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  -z   Create or modify a .ZIP file comment

  Each .ZIP file may have a comment embedded into it.  This comment will be
  displayed when the file is extracted, viewed or modified.  A comment may
  be added to an existing file, or added when a .ZIP file is first created.
  PKZIP will prompt you for the .ZIP file comment, and allow you to enter up
  to 127 characters.

  It is possible to embed larger comments (up to 4096 characters) by using
  the following procedure:

     1) Create the .ZIP file.

     2) Create the comment file (comment.txt).

  This can be done with any editor that is able to output a standard DOS
  text file.  It must be plain ASCII or ANSI text (if it is ANSI text you
  must also use the -q option).  Although the filename comment.txt is used
  here, any filename may be used.

     3) Issue the command:

     pkzip zipfile.zip -z < comment.txt

  This makes use of the MS-DOS redirection ability, redirecting the contents
  of the file COMMENT.TXT as the input for the comment of ZIPFILE.ZIP.

      3a) To add a comment to multiple .ZIP files (within the current
          directory) issue the command:

      for %f in (*.ZIP) do pkzip %f -z < comment.txt

  Note that the text of a comment is not compressed.  If you have a large
  message you wish to attach to the .ZIP file it is better to have a short
  summary and put any longer message in the .ZIP file itself.  Technically,
  a .ZIP file comment may be as large as 64k, but PKUNZIP will not display a
  .ZIP file comment this large.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson