Annual Support Maintenance Plan Order Form ========================================== Please mail or fax this order form to: InterSys Micronics Limited Sterling House, North Clifton St Lytham St Annes, Lancashire FY8 5HW Tel: 0253 794928 Fax: 0253 794181 Please complete the following: Name: _______________________________________________________________ Company: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Town: ________________________ County: ______________________________ Post Code: _________________ Country: ______________________________ Daytime Telephone(s): _______________________________________________ Program Obtained From: ______________________________________________ Program Obtained Date: ______________________________________________ Program Version #: ____________________ Serial #: ___________________ Computer Type: ______________________________________________________ Today's Date: _______________________________________________________ [ ] Yes, I would like to subscribe to your Annual Support Maintenance Plan which entitles me to receive free phone support, updates and info on new products. I am enclosing: [ ] A cheque for œ50.00 + VAT payable to InterSys Micronics Ltd [ ] Charge to my Visa/Access Account: Card Number: ____________________ Expiration Date: _________ Name On Card: _______________________________________________ Signature of cardholder: ____________________________________ * NOTE: PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Software Upgrade Order Form =========================== >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> COMPANY NAME Please mail or fax this order form to: InterSys Micronics Ltd Sterling House, North Clifton St Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 5HW Tel: 0253 794928 Fax: 0253 794181 I am a PERFORMER Personal Edition user and would like to order the following: ____ Personal Edition User Manual .......... @ œ50.00* ea œ ________ ---- Upgrade to Professional Single Version ........................ @ œ295.00* ea œ ________ ---- Upgrade to Professional LAN 5 Users Version ................... @ œ695.00* ea œ ________ ---- Upgrade to Professional LAN 25 Users Version .................. @ œ1,295.00* ea œ ________ ---- Upgrade to Professional LAN Unlimited Users Version ........... @ œ1,895.00* ea œ ________ Subtotal ________ Carriage __10.00_ VAT ________ Total œ ________ * NOTE: PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Name: __________________________________ Phone : _______________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________ Town: _____________________ County: _____________ Post Code: ____________ Credit Card No.: _______________________ Card Holder: ___________________ Expiration Date: ____________________ Order No if applicable.: __________ Signature : _______________________________________ Date: _______________