publishing before distributing the magazine. Certain restrictions apply. (Again, this is mostly related to sales taxes.) WARRANTY DISCLAIMER =================== PACIFIC EDGE PUBLISHING PROVIDES -PACIFIC EDGE- MAGAZINE "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, PACIFIC EDGE PUBLISHING DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SPECIFICALLY, PACIFIC EDGE PUBLISHING MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. PACIFIC EDGE PUBLISHING SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFIT, DATA OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE, OR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR OTHER SIMILAR CLAIMS, EVEN IF PACIFIC EDGE PUBLISHING HAS BEEN SPECIFICALLY ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. US GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS =============================== This software and magazine are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. Contractor/manufacturer is Pacific Edge Publishing, 4521 Campus Dr., Suite 315, Irvine, CA 92715-2699.