$$$$$ LottoMATIC (tm) Version 1.00A& Copyright 1991 by Custom Technologies Member,&Association of Shareware Professionals&LottoMATIC is user-supported software. If you find LottoMATIC to be@useful, you can support updates and improvements by registering. InFreturn, you will receive a printed User's Guide, the latest version on(disk, and one year of technical support. To order, send $25 (includes shipping and handling).% Checks, MasterCard, & VISA accepted. To order by mail, send a check,!To order by phone, call TOLL FREE MO, or credit card number to: 1-800-541-6234 (Orders Only) Custom Technologies PO Box 10551 For information or support call Panama City, Florida 32404 (904) 871-5479 904-871-5479'Florida residents please add sales tax. Copying and distribution of>LottoMATIC (for no charge and in original form) is encouraged. ****** Press Any Key to ContinueU Suppress Shareware Screen Thank you for registering!"Enter the "code word" (included in;the thank you letter that came with LottoMATIC) to suppress the shareware "sign-on" screen: Code Word::Please protect our investment in LottoMATIC and don't tell6unregistered users how to suppress the sign-on screen!U KIMBERU 0 ; L [ Import Data Window>This function imports "winning numbers" from an ASCII file and.stores them in the "Winning Numbers" database. If you have>your lottery's history in a text file, you can use this option+instead of entering each drawing "by hand".5Enter the name of the ASCII file containing the data: Press to start importing data.U You must enter a File Name! Cannot Open File! Reading File... Reading File, Line # Invalid Drawing Date! Duplicate Drawing Date! Duplicate Number! Number out of Range! Import Aborted!U Report Heading Setup Window0Enter your company or personal information here. These lines may be5printed at the top of the first page of your reports. LineA|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| Saving Information Setup...U "Lucky Number" Window3Enter your "Lucky Number" here (between 1 and 999)..LottoMATIC uses this number while generating a2"random seed" used in all "Quick Pick" algorithms. Lucky Number: Press to save your Lucky Number.U Saving Lucky Number...U Quick Pick Algorithm Algorithm Select the "quick pick" algorithm you want the computer to use while gen- erating picks. :We suggest using "Most Picked Statistical", which attempts8to narrow the matching odds by compensating for inherent biases in the drawing machines. Press to save your selection.U Most Picked Statistical Least Picked Statistical Random (Gaussian Bell)U Saving Quick Pick Alorithm...U appeared times (or % of the time).U There are # drawings recorded in the database.*The six most frequently occurring numbers: +The six least frequently occurring numbers:)Here's a breakdown of the actual numbers:U Win Analysis - @ n w You had play(s) matching number(s). (Prizes = number(s).U You have played times. You've matched numbers, for an average of numbers matched per play. of these plays matched 0 or more numbers, making them "winning tickets". Your plays cost a total of ! dollars. Your winnings total to dollars. Win to play ratio: = $Dollars won to dollars played ratio: $ = $U Win Analysis & 0 > Winning Plays Report No Picks to Print!U Plays for No Picks to Print!U No Wins to Edit! Scanning... %High Rollers "Intelligent" Quick Pick@In this window, you can command LottoMATIC to generate up to 100 picks at a time.*All 100 will be stored in the "Your Picks" database..How many picks do you want to play (1 to 100)? GOOD LUCK!U pick numbers save numbers exitU 6PRESS to command LottoMATIC to Select Your Picks./PRESS to Save Your Picks in the Database!U The Database is Full!0You must first enter a number between 1 and 100! Generating Pick # U %Press to Generate Numbers First! Saving High Roller Plays... Saving Pick # U Drawing Date: " Enter Winning Numbers Date of Drawing: Press to save Winning Numbers in the Winning Numbers database.U save numbers exitU "Number is too high! Max Number is Duplicate Number!U The Database is Full! Saving Winning Numbers... Scanning for Wins...U Scanning for Matches...U Scanning for Matching Numbers... Comparing Play # Match(es) Found. No Plays for Congratulations! You WIN!'Go to the "Your Wins" database to enter your prizes! Press Any Key to Continue...U Scan for Winning Numbers Date of Drawing: Press PgUp to select$the drawing date that interests you. Then press to scan the "Your"Plays" database for possible wins.U start scan exitU No Wins have been Recorded! " Drawing Date$Your picks must be associated with a(particular date (the date of the drawing you want to play). Enter Drawing Date: Press to continue after selecting the date, or to return to the menu.U continue exitU No Draws to Edit! No More Draws to Edit!U No Picks to Edit! No More Picks to Edit!U Manual Numbers Pick$How many Panels do you want to play? Press to store your picks in the "Your Play" database. Panel A Once you store your Panel B picks, LottoMATIC will clear the panels for your Panel C next set of choices. Panel D GOOD LUCK! Panel E save numbers exitU %Your Pick is too high! Max Number is Duplicate Number!U The Database is Full! Saving Manual Plays...U Drawing Date: " "Intelligent" Quick Pick$How many Panels do you want to play? Press to pick your numbers. Panel A to store your picks in the "Your Play" Panel B database. Panel C Once you store your picks, LottoMATIC will Panel D clear the panels for your next set of choices. Panel E GOOD LUCK!U pick numbers save numbers exitU The Database is Full! Saving Quick Pick Plays...U Drawing Date: " ConfiguringU Out of Range --> Invalid Assignment --> U Invalid Assignment --> U FALSE Invalid Assignment --> U SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Invalid Assignment --> U CONFIG. Cannot Open File --> Error = Press any key...U Order Form Shipping Information All orders are shipped Priority Your Name: Mail (except Company: overseas). Address: Make checks and money orders to: Phone Number: Custom Technologies Are you a Florida Resident? PO Box 10551 Panama City, FL .Credit Card Information (MasterCard/VISA only) 32404-1551 Card Number: Exp Date: THANK YOU! PRESS TO PRINT ORDER FORM, TO ABORT In Support of Shareware...@LottoMATIC is distributed by Custom Technologies as "shareware".AThis means that users are free to copy and share the program with'others (for the purpose of evaluation). We want to make sure that;LottoMATIC meets your needs before you actually pay for it.CIf you use LottoMATIC beyond a reasonable evaluation period, please register your copy.,In return, we'll send you the latest copy of@the program on disk (along with some special offers). We'll alsoAprovide you with one year of technical support (by phone, fax, or CompuServe).GOnly through the support of satisfied users can we (and other shareware companies) survive./Your support does count and is important to us! Register today! PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUEU Ordering Information!LottoMATIC costs $25 (post paid). Florida residents add state sales tax. No CODs, please.#Payment is by credit card (MC/VISA)0or US funds drawn on a US or Canadian bank only.,You may register by mail, telephone, or fax. Telephone and fax%orders require credit card (MC/VISA).BTo order by Mail, send a check, money order, or MC/VISA number to: Custom Technologies PO Box 10551 Panama City, Florida 32404-1551 To order by phone, call To order by fax, call 1-800-541-6234 (US/Canada) 904-871-5479 (Worldwide) (9600 bps, group 3) PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUEU "If Your Thinking About Ordering...BIf you are having trouble getting LottoMATIC to run properly, call our technical support line at 904-871-5479BDon't call our 800 line as the operators there don't know anything%about the program and can't help you.>Technical support is ordinarily reserved for registered users. WeCwill help unregistered users get started, however, and we will also+answer general questions about the program. If you want or need moreBdetailed information, you can register with the support technician#as well as through our order lines. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUEU print formU Printing Order Form > U Printer is not Ready! B================================================================== LottoMATIC Order Form YES! Please send LottoMATIC to: Payment:> LottoMATIC ...........................................$25.008 Shipping .......................................8 FL Sales Tax .......................................> ------8 TOTAL DUE ......................................> ======A [ ] Check/Money Order Enclosed (Payable to Custom Technologies) [ ] MasterCard/VISA Card # Exp ; To place your order, mail this form with payment to:* Custom Technologies& PO Box 105511 Panama City, Florida 32404-1551/ or call (MC/VISA only):7 1-800-541-6234 (US and Canada, ORDERS ONLY)3 904-871-5479 (WorldWide, ORDERS ONLY)1 904-871-5479 (For more Information)5 Or FAX this form (MC/VISA/COD only) to:- 904-871-5479 (WorldWide)* (9600 bps, Group 3)@All orders are shipped PRIORITY MAIL (except overseas). Payment?must be made in US FUNDS drawn on a US or Canadian bank (or you=may use a credit card). We also accept US denominated postal#money orders and traveler's checks.U . S i !)!7!N!\!s! "#"9"O"e"|" # #6#M#[#e#s# $#$9$O$e${$ %+%A%W%m% &$&)&.&_&h&t&y& %**** SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! ****)We want to launch LottoMATIC with a bang! If you register your to Select window. To select Colors: Toggles Foreground Toggles Midground Toggles Background Toggles ReverseU foregnd midgnd backgnd reverse exitU Sample Window This is FOREGROUND This is MIDGROUND This is REVERSEU Saving Color Setup...U Save New Color Setup? U Screen-Save Setup Use Screen-Save Feature?: Time Delay (1-99 minutes): Message:U Saving Screen Save Setup...U