Receipts Journal Welcome to Receipts Journal. This is a scrolling window. Press Page Down to view the next page or press Page Up to view the previous page. Press F5 to Zoom and make this help screen larger. Press ESC to put this help screen away. Press the tab key to move to another topic, then press enter for information on that topic. What Receipts Journal Software License Disclaimer How Getting started What How that? menu is accessed by pressing Alt-Space. All the other menus are accessed by pressing Alt-Z, where Z is the first letter of the menu. For example, the "File" menu is pulled down by Alt-F. What is Receipts Journal Receipts Journal 1.1 provides a convenient way of keeping a cash receipts journal for a fiscal year. You enter each days receipts as you receive them, at the end of the day, or at any convenient time. Receipts Journal functions as a Cash Receipts subsidiary journal using generally accepted accounting practices. > To make entries for cash receipts in your general journal, simply print the summary journal and write a general journal entry using the category totals. The category totals will list the totals for crediting the general ledger accounts. And, of course, the debit entry is to your Cash account for the total receipts. T Receipts Journal will also help you balance your cash drawer. When you enter the receipts received that day, select the Daily option and you will be prompted for the money amounts in your cash drawer. Receipts Journal will then print a daily cash report showing the monies received, the bank deposit, and the amount in the cash fund. % You can use Receipts Journal to record receipts for as many companies as you have disk space available to hold them. Each fiscal year file will hold about 16,000 receipts. If your business generates more than this number of transactions, then Receipts Journal probably will not help you. Take a look at Getting Started for help with starting Receipts Journal. Thank you for taking the time to look at Receipts Journal, Charles Laws V Softworks P.O. Box 128 Mountain Home, TN 37684 Compuserve: 74646,656 Receipts Journal 1.1 Copyright 1991, 1992 by Softworks All Rights Reserved Portions of this program Copyright 1990 Borland International, Inc. DEFINITION OF SHAREWARE Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual. } Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT E Users of Receipts Journal must accept this disclaimer of warranty: > Receipts Journal is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Receipts Journal. Receipts Journal is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. y The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful and find that you are using Receipts Journal and continue to use Receipts Journal after a reasonable trial period, you must make a registration payment of $29.95 U.S. dollars to Softworks. The $29.95 registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like a book. An example is that this software may be used by any number of people and may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same time. Commercial users of Receipts Journal must register and pay for their copies of Receipts Journal within 30 days of first use or their license is withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting Softworks. Site-License arrangements are available for classroom use. Anyone distributing Receipts Journal for any kind of remuneration must first contact Softworks at the address below for authorization. This authorization will be automatically granted to distributors recognized by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and such distributors may begin offering Receipts Journal immediately (However Softworks must still be advised so that the distributor can be kept up-to-date with the latest version of Receipts Journal.). You are encouraged to pass a copy of Receipts Journal along to your friends for evaluation. Please be sure that the copy you pass along includes all the files from the files list. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users will receive the next two updates of Receipts Journal and will receive support by postal mail or by electronic mail, on Compuserve, at the addresses below. L When you register Receipts Journal, please specify the media type that you would like, such as 360K 5 1/4" or 1.44M 3 1/2", and specify the version that you currently use. Also, please include $4 U.S. dollars for postage and handling to addresses in North America or $8 U.S. dollars for addresses outside of North America. Registrations may be paid with a personal check, company check, cashier's check, money order, or by credit card using either MasterCard or Visa. When using a credit card, please include the name as it appears on the card, the card number, and the expiration date. U Tennessee residents, please include an additional $2.47 U.S. dollars for sales tax. You may register online through Compuserve's Shareware Registration database. Receipts Journal is listed in this database as ID# 357. Type Go Shareware at any prompt. < Thank you for taking the time to look at Receipts Journal, Charles Laws Z Softworks P.O. Box 128 Mountain Home, TN 37684 Compuserve: 74646,656 Getting Started 1. Create a new receipts file. 2. Open the receipts file. 3. Enter receipts. It's that simple. Once you have receipts in your file you can print reports showing detailed entries, summaries, or both. Receipts Journal also includes a report to help you balance your cash drawer. Calculator The calculator is a simple four-function calculator with add, subtract, multiply, and divide. To operate the calculator you can either use the keyboard or press the buttons on the calculator with the mouse. The 'C' key clears the calculator, the ' ' key will erase the last character typed, and the ' ' key toggles the value from positive to negative (the keyboard equivalent of ' ' is '_'). Calendar The calendar displays the current month, highlighting today's date. The next and previous months can be viewed using the '+' or '-' keys respectively. The mouse can also be used to change the month by pressing the icons. (System) menu (Alt-Spacebar) The System menu appears on the far left of the menu bar and is represented by the symbol. ( When you pull down the menu, you see ! About Calendar Calculator About When you choose the About command from the (System) menu, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and version information. H To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. Receipts Journal is distributed with the following files. Please be sure that your copy includes all of the files. 5 RCPTJRNL.EXE ... The Receipts Journal program. RCPTJRNL.HLP ... The context sensitive help file. Calendar The Calendar menu item opens a small calendar which displays the current month. It also allows you to view other months. Calculator When you choose Calculator, a four-function calculator is opened on the desktop. File (Alt-F) The File menu offers choices for opening files, changing directories, and exiting the program. ! Open Save Change Dir New FExit File Open (F3) The Open command displays the Open a File dialog box. In this dialog box you select the receipt file you want to work with. & The Open File dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button Open action button an information panel that describes the selected file File Save (F2) Save saves the currently open receipt file. Any changes that you made will be saved. File Change Dir... Change Dir brings up the Change Directory dialog box, in which you can change the current directory. File New New brings up the Create Fiscal File dialog box. Use this function to create a receipt file for a new fiscal year. File Exit (Alt-X) The Exit command terminates this program. Window (Alt-W) The Window menu contains commands to close, move and perform other window-management commands. Most of the windows in this program have all the standard window elements, including scroll bars, a close box, and zoom icons. > For more about windows and their elements, refer to windows. : Window-management commands Size/Move Zoom Next Previous Close Window Size/Move (Ctrl-F5) Choose this command to change the size or position of the active window. Size If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the active window. Once you've adjusted its size or position, press Enter. m If a window has a Resize corner as shown below, you can drag that corner with a mouse to resize the window. I How item Resize corner In the current version of Receipts Journal, the help window is the only window that is resizable. Move When you choose Window Size/Move, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you want it, press Enter. G You can also move a window by dragging its title bar with the mouse. C Title Bar Help Window Zoom (F5) Choose Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it to its previous size. { You can also double-click anywhere on the window's title bar (except where an icon appears) to zoom or unzoom the window. a Zoom Icon Help Window Next Choose Next to cycle forwards through the windows on the desktop. The selected window has a double bar frame around it. Unselected windows have a single bar frame around them. ^ You can also click the mouse anywhere in the window to make that window the selected window. Window Previous Choose Previous to cycle backwards through the windows on the desktop. Window Close (Alt-F3) Choose Close to close the active window. P You can also click the Close box in the upper right corner to close a window. O Close Icon Help Options (Alt-O) The Options menu contains commands that let you change color and mouse default settings. Options Mouse... The Mouse command brings up the Mouse Options dialog box, where you can set various options that control how your mouse works, including: R how fast a double-click is which mouse button (right or left) is active These settings are not saved when you exit Receipts Journal. You will have to set them each time you use this program. Options Colors... The Colors item brings up the Colors dialog box, where you can customize the colors of the display. x These settings are not saved when you exit Receipts Journal. You will have to set them each time you use this program. Help on Open a File Dialog Box The Open a File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the Name inputbox. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to load, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). Receipt files use the extension RCT. Files MC198707.RCT BE198812.RCT MC198807.RCT BE198912.RCT MC198907.RCT BE199012.RCT MC199007.RCT BE199112.RCT MC199107.RCT .. TS199101.RCT \MOREXAMP SS199003.RCT \TOURS SS199103.RCT \ANSWERS.DIR The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. See Receipt Names for more information. C:\COMPANY\RECEIPTS\*.RCT MC198707.RCT 8952 Jul 14,1990 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. [ Open ] The Open button opens a new window and places the selected file in that window. [ Cancel ] If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. N (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) [ Open ] In the Open a File dialog box, if you choose the Open button Receipts Journal opens a new window and places the selected file in that window. Help on the Change Directory dialog box The Change Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and Revert). | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ DATA RECEIPTS The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. + [Chdir ] The Chdir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name. + [Revert] The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. Help on the Mouse Options dialog box This dialog box consists of one check box, one slider bar, and the standard buttons OK and Cancel. Mouse Double Click Slow Medium Fast The Mouse Double Click slider bar adjusts the double-click speed of your mouse. ^ [X] Reverse Mouse Buttons Reverse Mouse Buttons makes the right mouse button take on the normal functions of the left--and vice versa. 6 See also: Options Mouse... command Help on the Colors dialog box The Colors dialog box consists of two list boxes, a text display area, the standard OK, Cancel, and Help buttons, and one of the following: On color and black-and-white systems, it also contains two color palettes. On monochrome systems, it contains a set of radio buttons instead of the palettes. This dialog box is where you can change the colors of different parts of this program. Group Desktop Menus Dialogs/Calc Calendar Ascii table The Group list box contains the names of the different regions of the program that you can customize. L Item Color When you select a group from the Group list, the Item list box displays the names of the different views in that region. Foreground Background On color and black-and-white systems, you use the Foreground and Background palettes to modify colors. Colors ) Mono low ( ) Mono high ( ) Mono underscore ( ) Mono inverse On monochrome systems, you use the Colors set of radio buttons systems to modify the character attributes. Q Text Text Text Text Text Text On all systems, the display text (above the Help button) shows the current color or attribute settings. b Changes do not take effect on the desktop until you close the Colors dialog box by choosing OK. Receipt File Names Each receipt file is related to a single business for one fiscal year. The first two letters of the file name designate the business name for the file. When you create a new file, Receipts Journal uses the first letter of the first two words of the business name you enter. If the business name is only one word, it uses the first two letters of the name. The next four numbers in the file name designate the fiscal year for the receipt file. The next two numbers in the file name designate the month that begins the fiscal year. v For example, Modern Car Service begins its fiscal year in July. Their 1991 receipt file name would be MC199107.RCT. Create Fiscal Year File Dialog Box ] Create Fiscal Year File for year 1992 Beginning month ) January ( ) February ( ) March OK ( ) April ( ) May ( ) June ( ) July Cancel ( ) August ( ) September ( ) October ( ) November ( ) December Business name You supply the fiscal year, fiscal month, and the business name for each new receipt file. The fiscal year is a four digit number between 1900 and 9999. Be sure to enter all four digits. The fiscal month radio buttons will only allow you to select one month. You do this using the up arrow and down arrow keys or by placing the mouse cursor on the appropriate month and clicking the mouse button. You may also select the month using the shortcut keys. The shortcut keys are the highlighted letters in the month name. To use them, press and hold the Alt key then the key for the highlighted letter. For example, to select March press Alt-r or to select July press Alt-l. = Move item Ok Shortcut keys Cancel How to move to the next item Press the Tab key to move to the next field or button. Don't use the Enter key. The Enter tells Receipts Journal that you are finished with this record and to store the information. : Press Shift-Tab to move to the previous field or button. You can also use the shortcut keys to move to an item. Press and hold the Alt key, then press the highlighted letter in the field's name or the button's name. [ Ok ] Selecting the Ok button tells Receipts Journal to accept the entries just entered. You select the Ok button by moving the mouse cursor over the Ok button and pressing the mouse button, or by the shortcut key Alt-o. Create Fiscal Year File Shortcut Keys Alt-y Move to fiscal year field Alt-b Move to fiscal month buttons Alt-i Move to business name field Alt-o Accept information and continue Alt-a Select January as fiscal month Alt-f " February " " " Alt-r " March " " " Alt-p " April " " " Alt-m " May " " " Alt-j " June " " " Alt-l " July " " " Alt-u " August " " " Alt-s " September " " " Alt-c " October " " " Alt-n " November " " " Alt-d " December " " " Esc Cancel this entry Help on Receipt Record Dialog Box Sample Receipt Record Date Account Name Amount Address Income Category Paid by ) Accounts Receivable ( ) Check ( ) Cash Sales ( ) Cash ( ) Sales Tax Collected ( ) Money Order ( ) Deposits Received ( ) Credit Card ( ) Fees & Services ( ) Refunds Save Cancel ( ) Other Here is where you enter a receipt. For more information, see the following cross references. Move field Save Account number Cancel Date Amount Address Income category Paid [ Save ] This function tells RCPTJRNL to accept the receipt record that you entered or changed. This function is also performed when you press the Enter key. The Account Number Field You assign an account number for each customer. The account number can range from 0 to 999999. The account number must be numeric; you cannot use letters, spaces, or other characters in the number. means that field keeps a history of the last entries made. To duplicate what was in a previously entered receipt record, just press the down arrow on your keyboard and select one of the entries from the history list. The Date Field Here you enter the date the receipt was received. Enter the date in month-day-year format. The following are acceptable ways to enter the date. + Acceptable formats for March 5, 1991 3-5-91 3/5/91 3.5.91 3-05-91 3/05/91 3-5-1991 3/5/1991 3.5.1991 3-05-1991 3/05/1991 03-05-1991 03/05/1991 03.05.1991 Receipts Journal converts the date to the format like 3/5/1991. means that field keeps a history of the last entries made. To duplicate what was in a previously entered receipt record, just press the down arrow on your keyboard and select one of the entries from the history list. The Amount Field Here you enter the receipt amount which can range from $0.00 to $99,999.99. The amount cannot be negative which would indicate a cash out instead of cash in. If you have made an entry mistake in the amount, select the receipt record and change the amount. g You don't need to enter a dollar sign ($) in the amount. If you do, Receipts Journal will remove it. ` You don't need to enter commas as currency separators, Receipts Journal will do this for you. If you don't include a decimal point, Receipts Journal will assume that the amount is in whole dollars and will add .00 to the amount for you. If you include only one digit after the decimal point, Receipts Journal will add the last zero for the cents to the amount for you. means that field keeps a history of the last entries made. To duplicate what was in a previously entered receipt record, just press the down arrow on your keyboard and select one of the entries from the history list. The Address Field You don't have to include the customer's address for a receipt. This field is here to help you identify a receipt for a customer who may be paying for a service at more than one address. l You can also use this field for notes. Such as to record what was purchased or what service was performed. means that field keeps a history of the last entries made. To duplicate what was in a previously entered receipt record, just press the down arrow on your keyboard and select one of the entries from the history list. The Income Category Radio Buttons Income Category ) Accounts Receivable ( ) Cash Sales ( ) Sales Tax Collected ( ) Deposits Received ( ) Fees & Services ( ) Refunds ( ) Other These radio buttons allow you to select a category where the receipt applies. Reports can be printed later that lists the totals for each category. A receipt can only be applied to one income category. If you have a receipt that applies to more than one category, add multiple receipt records dividing the amount received into the amounts that apply to that income category. N To select a category, move the select cursor over the appropriate category. The Paid By Radio Buttons Paid by ( ) Check ( ) Cash ( ) Money Order ( ) Credit Card These radio buttons let you identify how the receipt was paid. To select a radio button, move the select cursor over the appropriate radio button. You can also select a radio button by using the shortcut keys as follows. d Alt-k Check Alt-h Cash Alt-y Money Order Alt-t Credit Card Print Receipts Journal Dialog Box Print Receipts Journal beginning date 01/01/1992 ending date 12/31/1992 Report Options [X] Include detail [ ] Include address line [ ] Subtotals by day [ ] Subtotals by month [ ] Subtotals by quarter [ ] Subtotals by income category Printer ) LPT1 OK Cancel ( ) LPT2 ( ) LPT3 Here you define which options to use for the Receipts Journal report. The beginning date and ending date fields define the period for the report. These dates allow you to selectively print a report for a day, a month, a quarter, or the entire fiscal year. Enter the date in month-day-year format. The following are acceptable ways to enter the date. + Acceptable formats for March 5, 1991 3-5-91 3/5/91 3.5.91 3-05-91 3/05/91 3-5-1991 3/5/1991 3.5.1991 3-05-1991 3/05/1991 03-05-1991 03/05/1991 03.05.1991 Also see: move item Next, select as many of the report options as you like. Selecting "Include Detail" prints each receipt record for the specified dates. If you don't select "Include Detail", the report will print summary totals only. Selecting "Include address line" prints the address line for each receipt record. This is helpful for identifying a receipt for a particular location. The subtotals options control the printing of subtotals by the day, the month, and the quarter. You can select as many, or as few of these as you wish to create a custom report. The subtotals by category option controls the printing of subtotals for the Income Categories. These subtotals are printed at the end of the report if this option is selected. You can use these totals to make journal entries in your general journal. : The final report option is the Printer selection option. Print Daily Cash Report Dialog Box Daily Cash Report Clerk Date 08/07/1992 $.01 0.00 $1 0.00 Checks 0.00 $.05 0.00 $5 0.00 Money $.10 0.00 $10 0.00 Orders 0.00 $.25 0.00 $20 0.00 Credit $.50 0.00 Other 0.00 Cards 0.00 Printer Less Card Fees 0.00 ) LPT1 Paid Out 0.00 ( ) LPT2 Cash Fund 0.00 ( ) LPT3 Deposit 0.00 OK Cancel This dialog box requests the information needed to produce a printed daily cash report. You will need to close out your cash drawer and total the denominations of money and other negotiable instruments before proceeding. Also, you should have entered the receipts for the day. Select from the following topics for more information. Move Clerk's Report Monies Checks, Money Orders, Credit Cards Bank Paid Cash Deposit Printer Cancel Report Printer RadioButtons Here you select which printer port you would like to use. Receipts Journal defaults to LPT1 which is usually the printer port used by most people. Receipts Journal prints plain text and does not use any special highlighting codes available in some printers. The format assumes that your printer will print at 10 characters per inch and the paper is at least 8 inches wide. j Receipts Journal should work with just about any printer without the need for any special driver files. Clerk's Name Here you enter the name of the clerk associated with the cash drawer. Although Receipts Journal does not directly support multiple cash drawers, you could set up a separate receipt file for each drawer by giving them a unique business name. < See Receipt Names for more information on file names. Cash Report Dialog Date Here you enter the date for the cash report. Receipts Journal will use this date to search the current receipts file and total the receipts for this date into the four paid by categories. Enter the date in month-day-year format. The following are acceptable ways to enter the date. + Acceptable formats for March 5, 1991 3-5-91 3/5/91 3.5.91 3-05-91 3/05/91 3-5-1991 3/5/1991 3.5.1991 3-05-1991 3/05/1991 03-05-1991 03/05/1991 03.05.1991 Monies Here you enter the sums for the monies in your cash drawer. You will need to include coin dollars in the dollar sum since there is no separate field for coin dollars. Include bills over $20 in the other bills sum. To help prevent entry mistakes, each field has a range of values that the sum must be within. You can't have negative monies so the smallest value in the range is zero. The largest value for each field is shown below. Largest Monies Value .01, .05, .10 $100 .25 $500 .50 $1,000 $1, $5, $10, $20 Other Bills $100,000 Checks, Money Orders, Credit Cards Here you will enter the sums for checks, money orders, and credit card receipts. There is no separate category for traveler's checks, so include them in the checks sum. Credit Card Bank Fees Usually a bank or credit card processor withholds a percentage of your credit card receipts as their processing fee. This fee actually reduces your deposit. Here is where you enter the amount of the fees based on this days credit card receipts. Paid Out Here is where you enter any pay outs from your cash drawer. If you don't maintain a separate petty cash fund, you will probably make small item payments from your cash drawer. Here is where you will enter the sum paid out. Remember to write up a Petty Cash slip for each pay out and put them in your drawer. Cash Fund You began the day with an amount of cash in your drawer needed to make change for your customers. Here is where you enter the amount of cash that you started with. Bank Deposit Here you enter the amount for the deposit prepared from the day's receipts. This is the total from your bank deposit slip which should show the deduction for credit card fees. The Daily Cash Report The printed cash report lists the money amounts entered in the cash report dialog. It also lists the sums for cash, checks, money orders, and credit cards from the receipts file for that day. A difference between the sums entered from your cash drawer and the sums from the receipts file are listed as either an over or a short. An over means that the total in your cash drawer is more than the total from the receipts file. Either you did not give back enough change or some of the receipt amounts are incorrect in the receipts file. A short means that the total in your cash drawer is less than the total from the receipts file. Either you gave back to much change or some of the receipt amounts are incorrect in the receipts file. The New Cash Fund is the amount in the cash drawer after deducting the bank deposit. This amount should be used as the cash fund figure for the next day's cash report. The Key Dialog Box The name of the open receipt file is listed at the top of this dialog box. The left half of this dialog box, labeled Keys, is a scrolling box that lists each receipt in the file by date and account number. The right half lists the action buttons. Also see: Move item 8 To enter a new receipt. Press Alt-N (the shortcut key for New) or Press the Tab key to select the New button, then press Enter or Press the Insert or Ins key ; Now you can enter the information for the receipt fields. \ To change a receipt or look at a receipt. Press the Tab key until the Keys area is selected. Then use the Page Up, Page Down, and arrow keys to select a particular receipt. Then press the Enter key. or Press Alt-E (the shortcut key for Edit) or Press the Tab key to select the Edit button, then press Enter & Now you can edit the receipt fields. 2 To delete a receipt. Press the Tab key until the Keys area is selected. Then use the Page Up, Page Down, and arrow keys to select a particular receipt. + Press Alt-D (the shortcut key for Delete) or Press the Tab key to select the Delete button, then press Enter 1 or Press the Delete or Del key Another dialog box will be displayed asking you to confirm that you really want to delete the selected receipt. D To save the receipts records. The receipts you enter and their changes are stored in your computer's memory. You need to save the receipts file to store the receipts in the disk file. Here are several ways to save the file. Select save from the file menu by pressing Alt-F, then s. or Press F2 as show in the function key menu at the bottom of your screen. or Press Alt-S (the shortcut key for Save) or Press the Tab key to select the Save button, then press Enter J To find a receipt record by name. Press Alt-I (the shortcut key for Find) or Press the Tab key to select the Find button, then press Enter ; Then enter a partial or full name is the Find dialog box. Acknowledgements As with most human endeavors, there are many individual contributions that speed the progress of new works. Receipts Journal is no exception. I wish to acknowledge the efforts of the following who unknowingly contributed to this product. Borland International, Inc. for their Turbo Vision interface and demonstration programs. John J. Matsche for his modification to the Turbo Vision HelpFile unit (HELPFI.ARC) that provides the ability to back up to previously selected help topics. Jeff Duntemann for his Zeller's Congruence routine that calculates the day of the week and his many Structured Programming columns in Dr Dobb's Journal. g Ty Brewer for his TWait unit that implements a non-model dialog for providing "in progress" messages. Neil J. Rubenking for his book Turbo Pascal 6.0 Techniques and Utilities, and for his unswerving support in the Borland Programming Forum on Compuserve. Trademarks Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark of Borland International, Inc. < Turbo Vision is a trademark of Borland International, Inc. X Compuserve is a registered trademark of Compuserve Incorporated, an H&R Block Company. What's New Version 1.1 * Added more context sensitive help text. * Added a Reports menu. 6 * Added a report to list receipts by account number. * Added a Find function. K * Added an Acknowledgements, What's New, and Future Enhancements windows. T * Automatically close all open windows and files when a file open request is made. 1 * Added history recording to data entry fields. Future Enhancements Below are some of the enhancements planned for the next releases of Receipts Journal. These enhancements should make the program more useful to a broader group. They should also provide some extra incentive for registering your copy of Receipts Journal. Please forward any enhancements that you would like to add to this list. Each request will be reviewed and considered for inclusion. Add support for definable receipt categories. Define your own categories to use instead of Accounts Receivable, Deposits, Fees, and others. Add support for date formats specific to countries other than the United States. Add support for currency formats specific to countries other than the United States. Add support for languages other than English in menus and context sensitive help. Reports Cash Report You use the Cash Report as a record for the balance of your cash drawer. At the end of the business day, count the monies in your cash drawer. You should separately total the bill denominations, checks, credit card receipts, and coin denominations. The built-in calculator may be useful here. You will also need two other numbers to complete the Cash Report. First, you need to know the amount in the cash drawer that you started the day with. This is usually called the cash fund. The cash fund is represented by the following formula. , Cash Fund = Total Bills + Total Coins Second, you need to determine how much you are going to deposit in the bank. Normally, all of the checks and credit card receipts are included in the deposit. For the bills and coins, you need to leave enough to make up the cash fund for the next day. The deposit is represented by the following formula. n Deposit = Checks + Credit Card Receipts + Total Bills + Total Coins - Cash Fund When you have the money totals, select Cash Report from the Reports menu, then enter the amounts in the appropriate areas. Finally, select the Ok button. The Cash Report will total up the receipts entries for that day and compare the total with the Cash Report amounts you entered. Differences between to total in your cash drawer and the total of the receipts are noted as overs or shorts. N An over occurs when you have more money in your cash drawer than you have receipts for. This could mean that some of the customers did not receive enough change. It could also mean that you failed to enter one or more of the receipts for the day. Or the amount for one of the receipts entered is less than the actual receipt amount. : A short occurs when you have less money in your cash drawer than you have receipts for. This could mean that some of the customers received more than enough change. It could also mean that you entered a receipt more than once. Or the amount for one of the receipts entered is more than the actual receipt amount. In either case, double check your figures and the receipts entered. If the totals still show the same difference, complete the Cash Report by signing it. A general journal entry for the over or short should be entered in the General Ledger. Below is a sample cash report. Sample Daily Cash Report for January 05, 1992 Prepared by Charles Laws $.01 .99 $.05 2.00 $.10 10.00 $.25 1.25 $.50 0.00 ____________ Total Coins 14.24 $1 14.00 $5 15.00 $10 10.00 $20 0.00 Other Bills 0.00 ____________ Total Currency 39.00 From Receipts Entered Total Cash 53.24 2.95 Checks 50.00 50.00 Money Orders 22.80 23.09 Credit Cards 12.00 12.00 ____________ ____________ In Drawer 138.04 88.04 Add Cash Fund 50.00 Less Pay Outs 0.00 0.00 ____________ ____________ Net Receipts 138.04 138.04 Less Deposit 83.60 Less Card Fees 1.20 ____________ New Cash Fund 53.24 Deposit No. _______ Date _____________ By _________________________ Reports Cash Receipts Journal The Cash Receipts Journal provides a record of the receipt entries. You can selectively print the journal for any range of dates in the fiscal year. You can select subtotals by day, month, and quarter. You can also select subtotals to be printed at the end of the report for income categories. A sample cash receipts journal is shown below. " Sample Receipts Journal for 01/05/1992 to 01/05/1992 Acct # Account Name Date Amount 1 Sam Maple 01/05/1992 22.80 3 John Jones 01/05/1992 .29 3 John Jones 01/05/1992 2.95 10 Mary Contrary 01/05/1992 50.00 16 Abby Ross 01/05/1992 12.00 Total for 01/05/1992............................... 88.04 Total ....................................................... 88.04 Total for Accounts Receivable...................... 22.80 Total for Cash Sales................................ 2.95 Total for Sales Tax Collected....................... 0.29 Total for Deposits Received........................ 50.00 Total for Fees & Services.......................... 12.00 General Journal Entry The totals on the Cash Receipts Journal help you with the General Journal entry needed to record cash receipts. For example, the following general journal entry is made from the figures on the report sample below. Just make the journal entry in your accounting system. 7 Debit Credit Cash 88.04 Accounts Receivable 22.80 Accrued Sales Tax Payable .29 Deposits Payable 50.00 Cash Sales 2.95 Fees & Services 12.00 To record cash receipts for January 5, 1992 Sample Receipts Journal for 01/05/1992 to 01/05/1992 Acct # Account Name Date Amount 1 Sam Maple 01/05/1992 22.80 3 John Jones 01/05/1992 .29 3 John Jones 01/05/1992 2.95 10 Mary Contrary 01/05/1992 50.00 16 Abby Ross 01/05/1992 12.00 Total for 01/05/1992............................... 88.04 Total ....................................................... 88.04 Total for Accounts Receivable...................... 22.80 Total for Cash Sales................................ 2.95 Total for Sales Tax Collected....................... 0.29 Total for Deposits Received........................ 50.00 Total for Fees & Services.......................... 12.00 Reports (Alt-R) The Reports menu lists selections for reports that you can get from Receipts Journal. For more information, see the descriptions of each report. @ Cash Receipts Journal Cash Report Receipts Account Reports Receipts By Account This report lists the receipts entries in account number order and prints a total for the account. You can select a report for one account, a range of accounts, or all accounts. You also select the period of the fiscal year that you want the report to cover. N You can use this report to post receipts to your Accounts Receivable system. Print Accounts Beginning date 01/01/1992 Ending date 12/31/1992 Beginning acct 0 Ending account 999999 Report Options Printer [X] Include detail ( ) LPT1 [ ] Include address ( ) LPT2 ( ) LPT3 OK Cancel Enter the range of dates that this report should cover. Selecting the appropriate dates will generate a report for a day, a week, a month, a quarter, or any other interval. Enter the dates in month-day-year format. The following are acceptable ways to enter the date. + Acceptable formats for March 5, 1991 3-5-91 3/5/91 3.5.91 3-05-91 3/05/91 3-5-1991 3/5/1991 3.5.1991 3-05-1991 3/05/1991 03-05-1991 03/05/1991 03.05.1991 Then select the range of account numbers that this report should cover. If you want to print a report for a single account, enter that account number in both fields. o Then select to print detail or summaries, and whether you want the address line. Finally, select the printer. The Find function lets you search for receipt records using the account name as the key. You don't have to enter the full name. Partial names are Ok. For example, if you search for Jo you will find Joe, John, Johnson, Josephine, Jopa, and others. Find Receipt By Name Name to find OK Cancel You can save typing when searching for records by using the pick list. To call up the pick list, press the or select the button with a mouse. The pick list keeps the most recent names you entered. $ Press the key or use a mouse to select this button Find Receipt By Name Mary Matthew George To find the next record for the same name, select the Find function then use the pick list to select the same name. Receipts Journal will look for the next record satisfying that name. Help on Help Close Zoom Icon Icon Help Receipts Journal Welcome to Receipts Journal. This is a scrolling window. Press Page Down to view the next page or press Page Up to view the previous page. Press F5 to Zoom and make this help screen larger. Press ESC to put this help screen away. Press the tab key to move to another topic, then press enter for information on that topic. What Receipts Journal Software License Disclaimer How item Horizontal Grow Other Scroll Bar Icon Topics Vertical Scroll Bar You can adjust the window's position and size with the mouse icons or with function keys. For specific instructions on how to do this, see the Window help section. Additional topics you may select while in a help window are highlighted. To select a topic, press the Tab key until the topic you desire is reverse highlighted, then press the Enter key. \ You may back up to the previously selected help topic by pressing the Alt-F1 key sequence. INDEX Acknowledgements Add receipt Agreement Calculator, Calendar, Cash Cash Receipts Journal Cash Report Cashier's overs shorts Change receipt's information. Change directory. Colors, changing screen Create receipt file. Credit Cards Credit fees. Delete receipt. Deposits Directories, changing Disclaimer File Changing Directories Exit Receipts Journal Names receipt files New receipt file, starting Opening receipt Saving receipts Files, Find receipt General Journal entries Getting started Help Help. How that? How change directories. How create receipt file. How customer record. How journal entries receipts. How item. How register Receipts Journal. Journal Entries, General License Receipts Journal. Maximum number receipts. Mouse options Names, receipt New features version. New receipt file, starting Number receipts, maximum Open receipt file. Printer, Selecting Quiting Receipts Journal Receipts Account Receipt Adding Changing Deleting Finding Registering Receipts Journal Reports Cash Receipts Journal Cash Report Receipts Account Saving receipt file. Shareware, Software License Disclaimer Starting receipt file. Subdirectories, changing Trademarks Traveler's Checks What overs? What shorts? What What version. What Receipts Journal? Windows Changing window Closing window Moving window Selecting window Selecting previous window Zooming window