Section: User Commands (1)
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xcoral - yet another text editor for X Window System  


xcoral [ -options ...] [ filename ]  


Xcoral is a multiwindows mouse-based text editor with a built-in browser for C functions and C++ classes, methodes, files etc... Xcoral provides variables width fontes, menus, scrollbars, buttons, search, regions, kill-buffers and 3D look. Commands are accessible from menus or standard key bindings. Xcoral is a direct Xlib client and run on color/bw X Display.  


Specifies the geometry in pixels of a text window ( Width, Height and top-left position ).
-display host:0.0
Specifies X Server connection.
-fn fontname
Specifies font in text window.
-bg colorname
Specifies background color in text window.
-fg colorname
Specifies foreground color in text window.
-mfn fontname
Specifies font in menu.
-mbg colorname
Specifies background color in menu
-mfg colorname
Specifies foreground color in menu
-dbg colorname
Specifies background color in bottom dialog box
-dfg colorname
Specifies foreground color in bottom dialog box
This causes xcoral to print out a verbose message describing its options.
Specifies the file that is to be loaded during start-up.


The application provides an edition area with text window, menubar, scrollbar and control-panel for commands line, messages window and buttons. If a text window has the focus, the caracters typed are insered at the current position (cursor) .
Six buttons are used to move through the buffer (top, bottom, smooth scroll up and down, previous and next page). Mouse button1 (left) can be use to move the cursor in the current page.
During a session, several edition areas can be used (Max : 16). A new edition area is opened with 'New text window' in Window menu. Each of them inherites of the current directory of its parent. The first window has the current working directory. The directory of a text window is that of loaded file.  


Most commands available from menus have their corresponding standard keybinds which are 'Control with key' or 'Escape then key'. Control-g, abort current command.  


Forward and backward searching (Boyer-Moore) uses a global buffer to store patterns and are available in all edition area. Crl-g, reset searching buffer.  


When deleted, lines or regions are stored in a kill-buffer which is a 20 entries LIFO . This kill-buffer can be mapped with the beginning of each entry. A piece of text, when selected, can be restored at the current position. The kill-buffer is global to the application.  


A region is a piece of text between the cursor and a mark. A region can be coppied, deleted and restored. It is possible to exchange cursor and mark (in fact move from current position to the mark).  


All buttons can be used to manage menu, buttons or scroolbar. The selection mechanism is available to exchange text between windows.
Change cursor position in page.
Restore the previous selection at the current position
Selection. The cursor moves to the select point and comeback to the previous place.
Delete the previous selection.


A browser is available, in C or C++ mode, to navigate through C functions and C++ classes hierarchies. The name of files, C functions, classes, parents, children and methods are listed in subwindows of main browser window. An object selected in these subwindows is viewed in a 'Visit Window'.

The 'Add' and 'Del' button are used to load or delete files in browser database. During start-up, all files with one of the suffixes `.c', `.cc', `.C', `.h' or `.cxx' in the current directory, are parsed and all informations are loaded in the database. The Decl/Impl is a toggle button to see Declaration or Implementation of selected methods. The 'Edit' button opens an edition area and loads the current selected object.

The browser database is updated after all write/save file operation.

Some additionnal informations appear in classes and methods windows.

Constructor and destructor (Methods).
Virtual definition from parents (Methods).
First virtual definition (Methods).
Locally defined in current class (Methods).
Declared (Classes, methods).
Implemented (Classes, methods).
Not implemented (Classes, methods).
Inherited level number (Methods).


For instance, a very simple autoindent has been implemented in C and C++ mode.  


XCORAL_TAB_WIDTH is used to set tab width. Default is standard width tab.
XCORAL_INDENT_WIDTH is used in C or C++ mode to set auto indent width. Default is 3 blanks.
XCORAL_VISIT_RAISE is used in browser to raise or not the visit window during a select operation. Default is True. XCORAL_PARSE_FILES_AT_STARTUP is used at start-up to parse files in the current directory. Default is True  


In all Text Windows, a horizontal scroll must be handled with the left mouse button on the caracter still visible at right or left.  


.TP20 Ctrl f/b Forward/backward char.
Crtl d
Delete current character.
Crtl a/e
Go to beginning/end of line.
Crtl g
Abort current command.
Crtl h
Delete previous caracter.
Crtl k
Delete end of line
Ctrl s/r
Forward/Backward search
Ctrl l
Refresh current page
Ctrl n/p
Move to next/previous line
Ctrl v, Esc v
Move to next/previous page.
Ctrl y
Restore previous kill
Esc q, Esq r
Query and global replace.
Ctrl x b
Display open files
Ctrl x Ctrl r
Read File
Ctrl x i
Insert File
Ctrl x Ctrl w
Write file as
Ctrl x Ctrl s
Save file
Ctrl x Ctrl c
Delete window
Ctrl x 2
Open new edition area
Ctr x k
Clear current buffer.
Ctrl x l
Go to line number
Ctrl space
Set mark
Ctrl x Ctrl x
Exchange cursor/mark.
Ctrl w
Kill region.
Esc w
Copy region.
Ctr o
Open space


The resources available are fonts (text, menu), foreground and background (text, menu, bottom dialog).
Here, a simple .Xdefaults for xcoral :

xcoral*background: midnightblue /*text window background*/
xcoral*foreground: darkseagreen1 /*text window foreground*/
xcoral*font: 9x15bold /* text window font */
xcoral*mbg: lightslategray /*menu background*/
xcoral*dbg: lightslategray /*bottom dialog background*/  


Cpp is not used before parsing files and some of them may be ignored by the browser (macros definitions are not resolved). In methods, data are not parsed for instance (not trivial).
Templates are ignored.
There is no undo function.
When a menu operation uses a dialog box, the current window must be full viewable, otherwize, it is just raised.  


No bugs... may be... some... many...
Please send bug reports, fixes, new features etc. to


Lionel Fournigault
Dominique Leveque (internal browser database).




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Time: 15:48:27 GMT, January 18, 2023