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  @[filename]   Specify LIST file

  This option specifies a plain ASCII text file to be used as the list of
  files to be archived.  PKZIP will read in this file listing and generate
  the complete list of files that must be processed.  A list file may
  contain wild card specifications (?,*) as well as exact file names:

    files.bbs                           *.txt
    *.*                                 text\news.asc
    d:\text\*.ans                       c:/dos/edit.com

  All of the above would be valid entries in a list file.  Notice that both
  forward and backward slashes may be used and mixed.

  The size of a list file that may be processed is limited.  The total size
  of the list file depends upon two factors.

  The first is path storage.  If paths are specified in the list file and
  are NOT stored with the -P option, the list file size is limited to
  approximately 7000 bytes.

  If paths are specified and are stored, the list file size is limited to
  9700 bytes.

  If a list file has drive letters specified as part of the file names
  within the file, the maximum list file size is reduced.  When paths are
  not stored the maximum size is 5100 bytes, when they are stored 6600

     | List File Size Limits      |  No Path Storage | Path Storage (-P) |
     | Drive Letters in List File |    5100 bytes*   |       6600        |
     | No Drive Letter            |       7000       |       9700        |
     *These numbers are approximate and may vary depending on your

  If the list file is too big, you will receive an "Insufficient Memory"
  error.  If you have a list file which is too big, you may split it into
  two or more smaller list files and perform multiple PKZIP operations.

See Also: Using List Files
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson