Surname Mailing Lists by Richard Pence You can get a computerized list for any surname in the U.S. from Computer Genealogies, P.O. Box 568, Revere PA 18953; phone 215-847-2690. In 1988 each surname directory was $14.85, plus $2 shipping and handling, but I have heard the price has increased to around $20. Send your shipping address along with the surname(s) you want directories for. Make checks payable to Computer Genealogies. These are DIRECTORIES not genealogies and are based on those compiled by Reuben H. Donnelly Corporation. Donnelly uses a variety of sources, including city directories, telephone books, real estate records. Each surname represents a separate directory search and fee. What is provided is a name, address and zip code, not a telephone number. I have heard no negative reports on this service and the price is certainly better than those $30+ "genealogies" you get ads for in the mail. It is also much more efficient and effective than leaving a request on this echo for everyone to check their local phone books for a certain surname.