ISOFT PROGRAM LIST MADE: 9 November 1993 ISOFT Kristinn Tomasson Scharlingsvej 16, 4tv 2500 Valby Denmark 2:231/339.30@FidoNet Thankyou for aquiring an ISoft program, we hope you find it of use! ISoft is a small software producing company. It started in 1993 making mainly BBS related programs, but later expanded into other areas. Following is a list of programs which is what ISoft have out as of 9. November 93 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄIBBS SERIES OF PROGRAMSÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Program Status Version No. Date Comment Name INEWS (SW) 3.26á 12.10.93 Ibbs News generator, creates an ANSI/ ASCII file from a plain vanilla text file. It features a built in editor, which again has a preview function so you can change colors of your text and make a preview, so you can see what it will look like. It has built in help, so you get a list of the color codes and additional functions. ICOMP (FW) 1.01 29.09.93 Filelist compare, it compares two filelists, and places the list of differences in an output file. VFILE (SW) 1.00 12.05.93 View file generator, creates an ANSI file from a TXT file. It is about to be included in INEWS. After which it becomes FW. FDSTAT (SW) 1.00 --.--.93 This program Analyzes the FrontDoor Log file, and generates a Statistics file, with a list of the files that have been FileRequested, and the number of times it has been requested. VIEW (SW) 1.00 --.--.93 This is a BBS Door (with full Carrier detect). Which can display a file (ANSI/ASCII) and allows the user online to scroll up or down using the PageUp / PageDown, Home / End buttons. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄOTHER PRODUCTS FROM ISOFTÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Program Status Version No. Date Comment Name STOCKS (SW) 1.00 --.--.93 Stock Watch. A utility for the amateur investor, to monitor a portfolio of stocks over a period of time. It fetures graphics, and allows export of data to a spread- sheet, aswell as some Danish TAX calculations. will be released ultimo '93